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A huge orange ball peeped out of the erupting blanket shading surroundings with warmth and a new chance. The day called freshness to jolly flowers, smelling the world with positiveness. For in the room, she cuddled into the fine hardness leaving the soft duvet away. Her arms fitted his torso, syncing her breaths with his calm ones. The feel of his skin under hers was somewhat similar to the sight of pink colouring the sky..... so refreshing! Opening her eyes, she let sunrays call slumber away. Rubbing her eyes  slowly she peeped around. The only source of light was turned off...the dark theme was now fitting with light, accepting the change. Their clothes were tossed around carelessly, that's when she realised the night before. A smile crept her lip....kissing her eyes with delight. Even thou it wasn't enough, the little she remembered was a small kiss he had adorned her crown with! Turning her head, she caught his peaceful demeanour. A rare sight to capture. Her eyes caught him, enrolling the little memory to a corner entirely owned by him. Well she couldn't complain if God blinded her, for she've captured him enough to let her life roam through. Just as if her gaze have woke him up, his black one met her hazel ones. Singing in pure admiration. She let her eyes roam his godly doubt he was handsome... effortlessly handsome.! A perfect hint of danger and curiosity. For he was danger but the curiosity in her had drown her deep. Her eyes spot a hickey, she've left. Well she could collect some images of her kissing every part of him fondly, so the beats would never show over! She had done so to leave her touch behind, so everytime he touches himself her kisses would evade him. Looking down at his chest she avoided the burning gaze when his forefinger flew her chin forcing her eyes up. His eyes held so many things she couldn't decipher quite well.
"Good morning!", she spoke awkwardly and the sparks faded giving rise to disappointment. Was he disappointed of giving them a chance? Was he regretting everything? "Morning!", he replied eyeing her intensely. She looked like a fresh red coloured rose! flushed! Indeed he had peeled every petal, seen her beauty and kissed her flaws, yet she was shy. For sure she was his little doll! Last night, haven't only he let himself touch her to the finest but he sweared to not let another women touch him the way she does! A smile ran her lips recieving his reply.
"I feel like visiting some places. Mind accompanying me?". "Work calls!", he replied shortly and her face fall.
"Nonetheless, Marc would stick by your side!", he finished and she heaved a long breath. Just as if he had gained powers, the air became crystal clear. His eyes abruptly followed the passage...the way her chest rose and air called her lungs, kissing her with relief..lastly escaping out as a minted breath. Indeed he was amused by everything! It seems as the slightest he gets, the more he draws himself to her. The little shuffling brought him out and the warmth that had escaped made him feel incomplete from inside. His eyebrows frowned when a mischevious glint took over. Standing infront, it was she all naked. A thin layer of sweat draped her body, accentuating the already finess she was made with. Not spending any longer his eyes rise staring her face to block the horny thoughts away!
"You know how beautiful you are!", words filled the air with genuine admiration. She wasn't some flower he liked for the petals, glorifying her. Either was it her heart or the whole of her that had conquered him fully. For he wanted her around even when she had lost every eye catching ravishness. Her body faced him, stunned at the words leaving his mouth. And he felt his heart hammering inside, staring her innocent brown iris. The browness holding glints of darkness, styling them to an extent to make him all weak! The blush crepting her cheeks was so easy to bring...but the beauty it brought, always worth it! Her lips, he still remembered the way they had brush against his... reviving him back to heart. She had beauty but the silly heart she possess owns his world. The hammering wouldn't stop...not until it sync with hers dancing in pure bliss, adoring the way they beat at the same phase. The days were never beautiful but if it's how every beginning would show, let's give life a chance..!
