36 | The Twins & The Guys

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Farhaan's expectant gaze on me was enough to send waves of guilt through me. He wanted to know if I trusted him regarding this matter.

"I do." I said sincerely. "I trust you."

"Would you be okay if I don't give you an explanation?" He helped me up off the ground but kept his hands on my shoulders as he stared down at me.

I had to admit, if I said 'yes', it would continue bothering me like an itch that wouldn't go away. But if I say 'no', did it show my lack of trust in him?

A corner of his mouth lifted up un a smile as his gaze remained on my face. "Don't worry. I will give you an explanation. Yes, Sophie has spent a lot of nights here at the B&B. She had a huge hand in helping me set up this place, and she has been my official financial advisor. Because we were a couple, I know that the staff assumed things about us, but none of them are true." He paused. "As for her and me being in room ten for the night, well... we weren't alone."

My eyes widened. I don't even know in which direction my mind had gone.

He laughed. "Hooriya, you're not as innocent as you look." Chuckling, he shook his head and continued. "The B&B was not operating yet, so staff didn't stay the night. I stayed to do my admin work, and Sophie was there regularly as well, also for work. But that night, the only night we spent in one room together was the night we put up the finishing touches on room ten. Mama and Aizah were also there. Those two are the main unofficial interior designers. We were all planning things. Aizah and my mother suggested how to further decorate the rooms, and Sophie kept telling them whether it was financially practical or not."


He took his phone from the desk and handed it to me. "You can call Mama or Aizah and confirm this with them."

I stared at his phone, knowing exactly what it meant if I took it. It was a test of how much I trusted him. I looked back up at him. "I don't trust them more than you, Mr Farhaan Faiz." I paused. "I was a little shaken to hear things like that about you because it's not in our culture or religion to do so. But I never thought for a second that you could commit Zina."

"That night..."

"I don't need to know, Farhaan. It's fine."

"Just hear me our, Hoor." He took my hand and led me to a chair, helping me sit down. "I don't know what Julia witnessed or what she heard, but it was a strange night, yet it was completely innocent..."




"Only room ten left now." I told the team that was helping me with my Bed & Breakfast: Mama, Aizah, and Sophie. "I want that to be the equivalent of a Presidential Suite, the best room of the place."

"Yes, but don't overdo it." Sophie reminded me. "You have a budget."

Aizah scoffed. "He's a Scrooge. He won't overspend."

"I'm gonna have to unfortunately agree with my sister there." I told my fiancée.

"Sisters have a tendency of being right." Sophie grinned before she and Aizah high-fived.

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