Thanksgiving and Ice-Skating in 1998

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My relationship with Lola continued and got better as time went on

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My relationship with Lola continued and got better as time went on. We continued to attend our college classes, my friends and I continued to practice for the next College X Games championship after Christmas and Lola continued to do her West Side Story rehearsals and we did many more things together. We went on more dates and learned more about each other and ourselves. Some nights when Lola was feeling too lonely, I went over to her dorm room to keep her company and even slept with her in her bed during those nights, because, after all, what are boyfriends are? And we also took driver's ed courses there.

One of the things that Lola and I did together was what we did for Thanksgiving 1998 at Spoonerville College. Every year for Thanksgiving Day, the college would turn itself into a soup kitchen on the very special day to give food for the poor and homeless. It has been doing that ever since it was first built and it still continues to do so every year. Lola served the food to the people while I washed and dry the dirty plates, bowls and cutlery when they were done. My dad and Sylvia helped too. Sylvia was helping with the food in the kitchen while my dad was helping out with the garbage. And I still to this day don't think that our services on that Thanksgiving Day could have gone any better. I don't think I could have done my washing and drying up services any better, Lola was the perfect waitress, I still don't know what Sylvia did in the kitchen, but the food was delicious so whatever she did she was brilliant and, as for my dad... Well, all I can say is that he meant very well and did his very best for that day like he did with everything his whole life.

Lola originally wanted to go and celebrate Thanksgiving with her family, but she couldn't because they were going to one of her uncle and aunt's houses in Mobridge, South Dakota and they wasn't enough room for Lola if she joined them. She was a little upset at first, but she soon got over it and decided to help the college with this Thanksgiving deed. I still to this day don't know why. Maybe it was because it was something to take her mind off not spending time with her family. Maybe it was because she was as kind and generous as she was beautiful and smart. I still think there was a chance that was because she liked being with me as much as I liked being with her. Either way, I'm glad she stayed and helped because, thanks to her wonderful help, it was the most successful Thanksgiving event the college ever gave out in its history. Lola's family were upset at first that she couldn't celebrate Thanksgiving with them as well, but later they were very proud that she was doing their bit to help spread Thanksgiving to the unluckiest at the college. Lola and I were grateful for an awful lot for that day. We were grateful for doing our bit, for the delicious leftover food and for our private fun in Lola's bed in her dorm room that night.

There was another thing that Lola and I did do together and it was just before the college ended before the Christmas Holidays. The college felt very much like Christmas even before December 1st arrived. Sure, there were Christmas trees, Christmas lights, Christmas decorations and everything to do with Christmas, but what made Christmas 1998 at Spoonerville College feel very Christmas-y was all the snow that was there. When we weren't studying or practicing for the College X Games, everyone would go and play in the snow. I would seize every chance I could to go skiing, sleighing and snowboarding among the many cool snow sports I did with my best friends. Even Lola joined in with us and she amazed me when she showed me that she could ski, sleigh and snowboard as well as I could. I told her that she should try out for the next Winter Olympics because she was that good. She told me the same.

The very special thing that Lola and I did together during Christmas 1998 was ice-skating. The lake near the college was frozen solid and everyone went ice-skating whenever they could. After we finished our classes and did everything else we needed to do, Lola and I would go onto the ice and ice-skate whenever we could. We weren't the only ones. My dad and Sylvia joined us when we went ice-skating, PJ and his beret girlfriend Lucy joined us and Bobby joined us but he went ice-skating himself. He always tried very hard to get single girls to ice-skate him, but he always failed, despite his unusual ice-skating skills.

As I ice-skated with Lola, she always amazed me with her ice-skating skills. I wasn't the biggest fan of ice-skating and I wouldn't call myself a professional, but I could do it and I did it during my high school years and I would ice-skate with my girlfriends, first with Roxanne and then with Lisa. I would ice-skate with them for fun every Christmas on the frozen giant pond in Spoonerville Park. They were all better at ice-skating than me, but they all told me I was great at it in my own way and they all enjoyed doing it with me.

As ice-skating became so popular at the college that Christmas, they decided to host an ice-skating competition on the very last day before Christmas break. Everyone who wanted to enter needed a partner. I already had Lola, my dad had Sylvia, PJ had Lucy and Bobby managed to find a lady, who I can't remember her name and she wasn't very attractive or friendly or good at ice-skating. Bobby still won't admit it, but I still think that he and that lady became ice-skating partners out of desperation.

Everyone had a turn before Lola and me. We were the last couple ever to show everyone what we could do. Lola looked very beautiful in her sleeved red dress and white ice-skating shoes and I remember her telling me how smart I looked in the white shirt, blue jacket, black pants and brown ice-skating shoes I wore. After we did our show and showed off our ice-skating moves and tricks, everyone was very impressed with what we did. In fact, we won the very first Spoonerville College Ice Skating Competition ever. PJ and Lucy came in second place and as for Bobby... Well, he did his best and so did his partner. My dad and Sylvia did very good too. I still think they came in sixth in place.

We wore the ice-skating competition's very first gold medals as I helped carry Lola's luggage to the train station. Then we hugged, kissed and wished each other a happy Christmas before she got on the train to Toledo to spend Christmas with her family. Then I went back home to spend Christmas with my dad and Sylvia. 

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