Seed of care!

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The moon has set giving opportunity to sun to help people fight the fears they've been worrying whole night. Thou the rise of sun had brought sleep to her eyes but the peace her heart was longing couldn't be found anywhere. She sat blankly staring at her hands thinking about how miserable friend was she! If she wouldn't have spit venom out maybe Joshua would have been around her. "Don't blame yourself for everything", a voice echoed in her ears causing her body to flinch. Gazing up she saw Dangshin dressed up in black. Well black was his usual wear but for today it was special cause it was Joshua's funeral. "Its all my fault, thou!". "You weren't the one to run a car on him, nor are you someone to control life and stop accusing yourself", he stated but she shook her head. Her eyes burning with tears. "Don't shed them!". His voice laced with threat....and she turned her head away..can't she understand how he feels seeing them flow? He stared at the woman who had refused to stare at him..."I despise seeing you cry!", he mumbled. His fingers running tenderly along her skin wiping them away. "Please kiss me", she whispered. No matter how badly he wanted to crush her pains he won't, cause running away will only increase them. She had taught him the similar. "You don't need a coward to fight your worries!", he stated....when she hung her head low, a low-key sob breaking out her lips. "Don't run away or else they'll haunt your reality!", he spoke and she looked up at him throwing herself on him. Neither did a muscle nor his body moved to provide her shield..but the thought of him being beside her was enough to comfort her. Minutes later she relaxed in his grip. "Will Joshua hate me?", shw asked. Her slow breaths causing hairs of his neck to rise. "No!", he replied shortly and she nuzzled more into him. "Will you hate me for dragging my best friend to death?", she murmured. Her voice low as if she fears to listen his answer. Pulling apart he raised his finger to her chin bringing her hesitance filled eyes to meet his. "Loathe will never allow me to comfort you such!", he whispered. His words genuine lingering a weak smile on her lips. That's when her eyes drew closely to his face. His hairs were a mess, not the usual mess, but as if he haven't got enough sleep last night and have ended up messing them bad! And how could he even lay eyes down she had her face buried just above his jewel? No matter how hard he tried, her every moment brought discomfort down there. Never in a while have he slept with a boner but last night..!
"Get a shower, till then I'll be back", he spoke recognising Zaire's presence in the room. She nodded getting out of his room..the unfamiliar feelings of guilt rushing into her. Sighing heavily she entered her room, numerous pics of her and Josh igniting fire in her chest! His laughter kept on ringing in her head...sliding the drawer her eyes caught a thread..designed with beads..a little heart resting at the end. A smile lit on her lips thinking about their friendship bracelets. Grabbing it she saw a pic of them wearing similar ones...with the hearts complete. Indeed broken heart builds the strongest relationship! A tear slid down her cheek. Placing it back she ran into shower. Stripping every cloth she pulled it ON for water to rinse her body, to wash away every ounce of guilt. Sniffles, sobs, screams ran out of her lips. She wanted anyone to seal them! Her mind  kept on bringing the  same image she wanted to skip. Wish there was someone to delete them!
Stepping out, she threw a plain black dress reaching above her knees. Pairing it with black heels she walked down the stairs to be caged in bone crushing hug. At first she tensed but recognising the similar blue eyes, she gave in snuggling in his arms. "You alright. I was too afraid for you?", Zaire asked and she nodded against his hard frame. Meanwhile there stood Dangshin his jaw mighter than a sword ready to chop the fingers laying on her body. No matter how hard he tried, the weight on his chest wouldn't go..not until he tear Zaire apart! Walking ahead he pulled her out of Zaire's arms. "Nex time ne posez pas vos mains sur femme, Kennedy!"
[Next time don't lay your hands on my wife, Kennedy!], he stated his voice dangerously calm. Even thou she had kept her eyes out of his sight still she could feel his burning gaze on her.
"Puis-je m'assurer que mos sis va bien?"[ Can I not make sure for my sis to be fine?]. "Can we pls leave already?". And the attention was drove to her little frame whose eyes were stuck on the ground. The man nodded and the drive begin with them in silence. "Don't let that little brain of yours drawn you into guilt!". Such a gentleman! but by now her mind wasnt stuck on his words but on her late bestfriend. Throwing her head back she kept on gazing at the world out! when a cold hand made contact with her warm skin causing a shiver to run down her body! She hated him being dominant but for now she wanted him to be one! Smiling at the memories she drew a close look at the villian! The stoic expression still sitting on his face..the only one he actually knows. Turning her head away she gazed at the that really was a goodbye. She hated them! Of how people leaves but memories stays! Tears ran up her eyes with discomfort increasing with the distance fading.. unconsciously she gripped his hand the moment her eyes laid on Joshua's pic. His eyes sparkling bright..she knew the reason behind the spark. His eyes held sincerity and love which no eye could beat! Was it actually an end to their friendship? the endless stories? uncountable laughter.? She was still the whole way.. neither did she protested the moment he claim his hand on her thigh nor she shed tears! Her eyes had swell up and the brightness lost long ago. Do it actually hurts when someone whom you love goes too away? He never felt such because he had none left to leave! A boon..isn't it? But he hated how his chest tightened seeing her such. Joshua was nowhere someone dear to him..then why? Was it the little seed changing into tree? A small gesture of care rupturing into flood of emotions? Why do people cherish them when in the end those emotions gone break you apart?

I'm sorry for getting it too late..the last week have been a frustrating. But I sincerely apologise! Maybe this chapter could get a bit boring but I insist upon giving it a look and your opinion..btw why did Dangshin referred to himself as a coward? And the spoiler for the next chapter is...the most waited mystery.! I hope you'll like it..thank you

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