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Walking with power but with uncertainty in every step he came across a particular room. Without any warning he entered in to come across a frustratingly calm Zaire with laptop sitting on his lap....proudly claiming the whole attention. His eyes drifted to Zaire's tousled hair...quite unusual for someone as Zaire whose first impression had always been on looks. He had some casuals on. No doubt he was a mess but such mess was always adorned by women! Not only was Zaire a man with godly appearance but a heart full of affection! something which Dangshin envied! He cleared his throat successfully claiming the whole attention. The proud laptop was now settled on the glass table. Walking ahead, he caught himself a seat infront of Zaire who offered him a cigarette which he refused in the first go making Zaire frown. "You shouldn't do something which will cause harm in future!", Dangshin stated bringing Zaire to daze. Regaining his senses Zaire chuckled. "As long as I know you were addicted to this harm!", Zaire stated making Dangshin roll eyes. "How long have it been with you deciding to quit smoking?". "Since the day I got addicted to her lips!", Dangshin mumbled, knowing the addiction was a permanent one. For now even the puff of this harm was suffocating him when at a moment it used to throw suffocation out of him. Zaire smirked at the man infront who was too busy thinking about the certain addiction. "I met knight tonight!". "Roy?". "Certainly, he was in the ball and we got into a heated argument!".
"Well that had the highest probability", Zaire stated. "He involved her into the whole sh!t. He is determined to not give up on his childish tricks!", Dangshin exclaimed through his gritted teeth. His eyes fixated on the floor when his hands turning into a tight first demanding for a face to be slammed on! No matter how hard he hides....those tricks had scared him. "You've got a wise lady! Certainly she wouldn't trust him cause she has all on you!". "But I never gave her reasons to trust me?". "Well there were none for her to not!", Zaire spoke calmly. His words somehow bringing faith to the man ahead. "but how can she?when I'm a whole beast!". "For yourself you will even fight the monster inside! all you need is burst everything out and hold her hand!". "what if she walks away?". "She won't, not unless you let her!".
Next morning
The girl woke up with throbbing pain in her head. Squinting her eyes, she tried to block the bright rays but all in vain! Sitting up she stared recalling about last night. She remembered walking down the aisle, dancing hand in hand, being too close to Dangshin but within a flip everything seems to fade away afn the only words she could hear were about Avalon! For sure she would be a goddess gaining Dangshin's love. Her mind drew her with wavy gentle locks captivating hearts with ease. Her eyes to be painted with hypnotising powers, with brightness as that of a child's smile. Her lips to be filled with colour as that of Rosie's....fresh and pleasant. Her scent to be heavenly as a garden full of flowers. A glass like body shaped with perfect curves which every girl dreams of! She felt self conscious thinking about Avalon! She thought calling her name over and over would lessen the burning sensation but it just increased! Pushing herself out of the mattress she stood on her feet when his cologne filled her nostrils. Staring at herself she found a hood of his wrapping her body. No doubt she was too small as compared to him. She hated to admit of how strong effect his scent have on her. For now all she wanted was to climb on him and take in very amount of his addictive scent. Her thoughts were brought to an end by buzzing of her device. Looking around she found it on the night stand. Gazing at the I'd her body froze and all she did was staring at it until the call ended. Hardly had she gained a breath when the same I'd flashed upon. Unconsciously she swiped to the green one and his voice rang out. F**k! she missed him too bad! Even thou it had been just days she still missed the voice. Bringing it close to her ear she heard him take a sharp breath before speaking. "We need to meet. There's a lot for you to catch up with!". "Today at Forbes restaurant". "Ill be waiting!", the voice spoke before she dismissed the call forcing herself out of his room. Little did she know he was behind her all the time hearing her out.........!
For now she was staring at herself in the huge glass. She wanted Dangshin to be beside her but she knew he wouldn't so she choose to throw his hood with a pair of jeans. Running downstairs she walked upto her sports car driving to Forbes restaurant. Reaching at the decided palce she glanced around to look for the familiar face that's when she caught a manly figure staring at her. He was dressed up lazily in a casual shirt with tight pants bringing steam to his hot yet lazy outfit. Reaching upto him the man threw arms around her pulling her to his chest. Her heart screamed feeling him so close to her....no doubt she missed his warmth alot! Circling her arms around him she joined, inhaling his scent which she have been missing lately.
"I missed you", he spoke against her ear and a small smile ran up her lips.
"I missed you too!", she whispered tightening her grip. Thou gose words might have slipped her tongue still she meant every single word woh heart. Pulling away they sat face to face in silence, eyes still catching glimpse of each other. The man ahead stared at her feeling his breaths at ease. Days without her went as morning without sun.... everything was incomplete without her. His body felt numb without feeling her touch, his eyes refused to stare at anyone unless it's she..... thats how much this women means to him.

So this was for today. Hope you like that. Well what about the new guy...is he someone related to her past...wait is he Dangshin's love rival? Let's hope for dangshin to realise his feelings before the other one steals her. Well pls let me know your opinions. Ill be waiting. Thank you so much....!

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