Roxanne's Trip to the Psychologist

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Roxanne was an absolute joy living in my house for as long as she did and I liked that she enjoyed staying as much as I enjoyed her company

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Roxanne was an absolute joy living in my house for as long as she did and I liked that she enjoyed staying as much as I enjoyed her company. I never asked her to do this, but she cleaned my house, weeded my garden and cooked my tea, when I was busy at Spoonerville College getting all the sports terms and events ready for the academic year of 2005 – 06. She told me she was doing these jobs at my place for two reasons. The first one was to show her appreciation for letting her join me and my family at that Mouseton Vacation and the second one was because doing them helped her take her mind off her terrible life in San Siesta, so I let her do them and, whatever she did and whenever she did it, she always did a great job and I always appreciated it.

And sometimes when we weren't busy, I would take her out. We went shopping – as Roxanne need more clothes than just the ones Sylvia gave her – we would eat out, we would go to the movie theatre and we would go to have picnics at Spoonerville Park and Spoonerville Beach. So, yeah, life with Roxanne back in my life was just as good as it was during our high school relationship.

There was one problem, though – she kept waking up from during the night. I kept running into her bedroom and checking she was okay and she kept telling me that she was still having the same nightmare and she kept apologizing to me for waking me up. Then one night, I suggested that she tried sleeping with me in my bedroom to see if that would help her, but sadly it didn't and she had the same nightmare.

"I'm so sorry I keep putting you through this, Max," Roxanne sobbed. "Maybe I should just leave you, so I won't be a burden to you."

I gently grabbed her beautiful hands and held them to comfort her. "Listen to me, Roxanne. You are the complete opposite of a burden. You are an absolute joy to be with and that's why I enjoy you staying in my house and I will help you the best way I can."

"Thank you, Max," Roxanne said, hugging me as she continued to sob. "Thank you so much."

"I've been thinking for a while, Roxanne," I said. "I know a psychologist. Do you want me to try and book an appointment for you?"

"Won't it cost a lot of money?"

"Because you're my friend and I really want to help you, it would be worth every cent and you deserve the help."

"Okay, Max, I'll give it a try. Thank you."

Then we went back to sleep and she didn't wake up from her nightmare again for the rest of the night.

I managed to get Roxanne an appointment with the psychologist two days later. It was Spoonerville's best psychologist, who was a female raccoon called Dr. Yasmin Faist. She was a student that studied psychology at Spoonerville College and, as you know, she had gone on to become one of the world's most successful psychologists ever and has written a lot of psychologist books – both fiction and non-fiction. Before the session with Roxanne began, she immediately recognized me and we greeted each other very quickly before the session began. I stayed with Roxanne and Dr. Faist during the entire session so I could learn the best way how to help Roxanne, which – as Dr. Faist said in her own words – was very admirable and helpful of me.

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