Little doll you're unbelievable!

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The car raced up from medium to high to its fullest speed but the girl's mind was all on that wound. Without her knowing the car was already out the huge mansion of his. "Do you want me to carry you in?",the man spoke lazily. Turning her head from left to right she whispered,"No". His lips let out a chuckle, "Scardey cat!". Jumping off his lap she looked at him,did that wound even affected him? How come a person be so calm when he's shoot? Yeah he's a villian but he was the one who saved her. Even though he didn't meant that but still she would be grateful to him. For a instance a thought rang up in her mind. Can he be called a villian? Do villians ever sacrifice themselves? Maybe today's incident would change her opinions about him. It can be a trick too! all she could do was step in his and ask all her questions out! Coming across his room which actually was the biggest in the whole mansion, her hands moving to the door knob, slightly giving it a twist,it opened. She could feel her breaths getting uneven.  Was it because she was stepping into the lion's den,inviting herself problems?  Her body couldn't help but feel terrified due to the darkness. She wasn't used to it!the darkness, guns, people screaming! Goosebumps was all she felt in that darkness! Unconsciously her fingers reached the switch board, turning the switch on and the light flashed upon! She let out a sigh. Her eyes roamed around the room, it was quite large but mysterious just as his personality! Scary! Finally her eyes caught a beautiful silehoutte leaning against the window. He was still in same white shirt which was stained red, but his wounds seem to be treated! "Oh, little doll, you love breaking rules!", his voice calm but eyes filled with coldness. His steps halted towards her and she could only gasp on how gorgeous he looked! Walking as a king, which he indeed is!  His eyes were sending her chills turning her knees weak. "I came to thank you for saving me!". She said receiving a throaty chuckle, "Little doll, you're unbelievable!". Her eyebrows creased in confusion and his steps continued to echo in the room as a warning. She wasn't scared of him but seeing him in eyes would only terrify her. "I was the one who got you in!", his breath fanning her lips sending those words back her throat. "You were attacked because of me!", he repeated eyes intensely staring into hers!

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