60 | Reality

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© All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad



Before we even realised, it was home time. We drove to the airport in the rental car and flew back home. Back to the congested, polluted and noisy city life. 

We'd barely entered our home, when Aariz had been called to work for an emergency for a patient that he had treated before. 

"I'm going to freshen up and go and see Mama." I told Aariz.

"Okay, give her my regards and tell her that I will see her as soon as possible, In Sha Allah." 

"I will." 

"Take my car. You have to drive further. I'll take an Uber today."

"Thank you." I smiled up at him. "I've been thinking about getting a car in instalments, a second hand car. Ro knows some people who have a dealership for second hand cars. I'm going to start apply for galleries. I need to step on the first rung of my career ladder."

"Honeymoon over, back to reality?" 

"Exactly." I shrugged. 

"Give my regards to both your parents. Take care. I'll see you later." He kissed the side of my head. "Allah Hafiz."

"Allah Hafiz."


"I'm here for book signing from my favourite authors!" I announced, entering Mama's room with a wide smile on my face. "Assalam Alaikum." 

"Walaikum Assalam!" Both my parents greeted me, looking equally delighted and surprised.

"Haya!" Mama whispered as I leaned down to hug her. "I'm so happy to see you! I missed you so much...even though I'm so glad that you two got a chance to get away."

"How are you doing?" I kissed her cheek before straightening up to hug my father. "Papa, I hope you did what I told you to do?" 

"He did. He took a break...for one day." Mama smiled fondly at him. 

"Well...it's more than I expected him to do so without being emotionally blackmailed by us." I reached into the paper bag that I was holding. "Here. I got this for you." I gave him a brown faux leather journal, designed to look old-fashioned, which I had purchased from a souvenir shop in Inverness. "I immediately thought of you when I saw this."

"Thank you, Haya. You didn't have to, but this is perfect." He kissed the side of my head.

I then turned to my mother and handed her an anthology of historical stories based in Scotland. She loved history and writing, and I knew that she would enjoy this.

"Thank you, Haya. I am going to start reading it immediately." She studied me careful. "I hope you had a great trip."

"We went hiking, rode a boat in a loch, and we even discovered that the resort had cricket kits, so we got to play some yesterday. It was so perfect." I smiled. "Almost every morning we jogged around the loch, and it was amazing."

"Aww, my athletic child."

"I had a great time." I took her hand in mine. 

"I'm glad. You didn't deserve to face this stress immediately after your wedding. Literally the day after your Valima." 

"You are okay, and that's all that matters at the end of the day." I kissed her hand. "You go home and refresh. I'll be here. If I'm concerned about Mama's health, you are also my parent."

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