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"Try this." Farhaan slid forward the silver platter that contained the gol gappay.

"I've had gol gappay before, you know." I picked one up delicately, recalling the last time Haya had picked it up and smashed it between her fingers accidentally, causing the savoury liquid inside to leak out and run down her wrist, while the chick peas had spilled out onto the table.

"These ones are far superior to any that I've ever tried." 

I looked outside at the passing traffic in the streets of Lahore, before putting the savoury snack into my mouth. Closing my eyes, I enjoyed the eruption of taste inside my mouth, amidst the crunchiness of the gol gappa. "Wow. Epic."

Farhaan was flying back home tomorrow with Aunty, after having his wedding attire sorted out. A part of me wanted to go back home with him, but then I thought about my mother, who was struggling enough even with me and Nano around.

My eyes widened as I saw him take a photo of me with my cheeks all ballooned up due to the gol gappay. I shook my head at him, but he just smirked. Chewing and swallowing my snack, I glared at him. "Why did you do that?"

He showed me the photo. "My chipmunk." 

I burst out laughing as I saw myself. "Ok, I have to admit. That's hilarious."

He smiled. "So, how are you feeling? New changes in your life, with your marriage and career, Ma Sha Allah!" 

"No offence, but I'm less nervous about marriage. I know you, and I know that we'll work well together, in good times and bad, In Sha Allah. But I'm starting to worry if I'll be able to stand up there in front of all those people of our generation and talk. Imagine if I trip up or something and become a meme?" 

He laughed loudly, almost as if instinctively. "Oh, Hoor. You're adorable. You'll be fine, In Sha Allah. You are strong, you are confident, and this is something that you've wanted for a long time." He placed his left hand over mine. "You chose this career knowing all this beforehand, so have faith in yourself."

Once we were done with the gol gappay, we paid and were about to head out when I decided that I wanted an ice cream cone. He placed a hand over the small of my back and led me out to the street towards a vendor selling ice cream on a small stall.

I chose the cone with the chocolate sauce and grabbed it almost excitedly, like a child.

Farhaan slid out a note smoothly from his wallet and handed it to the ice cream vendor.

"I can pay, it's fine." I fumbled for my bag with one hand. In the process, I managed to cause a collision between the tip of my ice cream cone and my nose. 

Farhaan looked at me with an adoring smile and then reached out with a thumb to wipe the ice cream from the tip of my nose. "Don't worry about it. You can buy me ice cream the next time, okay?" 

"Deal." I busied myself in eating my ice cream because it was already starting to melt in the heat. It was evening and although it was cooler, it still felt like I was sitting in an oven. My kameez was sticking to my back, and the ice cream provided a much needed relief. "We have to come back to Pakistan in a better weather." I looked up at him. "I want to go to the northern areas. I adore mountains and lakes!" 

"We'll plan a trip, In Sha Allah." He stared at the passing traffic. "You know, once Aizah said that she'd get married in Swat, a destination wedding."

I looked up at him, studying his expressions. Like other desi families, I know that his family was concerned for Aizah Appi's future. But unlike many desi families, they didn't put pressure on her. They didn't make her feel bad about it. Anaya Aunty said that they were trying from their side, but they were going to leave the rest to Allah. Nobody knows what the right timings are for everything better than Allah. "Aizah Appi is a wonderful person. I hope that she finds her true happiness, and that it's the best thing for her. Ameen."

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