62 | Affection

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© All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad


Someone pointed out correctly that physiotherapists are technically not doctors, which is true, however they can qualify as doctors of physiotherapy. Still, to avoid further confusion, I will be amending Aariz's profession to an orthopaedist, in-training to be an orthopaedic surgeon. I have already amended this in the story.



I suppose that there were worse things in the world than getting caught kissing your husband in a lift by your grandmother. It was just that I couldn't think of any of those things at this point in time. Not even one single thing.

Aariz scratched the back of his ear as we stepped out of the lift. "I'm gonna go and do some work.  Allah Hafiz, Nina Dado. I'll see you later, Haya." He rushed off.

Dado looked amused. "Why am I even surprised? You are Rehan and Anabia's daughter."

Now I was mortified. "Dado! That's not an information that I needed to know!"

"At least your situation was still relatively innocent." My grandmother just chuckled.

My face was burning. "Dado, please stop..." I buried my face in my hands.

"Just be grateful that it was just me, bachay." She ran a hand over my head. "Rehan could have been with me. I have been in that situation, and it's not fun."

"Right, I don't want to know the details. Thanks." I leaned my forehead against her shoulder.

"I'm glad you're happy though." She kissed the top of my head. "Alhumdulillah." 

"Aariz is very good to me, Alhumdulillah."

She smiled. "As annoyed as I am at Rebecca, I always had good vibes from Aariz. My instincts have always told me that he's the right choice for you."



I was feeling a little restless. Since suddenly leaving yesterday, Rehan hadn't been back. I was wondering if all was okay with my kids. The only reason why my husband would be away this long would be if there was an issue with our kids. Otherwise, I'd practically begged him to stay home, and he had kept refusing.

I grabbed my phone and dialled Arsal's number. I felt a little guilty using his attachment towards me as a way to get him to tell me the truth, but I knew that he was the only one who would. If there were issues, Rehan was not going to tell me until they were resolved.

"Mama! Assalam Alaikum!" My youngest child sounded happy to hear from me.

"Walaikum Assalam, Arsu. How are you and Rohaan? Everything okay at home?" 

There was a brief pause, which confirmed my doubts. "Yes, Mama. All is well." 

"Has your Papa left yet?" 

"Papa? Umm...uh...I don't know."

I sighed, closing my eyes. "Arsal, what's wrong? Please tell me the truth or I'll worry myself sick."

"Nothing, Mama. Nothing's wrong!" He sounded like he was panicking.

"Promise me." 

There was silence once again.

"Arsalan, please tell me. I'm feeling very restless. Is everyone okay?"

"Mama...it's Hoor Appi." 

My heart almost stopped. "Hoor? What's wrong?"

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