Farewell, Lola

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My first year at Spoonerville College was coming to an end and I was pleased with what I had achieved in that year

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My first year at Spoonerville College was coming to an end and I was pleased with what I had achieved in that year. I, along with my best friends PJ and Bobby, had won two of three College X Games Championships this year - we lost the championship between the Easter Break and the Summer Break to another team, but we were cool about it because that team won it fair and square instead of cheating like the Gammas did. Other achievements I was proud of that year was finishing my driver's ed, acting in the college's production of West Side Story, winning the college's first ever ice-skating competition and keeping up with my college work the best way I could, but the one achievement I was proud of the most was the very happy, healthy and mutual relationship I had with my wonderful girlfriend Lola. But, sadly, it all had to come to an end.

Some days before our first year at Spoonerville College was over and the Summer Break started, Lola was offered an internship at the Duckberg Marine Research Institute, which was funded by my dad's friend and the richest duck in the world Scrooge McDuck and it was ran by Gyro Gearloose and his assistants Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera and Gandra Dee. It was a great opportunity for her to learn more about marine life and how to help it and she could continue everything she was studying at Spoonerville College at Duckberg University. But there were a couple of downsides to it, if she moved to Duckberg. The first one was that she would be the furthest away from her family she ever had been in her entire life. And the second one was that we wouldn't be able to continue our wonderful relationship. I would have gone with her, but I didn't have enough money or grades good enough to transfer to another college. And we didn't believe in long-distance relationships. I knew that it would upset me very much if she left, but I also knew that it wouldn't be fair if I kept her for my sake and I wanted her to have the happiest life she could ever have, so I told her to follow her gut feeling and do what she wanted to do. And I promised her that, even if I never saw her ever again, I would never forget her and I would support her whatever she chose to do. After I told her that, she held my hands and smiled at her when tears came out of her eyes.

"Thank you very much for being so understanding, Max," I remember Lola saying to me. "And I will never forget you either, especially what a wonderful boyfriend you were while I've been here. And I will always wish you nothing but the very best in whatever you do in your future. And even though you won't be my boyfriend when I move to Duckberg, you shall always be not just one of my friends, but also one of my very best ones."

"And you shall always be one of my very best friends too, Lola," I said.

Even though we knew it was coming to an end, Lola and I continued our relationship and made it last as long as it could. We would still hang out with each other and do things together, especially our private fun in bed in Lola's dorm room. I remember on the last night before college finished for the Summer Break was that we were both very sad that we were never going to have sex with each other again. Lola told me that she was going to miss my wonderful cock, even though I always wore a condom on it every time, and I told her how much I was going to miss her wonderful vagina, her attractive hips and her sexy breasts.

Lola didn't leave college until it was graduation day. She stayed to keep me company as we watched my dad get his college degree at the graduation ceremony. I was and still am grateful to her for doing that because it showed me that she was still trying to spend as time with me as she could as opposed to trying to get away from me. She was proud of my dad as I and Sylvia were. After the graduation ceremony, I helped her pack her stuff and empty her dorm room. We took one last look at it before we walked away from it for the last time.

Then sadly it was time for Lola and I to finally goodbye to each other. Her family had arrived in Francine's car to pick her up and her stuff up. After I helped them put her stuff in their car, I said goodbye to all of them. Francine hugged me, thanked me for making college a very exciting experience for Lola and wished me the very best in the future. Then Jonathan shook my hand, thanked me for looking after Lola in college, congratulated me for not betraying his trust and wished me the best future I could have. None of Lola's sisters hugged me, but they either high-fived me or shook my hand and wished me the best luck in the future. And then it was finally time for me and Lola to say goodbye for real.

Lola hugged me. "Max, I really, really will never be able to thank you enough for making my first college year nothing but full of fun and excitement."

I hugged her back. "You are most welcome, Lola. And thank you for making my first year at college fun and exciting too. Once again, I will never forget you and whatever you do in the future I will wish you nothing but happiness and success."

"Thanks, Max. And I wish you the very same in your future too and I will never forget you either."

"Thanks, Lola."

Then we gave each other one last kiss on the lips before she got into Francine's car. We continued to wave to each other until the car was out of sight. Because I was upset that my girlfriend had to leave Spoonerville College, I needed a few minutes to myself before I went back to my dad and celebrate his college graduation and give him my first College X Games trophy as a graduation present.

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