56 | Strength in Family

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I had just showered at home, ready to head back to the hospital. Stepping out of the bathroom in jeans and a hoodie, I paused in my tracks. 

Aariz was standing with his shirt unbuttoned, spraying cologne as he got ready for work. Despite the situation, my face warmed up. He turned to look at me. "I'm so sorry that I have to go to work even today, Haya."

"It's okay. You were there all night with us." I walked up to him, placing my hand on his back. "In fact, you really should say you can't come, and get some sleep."

"I'll be fine." He gave me a soft smile as he started to button up his shirt.

I smiled back weakly. "You can't do your buttons right. How are you going to work?" I turned him around and lightly moved his hands away before fixing the buttons that he had done up incorrectly.

"You distracted me. This is all your fault." 

I continued buttoning up his shirt, my fingers lightly grazing his stomach.

"Are you going to your parents' house today?" He asked.

I froze briefly before shaking my head.

"Why not?" 

"Papa and my brothers are mainly going to be there at the hospital anyway." I replied. "I'm going to be there with them."

"Can I give you an advice?" He placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Of course."

"Try and convincing your father to go home and rest. Go along with him."

"But Mama..."

"Take turns. But your father needs to rest, Haya. He already must be exhausted from the wedding, and now the constant stress while staying at the hospital. It's too much."

My eyes filled up. "I'm selfish, Aariz. But I can't bear the thought of going to that house without Mama."

"When our parents do so much for us, we could strengthen ourselves up for their sake, right? At this time, Rehan Uncle needs rest. I wanted to suggest that to him when I saw him earlier, but I wasn't sure if I had a right to yet, as a new damaad."

"He won't get offended if you tell him that. He's not like that." I placed my hands on his biceps. "But, I guess you're right. I need to get him out of there. Ro and Arsal will help, I'm sure."

He leaned down and first kissed my forehead, before gently pecking my lips. This was when I realised that we hadn't even shared a proper kiss since we got married. "Haya, I know it's difficult, but I'm with you, okay? Anytime you need to talk, talk to me." 

My eyes filled with tears as I looked up at him. "I'm broken, Aariz. But I'm trying to keep a strong façade for my family. Mama is the life of our family. I cannot even imagine..." 

"May Allah give her a quick recovery, good health and a long life. Ameen." 

"Ameen." I snuggled up against him and he wrapped his arms around me. "Thank you for everything, Aariz."

"We don't thank family for doing what is naturally their duty, so why am I being thanked?" 

"Fair point. So, I snatch the 'thank you' back from you, and you'll never receive it from me again." 

"That's my girl. Now, shall I drop you off at the hospital?" He tucked in his shirt and adjusted his collar.

His girl. I liked it...a lot. "Sure." 

IrrevocablyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora