Pounding Heart

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Her eyes roamed every corner searching for one face. Don't know why, but she wanted to see him once! Her feet came to rest, eyes gazing the door of his room which indeed appears as the room of king! Without thinking twice she entered in to find the man in grey coloured robe giving a glimpse of his chiseled body. His damp hairs covering his beautiful black orbs. Well it's wisely said Patience brings the sweetest fruits! His fingers holding a cigarette. Her lips let out a tired sigh before moving towards him who was seated on couch near the moon light looking as a GREEK GOD! But the man didn't bothered to look up. He knew no one in the whole mansion has the audacity to enter his room. Bringing the cigarette close to his lips he took a puff when the girl spoke, "Smoking is injurious to healthy. You should quite smoking!". He looked up, his eyes dark, having no tease in them and for a second her body felt numb. Wrong timing! Throwing the cigarette away his steps moved towards her. His fingers moved to her cheeks slightly caressing them, "You want me to quite smoking?", he questioned. She let her eyes stare into his trying to comprehend the emotions if they exist! The man's eyes moved to her lips bringing the tease back in them. She nodded not wanting to offend him once again. The man stayed quite staring into her eyes. "Yes!", she uttered realising he demand words! The man let out a throaty chuckle, his fingers running down reaching her lips. Staring in her eyes he whispered, "then keep my lips and hands busy!". His minty breath was fanning her lips sending shivers down her whole body. Her eyes rested onto his, the way she could find so many things in them and the next moment they were gone as they never existed would make her to stare into them. A muscular arm slid down wrapping itself around her waist bringing an end to her staring. The next moment his lips were on her. His lips moved tenderly melting her with every touch. His hand moved towards her cheeks deepening the kiss whereas her hands flew to his neck pulling him closer. Pulling her close his hand entered her shirt, his cold hands meeting her warm skin. He have never kissed anyone such, so tenderly with no lust in! As soon as the realisation hit him he backed off, his lips stopping at it's trace. The girl immediately left! realising how awkward the situation has been. Once she entered her room, her fingers moved to her lips. She could still his soft lips on hers! Never knew a simple kiss can be so delicate and beautiful. Meanwhile the man's mind was still stuck on the kiss, the soft touch, that delicate taste had been all roaming! He have never kissed anyone out of feelings but this kiss was filled with something he didn't wanted. Taking a deep breath he held the cigarette bringing it close to his lips, within a flip he placed it back. Nothing can taste so good as her lips which is growing into one of his obsession. Hours later the rain drops began to hit the glass window, the pleasant sound bringing all unpleasant memories back! Moving towards the huge glass window his eyes landed on a little silehoutte wrapped in a duvet moving to land covered with greenery. His eyebrows creased in confusion the moment he saw a hand letting rain drops fall on. His eyes had been stuck on the person who moved forward letting the duvet slid down. Standing in middle of garden his eyes caught the person in a white shirt having a yellow smiley on. Finally the face caught his attention and it actually was his Little doll! This girl was just unbelievable. He wanted to tear his eyes away from her but something in him forced his eyes on the scene ahead.. particularly on the girl! She looked so beautiful at that moment with hairs all damp. The restlessness flew away bringing peace to his orbs. Rain was never peaceful to him but this rain brought peace to his heart. He felt something pounding hard against his chest. Do something even lies there?  His hand flew to the locket held by his neck
  He was never meant for love!!

Well this chapter was pretty good to write. Ill be uploading the other chapter soon. But what do you think is the reason behind" He was never meant for love!" and what role do that pendent plays.?
Hope you liked the chapter. Please vote  if you do so.

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