Love is feared

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Currently she was in heaven but the heaven she was in wasn't filled with angels around but surrounded by demons.....merciless humans and there was she close to the king of hell. If close could actually describe the proximity? She was buried close to his chest as if she would escape if once left! His arms had been tangled around her since Roy left and his brain fighting the never ending battles! For now the melody had brought darkness to the place and the only source was illuminating light of moon. Such a shame of how a pair of human eyes could surpass the giant ball! No matter how shiny the moon be it couldn't beat the villains eyes. Her eyes flicked to the material that had covered his fine body. Don't know if the suit was fine or it had been him bringing perfection to a mere clothing? Words couldn't describe of how a fine villain was he! For sure there would have been several beautiful eyes but none could be as intoxicating as his. Gazing at his face she saw him deep in thoughts. Glad she had time to analyse his features. The moonlight had cherish very inch of his skin adding to his beauty. If perfection would have a name no doubt it would be Dangshin Qin! Just then the instruments were switched to a melody.
Love is feared
because it turns beast to human
And he stiffened. She could feel the tension rising up in his body. Her eyes moved up to him and he was already staring at her . For now she decided to maintain the contact rather than breaking it.
Eyes could never hold depth
but for now those depth keeps me drowning
There was a moment when none could crush the boundaries but now the belief in her eyes seems to crush them beneath. The boundaries he created to prevent himself from turning pathetic as he once was.
Lips were never sweet
but for now the sweetness fills very bitterness of my heart away
For a person as him, kiss was mere a contact until her lips embraced his enforcing emotions into touch. She had brought back everything he had once run off and how more pathetic could it get when he himself was craving for those!
Taking a deep breath he glanced at the woman who was held up by him. Since when did he started fearing darkness? The darkness where he was born? He knew the darkness was a nightmare and all he could hope for was for the nightmares to never haunt her. This little doll of his had finally succeeded sowing emotions deep in him! And it was time for partners to be swapped. He hated how smoothly she slipped out of his arms but the most he could hate was how he longed her warmth! No sooner did her warmth escaped the comfort was stealed away from him. For now he was at a corner holding a woman in his arms, which felt nothing as comparing to holding his babygirl. Holding her back then felt as holding a precious treasure and the least he could wish for was holding it over. Staring at the lady's eyes he tried to find the trust and belief his woman's eyes reflected but he couldn't. The comfort her touch would provide him could heal the deepest of the wounds. He tried seeking the warmth to embrace the igniting cold fire of his heart but he couldn't! The harder he tries, the loneliner he felt! She was playing a game where he was supposed to lose by every possible way. Meanwhile the girl was slid out of his warmth and there was she held into Roy's arms. A hand intertwined while the other sitting on his shoulder. No matter how beautiful he looked she couldn't stop thoughts flooding in her head. "Why not enjoy some fresh air out?", Roy advised and she was perplexed. Was she too loud on thoughts? Avoiding all, she nodded slipping out of the floor since people were too busy dancing. Once out, she felt the air thickening due to unwanted silence but it could be used as an opportunity to explore the place. She was stood in-between a little balcony havin different flowers around. The window opened to the starry night with couples dancing below. For some reasons this area had been left out of the venue since no efforts have been made. Still it was peaceful the way nothing ever could! 
"I hope you knowledge how gorgeous you look infront of these tiny flowers?", Roy stated beaming at her but she seemed unamused for now all she could think of was the words he had with Dangshin. "You seem zoned out?". "What were you two conversing earlier?". "some unsettled stuff". "Stuff such as?". "PAST!", he retorted. Heaving no choice she had to shut the topic. "Seeing you two, nobody would call you best friends?". She spoke unsure of the words slipping her tongue but Roy was patient enough to let her choose wise words. "You don't seem to get well along?". "We made it quite obvious, didn't we bimbiano [baby]?". "But you said you guys were bestfriend?". "I won't mind rephrasing for you bimbiano [baby] WE WERE BEST FRIENDS!", he replied bluntly. His face hardening at the mention of Dangshin. If it couldn't help any better it only did add to her curiousity. "Were bestfriend?", she frowned. "Now we barely can stand one another!". "How come you grow so much hatred for each other?". "but what caused such a split to your friendship?". She stated at Roy who had been silent...his green eyes twinkling just as a jewel. She presumed his eyes to hold anger, pain but what it reflected was DEEP ROOTED HATE! "It was Avalon", he stated more adding to her head. "Avalon?". "She was Dangshin's life and the one who brought me to life", he said a smile...a sad one playing on his lips.

Well this was for today and for those who think he had been a jerk pls try to understand the side of his story. I advice you to be patient to hear his past out. If once you did, I presume your opinions for him would change for sure. Well pls let me know about your opinions. I would be waiting in the comment section and your assumption on how Avalon had caused a split to their brotherly bond. Thank you very much.

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