11 | Shaadi Vibes

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Four hundred plus comments on the last chapter. You guys are the best! ❤️❤️❤️

Thank you! 



"Sophie? My ex Sophie?" I asked my cousin brother Mikael.

"Why are you surprised? She's beautiful, both externally and internally. She's strong, confident, intelligent. Why not?" He shrugged as if he didn't see the problem.

"Okay, so what? Our family goes over to hers and says, "Hey, listen. Things didn't work out with one guy from our family. Can we offer you another one?" I furrowed my eyebrows together. "How long have you liked her?" 

"Well, I always knew that she was a brilliant girl, but I respected her as my Bhabi-to-be. And now, I'm respecting you, and speaking to you before I speak to her or her family." 

I sighed. "Look, you are an adult and so is she. It's between you two. I won't be an obstacle, don't worry."

"I know it might seem a bit awkward. I don't even know if my parents will agree, but..." He looked away.

"Look, Mikey Bro, if you're serious, go for it. But only if you are a hundred percent certain. I've put her through enough." 

He shook his head. "This is not a good idea. It'll be too awkward for you and Hoor Bhabi. I shouldn't have thought about it." 

"Look, forget that, okay? As I said, if you are serious, go for it. You're like my big brother, and I wish the best for both you and Sophie. You both are wonderful people and I will be thrilled if you two find happiness together." I said, genuinely.

He smiled, his dimples exposed. "I'll speak to my parents about it."

If it makes him and Sophie happy, why not? Both of them deserve happiness.



"Haya, let me know if there's anything that you need." Papa ran a hand over my head after he helped me sit down on the sofa at my paternal grandparents' house.

"Why? I'm here aren't I?" Dado lightly chastised him. "I know that she's your daughter, Rehan, but we're no strangers either."

I grinned. "Yeah, Papa. Don't you trust your own parents?" 

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