My First Vacation in Three Years

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I did manage to get out of my biggest period of depression

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I did manage to get out of my biggest period of depression. It was slow work, but I managed to snap out of it and, though I will never forget it, I have never gone back to it or been anywhere like it ever since. I still have a few sad days like everyone does, but none have them has ever come close to that period of depression.

It all started on a day during Spring Break 2005 when my dad, Sylvia and Hannah came to see me and see my house for the very first time. I hadn't seen them in person since I learned the truth about Mona and what she did to me and I had to admit I was pleased to see them when they came over as much as they were very pleased to see me, especially my sister Hannah who was then one year and a half and had grown more since the last time I saw her. I was amazed to see how cute she was and how much she looked like Sylvia with the exception of black hair and I was pleased that she was practicing to walk.

After I gave my family a tour of my whole house and my garden, which they liked a lot and they were very proud of what I achieved in terms of hard work and investments and helping people whenever I could, I made my dad and Sylvia a cup of tea and gave Hannah some milk. While she played with the toys I sent to her in Bug Sky for her previous birthday and two Christmases, which I was pleased she received and enjoyed playing with, I had a good long chat with my dad and Sylvia. I was very pleased that they were still doing very well in their careers and they were still happy in their marriage and with Hannah, but they were still sad that I didn't see them as often as I used to and they missed me a lot, though they understood that I was very upset about Mona's betrayal, and I missed them just the same.

Another reason my family came to see me as well as paying me a visit was because they wanted to talk to me about something. They were going to take Hannah on her very first vacation. It was a sports resort called Sports Paradise in Mouston Forest. They chose this place because they thought it would be a great place for her to learn about doing some fun activities, but there would be sports of all kinds there, including the sports I like to do the most. They were telling me this because they really missed me and they wanted me to go on this vacation with them and bond more with my sister and it would mean the whole world to them if I was there for her very first vacation. They gave me brochures of the place and the pictures on them looked awesome and they did have the sports I enjoy doing, like ATV, skateboarding, cycling, water sports and mountain hiking among them. As I read the brochures and thought about going, I thought about how I haven't been on vacation since Summer 2002 and, even though I have been working hard and being successful with my work and investments for the last two years, it didn't really help me get over Mona's betrayal. So I promised, after I did my bit for Spoonerville Summer Camp in Summer 2005, I would go on this vacation with them and they were very delighted. But, as I promised in this book that I would explain everything, warts and all, I must confess that at the beginning I really wanted to go to this place because it was more about all the awesome stuff I haven't done for a long while and a nice change from working all the time and it would hopefully help me get over Mona more than trying spend time with my family, but when I went on the vacation I did bond with my dad, Sylvia and Hannah more and I'll explain why and how in the next few chapters.

To my family's credit, when I arrived at Sports Paradise with them, it was bigger and more awesome than the brochures advertised them. It had activities for the very young like Hannah to learn and try and it also had the awesome extreme sports that were right up my street. And the hotel my family and I stayed in was very nice and the room I had to myself was very nice. I had a nice big bed, a nice big bathroom, a nice big TV and a nice big balcony. Also the huge gym and the vast swimming pool was very cool and the massive restaurant provided delicious food. So I was glad I came and, even though I still wasn't completely over Mona yet, I was starting to feel better for being here than I had for a very long time.

The next day, while my parents took Hannah for some gentle pony rides, I went on an ATV ride. I hadn't been on one in years and I had forgotten how much I loved them riding them and I was really having a very exciting time on it as I rode it on a road through Mouston Forest.

Then suddenly my ATV went out of control. It didn't move in the direction I wanted it to go. It was like it had its own mind and it was doing its own thing and it was going too fast for me to stop it and turn it off. It went off the road and very deep into the forest and it didn't stop until it crashed into a massive tree. That was when I was finally able to turn the engine off. Then I got off to calm myself down from that scary event.

After a few minutes of deep breathing, I felt I was calm enough to get back on my ATV to try it again, when I heard screaming.


I decided to go and see if I could help that person in distress. I followed the cries for help and I found the person yelling them. It was a lady and I was shocked to see that she was sinking in a bog. The mud was right up to her neck and she was still sinking.

I got my phone to call nine-one-one, but I learned that it was drained of battery. I realized I stupidly forgot to charge it before I went for my ATV ride. Then I remembered my ATV. If it would behave itself enough, it could be useful to save the poor lady in the bog. Then I realized I was missing something to rescue the lady, like a rope or something like it. As I made my way back to get my ATV, I fell over something and saw that it was a rope. It was dirty and didn't look very strong, but there was nothing else to use in this forest and I had to act fast before the lady completely went under. So I got back onto my ATV and it behaved itself as I managed to drive it to the bog as close as I needed to get to it.

"Here! Catch the rope!" I yelled as I threw the loop end of the rope to the lady. She caught it and got it under her arms. Then I tied the other end of the rope onto my ATV.

"Hold on tight now!" I yelled to the lady, as I got back onto my ATV, turned it back on and reversed it. As my ATV went backwards, I saw the lady getting pulled out of the bog, so I was happy that what I was doing was working and that my ATV was behaving very well. Very soon, the lady was completely out of the bog. I turned my ATV off, got off it and went to check on her.

"Are you all right?" I asked.

"Thank you so much for –" She stopped talking to me when she looked properly at me.

I couldn't speak myself as I took a proper look at her. "Roxanne?"

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