Part 32

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" Kim Gaeun never fails in whatever she is doing."

That had always been how I thought my whole life. I am the oldest of the prestigious family Kim and I always had the duty to succed in everything not to ruin our image.

We had to be the perfect family. And I had to be the perfect daughter.

I was nice, wise and reasonable even as a child. I was used to be praised by everyone around me. Starting from my parents, because I was the perfect child they wished for.

And I liked it. I was their pride. They would always take me everywhere and introduce me to their friends and entourage with huge smiles.

And thought, I had a lot of pressure because of it, I was okay. This was nothing compared to the happiness I would always see in their eyes.

A little spark that made me happy too somehow.

I got to a prestigious college and graduated with the best grades, then I started to work and do everything I could for our business to go well.

So ,I was smart, successful, and not bad looking at all. My parents made me well and raised me the best they could. So I couldn't in anyway dissapoint them.

When Taehyung, my unique and extravagant brother was born, they also had high expectations about him. Because he was their only son and that was normal.

But he turned out to be the opposite of what they thought. He was not a calm and obedient child like I was. He was rather the kind to run everywhere, getting scolded every single minutes.

And he didn't change when he grew up. But we just got used to it. That put more pressure on me to be honest because I had to make up of their dissapointment on him. They loved Taehyung. We all did.

But we couldn't expect him to be like "us". Thought, dad and mom really tried everything to "fix" him. 

But nothing to do.

They even sent him abroad for him to change, but I just found out that things went even worse when he got there. Haha.

Anyway, just to tell you guys that I was weighed. I had to carry my family's name alone and do things right.

Some years later, they had new plans for me.

When my mother that day told me to get ready and look pretty because we would meet a couple of friends of them, I didn't expect what was going to happen actually.

When they introduced me to Jungkook, I already had someone in my life. 

Someone I had met a while ago during my college years. And someone that I dated for a year then.

Still, I broke up with that person because I understood  I had to be with that brunette with bunny smile. Which at first, I thought would be hard because it's our parents who set us up but, turned out that I found him interesting.

He seemed to be a good guy with good manners, he loved his family just like I did and he was the oldest just like I was. So we could understand each other a lot. Mostly our struggles.

The way he was listening, the way he was laughing, the way he was interested in everything I was saying got me.

And all that the first night we met when we got to talk for hours in their garden, with the lights around. That was a night I would never forget because that was the night I fell in love with him.

At first sight. Just like that.

Later on, we got fianced.

We loved each other just like the first time.

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