She belongs to Roy!

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"Are you ready?", he asked eyeing the trolley loaded up with ramen,snacks, chocolates.... Indeed a bundle of happiness for any girl! She nodded making him smile. "I'll pay you wait out!". She grinned moving out of the store leaning against the car, thinking about Zaire of how gentleman he is! If it would have been Dangshin, he wouldn't have let her buy any of the snacks. "A$$hole!", she mumbled smiling ear to ear. It's the same word she use to address but everything changed now, the emotions changed! She smiled thinking about the man who means the world to her! The beautiful grin was replaced by a frown when she caught a man, his face covered by mask walking in her path. The realisation hit her.... HE'S THE FUCKING MASKED GUY! CREEPY STALKER!! The pounding heart dropped out of her chest the moment the man began to walk towards her. Her legs were running and her head glancing back to find the man following. "F**k!", she cursed the moment her feet tripped causing her to fell down. Warning the opportunity the masked guy grabbed her by hairs pulling her face close to his when she hit him down, where the sun never shines! As his groans hit her eardrums, she pushed running where the path leads! Sweat was drippin' down her messy strands. Eventually her feet lead her to a dark place with silence all around. It was an alley! "Hey! YOU!", the man yelled limping towards her. She screamed running ahead when her face hit something hard as wall... looking up it was actually someone's chest! Before she could glance at the face the man pulled her behind him. "Leave her to me. I found her first!", the masked guy argued her grip on the man's arm tighten. "She belongs to me! TO ROY!", his voice was cold filled with dominance. Roy's firm vocals made the masked guy tremble with fear but still he stepped ahead to grab the girl out of Roy's grip when a punch landed on his jaw pushing his slim body on ground. The girl's hands flew over to her mouth preventing any scream to escape. Dropping the last punch the man got over calling his men out, "Deal with him!", he ordered to his men. Turning around he saw the girl who had eyes widened. Grinning at the girl he cupped her cheeks,"You alright, cupcake?". Her eyes caught his green ones shining like an emarld. She shouldn't but a slight blush crept on her cheeks hearing the nickname. Tearing her eyes off his beautiful face she realized he had a shirt revealing the hard muscles beneath. His black pants tucked by a leather belt. "Thank you!", the words came out as a whisper making the man smile. His smile made all the words fly away! Wow! Why do she needs to deal with all hot men? Roy brought his hand close to her cheeks caressing them. That's when she noticed his veins popping out reminding her of Dangshin. Unlike Roy, Dangshin would have rings in his fingers, his veiny arms engraved with tattoos! "Thank God! I found you!", a familiar voice spoke and it was Zaire. His face was worried but as soon it landed on Roy the concern flew away giving way to hatred. "What you doing here?", he interrogated. She realized the conversation wasnt friendly at all..... Indeed it seemed as two rivals to be forced into a situation which can't be avoided. Breaking the awkwardness between the two the girl interrupted, "I appreciate your help alot. Roy!", she sad receiving a smile.... His eyes looking more beautiful. His smile would actually reach upto his eyes making them look so lively. "We shall leave!", Zaire said. His voice firm with no emotions. Roy stayed still until they were out of his sight.
"Boss! He was our man!", Zeke spoke. Zeke was Roy's right hand having curly brown hairs, his eyes painted brown as that of lion. His body was lean but a strong gone! "Power demands lives and he's just the start!", Roy stayed a smirk playing up on his lips.

Well this was for today.... Let me know what you think about Roy's character? At the start I thought of him as a prince living in hell but the smirk has many things hidden. Btw what do you think is he doing all this for? Is it a revenge for power or.....? If you like the chapter pls vote and comment. Thank you very much...!

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