A Day On Mouseton Lake

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The next day, Roxanne and I woke up and felt better after one of the best sleeps we both ever had in our lives

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The next day, Roxanne and I woke up and felt better after one of the best sleeps we both ever had in our lives. Even though Roxanne slept very well and she was happier now that she was with me again, she was still deeply scarred for the last eight years of her life and was struggling to get over it very quickly. I know how she felt, because even though she was back in my life and I was on an awesome vacation with activities I really love doing ever since I was a kid, but I still needed time to get over what Mona did to me and I certainly didn't expect Roxanne to get over her horrible life in San Siesta over one night. However, she did make some progress that morning because she felt brave enough to join me for breakfast at the hotel's restaurant. When we got there, we saw my dad, Sylvia and Hannah at a table and already having breakfast.

When my dad saw Roxanne, he quickly went to hug her. "Hiya, Roxanne," he greeted. "I've really missed you too."

"I've really missed you too, Mr. Goof," Roxanne said, hugging him back.

Then my dad went to grab some food for me and Roxanne. While he did that, I introduced Roxanne to my stepmom Sylvia and she thanked her for all the spare clothes she gave her last night. Then I introduced Roxanne to my baby sister Hannah, who she thought was very adorable.

Soon my dad made his way back to our table, but he was struggling because he picked everything from the buffet and had difficult balancing everything. Then he slipped on a loose banana skin and tripped, dropping everything. All the food went flying and landed on our table and some on us. I was slightly embarrassed, but when Sylvia, Hannah and even Roxanne started to laugh, I started to smile and eat my breakfast.

On this day, my family and I rented a speedboat to have fun on Mouseton Lake. I, along with my dad, Sylvia, Hannah and Roxanne, got on the boat and we went out onto the lake. My dad, Sylvia and I had been on many boats before, but this was Hannah's first boat trip and it was also Roxanne's. They were the only two that wore life vests while my dad, Sylvia and I didn't. In fact, this was also Roxanne's very first vacation ever as she and her dad never went on a vacation in their lives. Even if they could afford to go to the cheapest vacation ever, they wouldn't go because my dad was still too upset about the deaths of his dear wife and Emma to even see the point of trying to get out of the house and have fun.

After ten minutes, my dad who was driving the speedboat stopped it so Sylvia could start her slalom water skiing. She took off glasses and her clothes, leaving on her strapless bright green bikini. Then she sat at the edge of the boat and put her water ski on and then she jumped into the water to get ready. Then I threw her the water ski rope which she caught.

"Okay, Max, tell your dad to hit it!" Sylvia yelled.

Then I told my dad that Sylvia was ready to go and he started the boat. While he continued to manage the boat, I was the observer checking on Sylvia as she enjoyed her slalom water skiing.

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