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Certain things that I'd like to mention:

1) Not everyone's story is a love story.

2) Not everyone is who they seem to be.

3) As much as I try to change the plots as per the wishes of the readers, I can't always do that. 

4) Last, but not the least, thank you for reading and commenting! 



How is it that sometimes you find yourself in a situation where you feel it's over and that you were completely and utterly screwed, but then something happens to yank you out of that situation just in the nick of time?

Just when I was scared that the homeless man was going to die, the doctor told us that he was okay, but he would have headaches for a few days.

The police had looked at me suspiciously when I'd narrated what happened, but they'd admitted that I'd done the right thing by staying behind while my friends had run off. 

"What were you doing in that part of the city?" Papa asked me as he drove me home.

I glanced out of the window, not sure how to answer the question without having my a** metaphorically kicked.

"You reek of cigarette smoke. You think I don't know what was going on?" He snapped.

"I smoked but I didn't abuse the man." I insisted.

"And smoking is okay?" He wasn't happy at all. 

I pursed my lips together, not replying.

"We've warned you so many times that the company we keep can lead to either our success or our destruction, but you didn't listen." He shook his head. "You're a typical spoilt brat, Rohaan, and that is unacceptable." He paused briefly before speaking. "It's late. Go to sleep when we get home and we'll talk in the morning. But make sure you wake up for Fajr." 

"I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time, Papa." 

"Rohaan, you're not in nursery. You don't need me or your mother to tell you who is the right company and who isn't. You should have enough common sense to realise it yourself. Why were you at the 'wrong place'? Nobody forced you. You went there willingly." 

"All my friends were going. I wanted to go too."

"You're still calling them friends? They didn't think twice before leaving you behind, did they?" He sighed. "I don't know how else to explain this to you, Rohaan. I don't think you want to learn. You just want to do whatever makes you happy, regardless of the consequences."

It wasn't true. I didn't want to cross the line that divided 'right' and 'wrong'. I wanted to remain on the right side; I wanted to do the right thing. But the peer pressure that I felt was too much to handle sometimes. I always ended up giving in. 

"You will no longer have access to a car. You want one? Earn it and buy it." Papa spoke firmly. 

I knew that was going to happen, but I didn't protest or complain. The incident today had shaken me to the core. If anything had happened to that man today, I had no idea what I would have done. Guilt would have eaten me alive, even though I wasn't directly responsible.

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