48 | Brother

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We were sitting in the living room, surrounded by Arsalan's presents, the morning after his birthday.

"I'm twenty, not six. I don't need all these presents." Arsal muttered.

"Arsalan, I swear, you always have the most unique complaints." I shook my head. "Ro, for example, would think that these are not enough."

"Guilty." Rohaan admitted.

My phone buzzed and I glanced at it.

<Aariz: I'm here.>

<Haya: Give me five minutes. I'll be right there.>

I tried to keep the smile off my face, but siblings are siblings. They don't miss anything.

"Tell Aariz Bhai that you're with family right now." Ro spoke up.

"Technically, he's her family now too." Arsal pointed out.

"Oh, shush you and your logic." Ro tossed a cushion at our younger brother. 

I stood by. "Goodbye, brothers." I headed out of the living room and rushed up the stairs. 

I wore an emerald green long dress, belted around the waist, along with black leggings and black knee-high boots. Grabbing my black purse- well, technically Hoor's pre-marriage purse that I 'borrowed' from her room- I headed out. "Parents, I'm out. Allah Hafiz." I called out as I ran back down the stairs. "Arsu, lock the front door!" I called out, stepping out onto the threshold. I made my way down the front path to where Aariz's car was parked. But before I could get in, he got out. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Assalam Alaikum." He greeted me with a smile.

"Walaikum Assalam." 

"I should go and greet your parents before we go. It doesn't look good for us to just drive off."

My heart warmed. This was one of the things that mattered to me the most in a spouse: that he respected my parents and family. I didn't care about shallow or materialistic things, but respect meant a lot to me, whether it was directed towards me or my family. And of course, I will respect him and his family as well. Marriage is a two-way street.

We walked towards the house, and I rang the doorbell. I had a key, but I loved to make my siblings get up to do some work for a change.

And Rohaan scowled when he saw me. "Where's your key, Behaya?" His expressions changed when he saw Aariz behind me. "Assalam Alaikum, Aariz Bhai." 

"Walaikum Assalam." The two shook hands, and Ro stepped aside to let us in.

"Arsu, do me a favourite and call the parents." I said, entering the living room.

"Assalam Alaikum, Aariz Bhai." Arsalan shook his hand.

"Walaikum Assalam."

Arsal then excused himself and walked out.

"How have you been, Rohaan?" Aariz asked him.

"Me? Perfection as usual, Alhumdulillah." Rohaan joked, making me roll my eyes. "Don't be jealous, Haya. Blood should be proud of blood, not envious."

Aariz laughed, good-naturedly. "It must be nice having siblings." 

"It must be nice having that very incorrect misconception." I smiled at him.

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