50 | Wedding Season

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I think you guys have had enough drama. Time for some Shaadi festivities!



"Wow. That's really something." With my airpods in, I stood in front of the full length mirror at the boutique, having the sherwani fitting done. "Three days I was out of the city, and you experienced a lot." 

"Drama surrounds us." Haya's voice came from the other end of the phone, accompanied with a light sigh. "At least Hoor's okay. That's all that matters."

"So, let me get this straight. This guy created all these issues because your father refused to have his manuscript published?" I took the sherwani off, shaking my head at the sales associate.  

"Yeah, but the thing is that if Papa had even published it, he could have gotten in trouble for it. It  was full of Islamophobic and xenophobic comments. Like, why would you even bring your manuscript to a publishing house that's run by a Muslim man when you're clearly an intolerant pig?"

"You never know how people would take rejection these days." I looked at the sales associate who was looking confused. "Haya, I'll call you back. If I don't focus now, the sherwani is going to look weird at the wedding."

"And we don't want that, right?" Her tone was teasing.

"I mean, it's the first day of many that one must impress his wife." I grinned.

"Technically, that was the Nikah." She pointed out.

"Was the wife impressed?"

"The decision is still pending with the third umpire." 

I laughed. "Talk to you later, In Sha Allah. Allah Hafiz."

"Allah Hafiz."

As the call ended, I raised both eyebrows at the sales associate. 

"Is it too tight?" He asked me.

"Too loose. It was basically hanging off me, man! How did you miss that?"

He looked embarrassed. "Sorry, Sir. Would you mind putting it back on? I'll get the tailor to have a look at what alterations need to be made."

I pulled the sherwani back on and buttoned it up.

"I see what you mean." The sales associate nodded and headed inside.

The tailor came out of his office, and as he took the measurement, he started to discuss the various aches and pains suffered by the various members of his family. As nice as this almost-elderly gentleman was, I really didn't want to discuss work on my sherwani fitting. I groaned internally.



"Detective. She's a detective?" I asked my elder brother in disbelief. "Whoa."

"Faizan, don't get all creepy, okay? Stay within your limits, and don't do anything that could come under the umbrella term of 'stalking'." Farhaan Bhai told me, wearily.

"I think it's so cool, though. Right?" I almost ignored him as I continued pacing the room.

"He's a lost cause." Aizah Appi smiled.

"This is so unbelievable. I never thought I'd meet her again." I sat down, shaking my head in awe.

"You haven't met her again yet. And Hooriya Bhabi's case is over, so you probably won't meet her." My sister pointed out.

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