Christmas 1998 and New Year's Day 1999

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Christmas 1998 was an awesome one

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Christmas 1998 was an awesome one. First thing my dad and I did after we woke up was opening our presents. We were very grateful for the presents we got from each other and the cards we got from our other family members and friends. Then while my dad got started with the Christmas dinner, I had a phone call from Lola. She wished me a happy Christmas and I wished her a happy Christmas too. We asked and told each other what we got for Christmas. Then my dad told me that it was time for Christmas dinner. After wishing Lola another happy Christmas before I turned the phone off, I joined my dad at the table. He made an awesome and delicious Christmas dinner. We had turkey with gravy, roasted potatoes, pigs in blanket, honey-glazed carrots and parsnips, Brussel sprots and cranberry sauce. It was a little bit burnt, but he was always a better cook than I would have ever been. And what I lacked in cooking, I always made up with washing and tidying up and I still do that to this day.

I just finished washing up when there was a knock on the door. My dad opened it and in came Sylvia. She had driven here to spend Christmas with us after she opened presents and had Christmas dinner with her family. After warming her up by the fire in the sitting room, my dad and I gave Sylvia our present to her, which was the very first poster of The Muppet Show. We got her that because she was a big fan and collector of 1970s stuff and she loved this show and this poster, especially since it was signed by all the Muppet performers including Jim Henson himself. Then Sylvia gave us her presents to us. She gave my dad a book called What We Missed From The 70s and she gave me a book about all the cool sports in the world. We were all grateful to her for that.

Then it was time for Christmas games. We played many, including heads up, charades and Yes or No among them. Then it was time to have some leftover food from the Christmas dinner and some of my dad's Christmas pudding, which was burnt but delicious.

From Boxing Day and to New Year's Eve, I had a lot of fun. I would play in the snow whenever I could, whether it be skiing, snowboarding, sleighing, making snow angels or ice-skating on the giant frozen pond in Spoonerville Park among them. Sometimes I would do these activities with my dad and Sylvia. And sometimes I would do it with my best buddies PJ and Bobby. When I wasn't having so much awesome fun in the snow, I would play with my presents in the nice warm house.

Then, on New Year's Eve, I was in Spoonerville Park planning to have more fun in the snow when I met someone I didn't expect to see until it was time to go back to college – my girlfriend Lola. She came all the way from Toledo to Spoonerville on her new snow machine, which was very cool. I saw plenty of them, but I never rode one. Lola changed all that when she gave me a ride to the park café. As I rode it, it felt awesome and Lola drove her snow machine like a professional.

After I got coffee for me and Lola, she told me why she was in Spoonerville. Her family were having a skiing vacation in Switzerland, but she couldn't go with them because she had to start college after New Year very soon like me and February was when the college's production of West Side Story would open up. But she didn't want to spend New Year's Eve and Day alone, so she came to find me and show me her Christmas present, which was her snow mobile. And I was glad that she came to spend New Year's Eve and Day with me. Then we talked more about how much we enjoyed our Christmases and how delicious Christmas dinners were.

Then Lola and I had more fun in the snow. After teaching me how to ride a snow mobile, she let me have a go on it and I enjoyed it. I was really enjoying it, but at the same time, I never forgot it was her machine and I was very careful with it. Then we did skiing, sleighing, snowboarding, ice-skating on the frozen pond together and made snow angels. And as much as I enjoyed doing these activities with my dad, Sylvia, PJ and Bobby, I had to admit that I enjoyed doing with Lola the most. Not just because she was so talented at those skills, but also because she was a wonderful, fun, smart and kind person to be with.

Then there was only ten minutes left of the year 1998. Lola and I met up with my dad and Sylvia in the middle of Spoonerville Park. We were surrounded by the entire population of Spoonerville and we watched the town's clock tower count down to the new year of 1999.

Soon came the very last ten seconds of 1998 and we all counted down.

"Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five... Four... Three... Two... One... Happy New Year!"

Then we all cheered and wished everyone a happy new year and sung Auld Lang Syne and watched the fireworks.

Then it was time to head home. Lola still wasn't ready to go home to Toledo, but there was enough room and food for her to stay the night at my dad's house, so I invited her to stay over for the night. She was so grateful for my generous offer and she gave me, my dad and Sylvia a ride back to our house on her snow machine.

When we got back home, I took Lola my room and she thought it was very cool. I offered her my bed while I could sleep on the airbed, but Lola said no to that because she wanted to share my bed with me. So, we got into bed, but we didn't go to sleep. We had our special fun. Wearing only underwear, we wrapped each other in our arms and kissed passionately all the way through the night. It was like another night for us in Lola's dorm room back at college. Even though we were very tired, we were just too happy, excited and passionate to go to sleep, so we continued to make out all the way through the night and on the first morning in 1999. There really couldn't have been a better way to start 1999 than that.

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