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I miss their story

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I miss their story.



"Hoor, what do you think of..." I stepped out of the bathroom and stopped in my tracks.

She was sitting on the bed, her face pale and a tear running down her cheek, her gaze frozen on her phone.

"What's wrong? Everything okay?" I strode over, concerned.

She looked up at me slowly, and in her tear-filled eyes I saw an amount of hurt that pierced my  own heart.

"Hoor." I crouched down in front of her. "What's going on?" 

She held up her phone, showing me the screen. I studied the screen, my eyebrows furrowing together as I realised what  it was. My jaw clenched.

"What is this?" She whispered as another tear slipped out of her eye and rolled down her cheek.

I stood up and turned away from her, running a hand through my hair.




"Is this the right thing to do?" Sophie asked me, worriedly.

"Nikah eliminates the threat of Zina." I shrugged. "We're both attracted to each other, and the next obvious step is Nikah."

"My parents feel that I'm too young for marriage. They'll never agree!" 

I thought about my parents. Papa would be disappointed, and Mama would be hurt. She had made so many plans for my wedding, and for us to do this without their knowledge felt almost like a betrayal.

Summer was fast approaching, and we were walking around the grounds of our university campus. The anxiety of impending exams and the excitement of the approaching summer holidays could almost be felt tangibly. While some students studied on blankets on the well-maintained grass, others seemed to be discussing destinations to explore during the break that all students await the whole academic year.

"But I suppose you're right. We'll be preventing Zina, a sin, by doing this. They'll understand." She nodded her head, speaking almost to herself.

We smiled at each other. While the others were planning their holidays, we were planning to take one of the biggest steps of our lives. And this decision of ours involved both anxiety and excitement, as well as nervous anticipation of how life would be post-Nikah.

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