The unpleasantly soothing rain of hot shower ran through...with a greater force, melting at a point meeting his already tired frame. Thou the life span was concise, it was enjoyed well by some. From a mesh of gentleness, they ran through the rough masculine self of his. Involving in roughness, some caught his limbs while the luckier ones got more, exploring the pleasure of toughness. Running down his hard built abs, they enjoyed, kissing the death bed. While those which haven't, had enough, mourned entering another phase, steaming into vapours and filling the glass doors. Pondering back to the heaven they experienced, yet never visiting one. While the thoughts occupying him, troubled him hard, hanging him inbetween. He was stepping into a whole new journey, the one which ends with only pain. Was it frustrating? the only thoughts about her, only about her slender touches he craved or the rays she grows into him? Was it? or was the thought of walking back into the past, trusting someone and at last being fragile, troubling him? Indeed he was actually hanged! The shower must have killed every thought but it only induced a fire inside him. The fire that was to burn him into ashes....completely! Heavening a heavy breath, he turned the shower off. Stepping out with a robe covering him successfully. His hand ran towards the wet strands. Swaying the droplets away, he carried the touch recklessly turning them into a mess. Walking to a cabinet, he pulled out a pack of cigarette...the dull covering attracting him. Indeed every attraction turns into suffocation at the last.! Tearing the pack, he grabbed one, tossing it inbetween his fingers. Litting it up, he brought it down to his lips. Inhaling a huge puff, drifting himself to the heights the danger brought. His tired eyes flicked close...running through feelings of ecstasy, when her face rang up. Her dull brown eyes, which seems to gain shine from every star present, to get his senses blind. Her hairs followed the wind, swirling carelessly, killing beauty. Her lips, could this little danger beat the addiction she has? Can such intoxicants even cause the minute effect she has? Well, maybe that was the frustrating thing? To him, dullness caused curiosity. And there was she, wrapped up in beauty of simplicity, forcing him to pave a way through the fire and reach her up!
    For the walls were crushed long ago,
          longer than he thought
     He was curling up the path,
        with no intention to stop!
             The walls shook,
   letting her enter and conquer him fully.
    For the heart had given up long ago,
               falling for her,
       without him even knowing!
Another cry escaped his lips, throwing frustration out. Pushing the useless danger away, he pulled through the closet. Getting back on the tracks, he pour a black suit for the long night to conquer. Lending some carpet from darkness, the artist drew him to a fine fitting suit. Following his frame carefully, the suit, crowned perfection. His hairs were styled backwards alluring the perfect suit. A chain draped his neck, reflecting the aura he had. Mysterious disaster! Pairing it with some well polished shoes and a silver watch with diamonds fitted, he was ready to earn the spotlights! and turn himself the talk of the night. Once dressed, he paced back into the room, owned by her smell. The vanilla scent evading his nostrils, made the longingness suffocate even more. His eyes ran through the entire room, searching for the slightest traces of her...hardly have it been few days and the room seems incomplete without her! It was tiresome, the way his chest burned in her absence. The way he felt as a corpse without her. Is it liable? The way he was feeling? He was brought out by a knock. Without breaking his eyes off her belongings, he spoke out.
"What is it? Zaire?". "Must appreciate the telepathy and depth of our friendship!", Zaire spoke amused, trying to lighten the atmosphere. The man jerked his head, his tired eyes meeting the concerned ones of Zaire. "Just a few hours without her and you roam around as a sick puppy!", Zaire mocked. "F**k of Kennedy!", the later roared angrier at the reason obvious. Earning a heartwhelming laughter.
"Well there's the Qin I needed to talk to!".
"not a puppy in early stages of love!", Zaire finished earning back a death glare.
"Well today seems the day!", Zaire started noticing the change in Dangshin's demeanor. "and the nervousness is pretty obvious to eyes! especially to mine!", Zaire finished and the later sighed heavily.
"Get your eyes cleaned, Kennedy and why ain't you ready?", Dangshin inquired eyeing the casually dressed slick.
"I ain't coming buddy!", Zaire stated and fear got Dangshin's eyes escaping even faster.  "Knight would try his best to push your buttons, but stick to the act!", Zaire advised earning a subtle body.
"He won't get the pleasure he's looking for!", Dangshin spoke coldly before stealing glances at her belongings and a large breath of her presence.
"I'm afraid since it's your first ..without me!", Zaire spoke. The confidence losing strings out of his speech.
"You gotta trust me Kennedy!". "Who says I don't?". "Then get yourself a good nap till then I'll get myself some tricks!, Dangshin spoke grabbing his device. Running down into garage, he got into back seat with chauffeur begining the hardest part of the year, especially without Kennedy beside.

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