A Very Busy Summer - Helping PJ and Lucy Move

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Soon the summer break arrived

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Soon the summer break arrived. My friends and I felt very good about ourselves for completing two years of college and we felt very proud of what we achieved in those years, including all we learned during our college majors, all the jobs we worked to earn not only money but promotions as well, winning four out of the six College X Games PJ, Bobby and I took part in, helping Spoonerville College win the very first College Water Sports Challenge ever and I was proud of all the drama plays I helped behind the scenes and took part in and I was very proud of helping Spoonerville College win their football matches and I was very happy with all the relationships I had since I started college, starting with a great one with Lola, then a fantastic one with Sasha and now a wonderful one with Charlotte. Life felt very good indeed.

I was looking very forward to a well-earned summer break until I heard there was going to be one major change: my best friends had to leave Spoonerville and go to different cities.

I'll start with PJ. His beret girlfriend Lucy wanted to move to Chicago because she had won a poetry competition at the Chicago Poetry Society and was offered a job in it. She was going to be an editor's assistant for their next published books and she would critique the new poems –spell-check them, make sure they rhyme and give them her honest opinion about which one she liked and she didn't like and she would tell the other editors and the publisher why. Another good thing was that she could transfer to the University of Chicago and continue all the majors she was studying over there. It was a huge opportunity for her and she wanted PJ to move with her for two reasons. The first reason was because she loved him very much and the second was because she was pregnant with his baby.

After much consideration, PJ felt that he had to leave because of the same two reasons as Lucy, but mainly the second reason. And the good thing about them moving to Chicago was that his mom Peg and sister Pistol were already living there. They lived in a huge luxury penthouse on top of a huge luxury apartment building and luckily there was an apartment for rent a few floors below them and PJ and Lucy could move into there.

Ever since Peg heard that they were moving to Chicago and that she was going to be a grandmother, she was very delighted and excited. And another reason that she was very happy was because it had been six years since she divorced Pete but she couldn't get custody of PJ, only Pistol, so she was delighted that they were making up for lost time, even though PJ, my dad and I visited her and Pistol and spent time with them in Chicago whenever we could when PJ and I weren't at school or college in Spoonerville. It was only Pete that wasn't invited and no one missed him any more than he missed them.

As for Pistol, she was delighted to see her brother more often. She missed him as much as their mother did. She felt unsure about being an aunt because she thought she was too young to be one, but she promised she would be the best aunt she could be.

The only sad thing was that PJ and I weren't going to hang out together as much as we used ever since I moved to Spoonerville with my dad when we were both eleven and a half years old. We were both the very first friend we ever had. Before that, none of us had any friends at all. And the more we hung out, we became more than just best friends, we became the brothers we never had. It was upsetting for the both of us that he was going to move to Chicago, but I knew he was really doing it for his family – Lucy, their future child, Peg and Pistol – which I understood and even admired him for putting his family first. But once he settled in there, he got used to it and, thanks to his excellent academic work from Spoonerville College and thanks to Peg's money, he managed to get into the University of Chicago to continue his studies. And he managed to get a job in Chicago when he wasn't studying at the university – he was a kitchen porter in a Michelin star restaurant called The Red Flame. He used to be one in a restaurant near Spoonerville College when he wasn't studying or training for the College X Games and other stuff. Before he moved to Chicago, he looked for jobs hiring in the city, including the Red Flame. When PJ went for an interview at the restaurant, the manager and everyone was so impressed with his interview and the manager of the Spoonerville restaurant, who PJ used as a reference, recommended him very highly, so he got the job.

Anyway, I know I haven't mentioned Charlotte much in this chapter, but this is where she comes into it now. She came with me, Bobby and my dad to help PJ and Lucy move from Spoonerville to Chicago. Charlotte didn't need to come, but she wanted to because she liked spending time with me wherever and whenever in this world and she wanted say goodbye to two of her best friends she ever had. And I was glad she did because she was very helpful and Peg and Pistol all enjoyed meeting her.

While I helped the boys lift the heavy boxes from the cars and take them up the stairs, Charlotte helped the ladies get the stuff out of the boxes and put them where they should be in their new apartment. It was no penthouse, but it was still a very nice apartment. It had a nice big kitchen, a big sitting room, a big bathroom and two nice big bedrooms. It was just right for PJ, Lucy and their baby.

After all that hard work, Peg invited us all to her penthouse for a dinner to celebrate a successful move. We had a meat feast – beef burgers, chicken, BBQ ribs, lamb steaks, fries and salad. Everything was delicious and her penthouse was amazing. It had four big bedrooms, a large sitting room, a huge bathroom, a vast kitchen, a massive gym, a swimming pool the size of an ocean and a hot tub the size of a pond. Ever since she moved to Chicago, Peg quit her job as a real estate agent and worked for an investment, savings and pension company called Money Clouds. She became so good at it that she managed to successfully earn the role of Chief Operating Officer of the company. That was how she managed to afford her lovely penthouse which she still lived in and that was how she managed to help PJ and Lucy get settled in their new apartment and transferred to the University of Chicago.

While PJ and Lucy went to sleep in their new apartment with Bobby in the spare bedroom, Peg kindly offered my dad, Charlotte and I to sleep in the spare bedrooms. My dad had one for himself while Charlotte and I shared. We were tired, but not too tired to have our private fun in bed.

The next morning, we had a wonderful, delicious breakfast which Peg kindly cooked for us and then we all spent a fun day walking around Chicago to wind down from the hard work we did yesterday. Then the day after, after another delicious breakfast from Peg, Bobby, my dad, Charlotte and I said goodbye to PJ, Lucy, Peg and Pistol and wished PJ and Lucy the best of luck in the next chapters of their lives before we went back to Spoonerville. They said we were always welcome to their apartments any time we were in Chicago. Peg's ex-husband Pete still wasn't. He wouldn't have been much help if he came anyway. He wasn't even helpful with helping PJ pack his stuff; my dad and I had to help him instead, but, hey, that's what best buddies are for.

Speaking of which, both PJ and Lucy asked me if I would be their child's godfather and I told them I would be delighted and I still am delighted to this day that they asked me to and that I am the godfather of their twin boy and girl Patrick and Penelope. None of us knew that Lucy was carrying twins the whole time; they only found out when she gave birth to them, but besides that nothing changed. I still have a good relationship with my amazing godchildren to this very day. 

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