25 | Secret Unleashed

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Check out my new horror story, Where Jinn Reside.



I was going ziplining. The instructors were firmly attaching the harnesses, and making sure everything was safe and secure.

I felt nervous. I'd never done this before. Once on a school trip, I had refused to do it, while Haya had gone ahead. But I wasn't going to lose out today. The zip line flew over the forest and lakes, providing exceptional views, and I couldn't miss that!

"Ready?" Farhaan asked me from behind me.

No. "As ready as I'll ever be." I replied, my voice shaking.

We listened carefully to the safety briefing. I hardly blinked as I was so focused on the words. This was important. I couldn't miss a word.

"Okay, take a deep breath." The instructor told me.

I took several deep breaths to calm myself down. 

"Okay, ready, set....GO!" 

And then I was zipping down the line, the air blowing into my face so much that I could barely keep my eyes open initially. I screamed with terror as I felt air beneath my feet, rather than anything solid. Why did I decide to do this?

But then I opened my eyes and saw the gorgeous lake and the surrounding emerald green forest, and I was too mesmerised by the scenery to be scared. I felt like I was in a fantasy film, flying above it all; like Tinker Bell had sprayed pixie dust on me.

You know the feeling in your stomach when you go down a steep bridge in a car really fast, or when a plane is descending? Well I got that feeling on a magnified scale, but it was so much fun!

Unfortunately, it was over before I knew it, and soon I was being helped out of the harnesses.

"That was so much fun!" I grinned at Farhaan when he arrived down beside me.

"Yeah, the views were really something." He agreed.

"I'm glad I didn't skip it like I did in school." I shook my head at my own cowardice.

"Sometimes it's necessary to push through our fears in order to get an experience of a lifetime." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and led me down the uneven steps that led towards the buggy carts that were going to drive us to the car parking, near to where we started.

"Where to next?" I asked.

"We're going to have lunch by the river." He simply replied.


When he said 'by the river', he actually meant literally in the river. The tables were set up in the shallow river water and the diners literally had their feet dipped in the water as they ate. The sound of the gentle rush of water provided a soothing atmosphere, and we seemed so far away from the hustle and bustle of daily life that I almost wished to freeze time here.

We had delicious vegan wraps with fries an fresh juice. The food was delicious and the drinks were refreshing. The water was cold and my feet were freezing at a point, but it felt so good that I didn't bother moving.

"This feels wonderful." I said. It wasn't just wonderful; it was me living out a beautiful dream.

"It is." He placed his left hand over mine, giving me one of his heart-stopping smiles that instantly tended to melt me.

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