Sasha's First Try Out

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And Sasha only got better with skateboarding, bike riding and rollerblading as my friends and I continued to train her every day

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And Sasha only got better with skateboarding, bike riding and rollerblading as my friends and I continued to train her every day. Not only was she getting better every day, but she was enjoying it more. My friends and I coached her individually. I coached her about skateboarding and taught her everything I knew about it, including all the tricks I knew. PJ coached her about riding a bike and taught her all he knew about it and Bobby coached her about rollerblading and taught her all he knew about it, including all the tricks he knew.

And like I promised, I would go and see her do her activities when she wasn't studying horticulture and floristry or training for the College X Games or doing her paid jobs so she could continue to pay for college and to make her resume look good, which were being an assistant groundskeeper for the Spoonerville College Golf Course or being a lifeguard at the Spoonerville College swimming pool when she wasn't swimming with her swim team. I would see her when she was doing those jobs, but I wouldn't distract her from doing those jobs. I would tell her later that I've seen her at work and how hard she always worked, which always made her very happy. There was one thing I never told her about her lifeguard job and that was how sexy she looked in her sexy red one-piece swimsuit. I never told her because I didn't want to embarrass myself or her, but every time I swam in the swimming pool and I saw her sitting in her lifeguard seat, I think she kind of knew that I found her attractive in her lifeguard swimsuit.

I would go and see her do her cheerleading with the other Spoonerville College Cheerleaders every time there was a football game, a soccer game, a basketball game or a baseball game among the other games that happened at Spoonerville College. Every time I went to see these games, I always cheered for Spoonerville College and hoped that they would win and beat the guest college teams, but the main reason I went to see these games was because of Sasha cheerleading with the other cheerleaders. They were all very good at it, but Sasha was brilliant. She could do everything a cheerleader needed to do. In fact, I would say she was the best cheerleader not only in Spoonerville College, but the best cheerleader in the world. Despite her skills and her dedication to cheerleading, Sasha wasn't the captain of the team. I know that being the captain of a team doesn't always mean that you're perfect or you're the best at everything, but I always thought that if anyone deserved that title, it was Sasha. The same went for her when she was in the college's swimming team. She was the team's best swimmer and she swam like a mermaid as well as looked good in her sexy dark blue bikini, yet she wasn't the captain of the swim team either. But despite that, Sasha always gave everything her all and was being the very best version of herself.

Soon the day came when the College X Games try-outs for the first championship of the year arrived. It was me, Bobby and Sasha for our team. PJ couldn't make it for the try-outs because, during one of our practices, he accidentally sprained his right ankle. The doctor who treated him said he needed to rest his ankle as much as possible and that meant missing out the try-outs and the first College X Games championship this year. We were all sad that PJ couldn't join us this time, but we were glad that he promised he and Lucy would be there to support me, Bobby and Sasha. And he even gave Sasha his Team Ninety-Nine uniform and helmet which fitted her like a glove.

As Bobby, Sasha and I made our way to the tower, I noticed that she was looking nervous. "Are you okay, Sasha?"

"This is a dream come true for me, Max," Sasha said, "but I'm getting nervous. I feel like I'm going to bring myself and you and Bobby and PJ down."

"Sasha, listen to me," I said. "I know how you feel. I always get nervous whenever I do things like this. But that's good that you and I feel nervous because it helps us focus and push us to be the very best of ourselves even more. That's how I made here and how you made it here."

"And also because of you and your friends," Sasha said.

"No, Sasha," I said. "It's because of you and your special skills. If it wasn't for your skills, you wouldn't be here. And my friends and I would have never have wasted time on someone who didn't have skills like yours. Not everyone gets to make it here, so that means you are special. My friends and I have seen how great you are. Now, let's go and show the whole college that."

Sasha felt more motivated and smiled. "Okay, Max. Thanks."

On the top of the tower, it was Team Ninety-Nine (me, Bobby and Sasha) and Team One (I don't remember the team's names or the team players' names, but it definitely wasn't the Gammas and they certainly didn't cheat). Most of the audience who came to see us was cheering for Team Ninety-Nine (and again, not trying to blow my own trumpet but mostly me).

Team One went first and I had to admit they were very good at what they did. Most of the judges gave them a score of nine, with only Germany giving them a score of eight.

Then it was my team's turn. I went first and then Bobby went next. Every time we did our thing Then finally it was Sasha.

"Wow!" cried Chuck the Sportscaster. "What do we have here? A girl. That's a first in the history of the College X Games."

"A girl?" The crowd was confused. Some were laughing and some were just booing.

This was putting off Sasha. She started to turn around, but I stopped her. "I'm so sorry, Max, but I just can't."

"Remember what I said, Sasha?" I asked.

She sighed. "That this is my chance to show the whole college what I can do."

"That's right. Especially those people that are booing you. When people boo you, that's the perfect time to show those people how very wrong they are about you and how special you are. What do you say?"

"Okay. I'll do it."

So Sasha got ready. The gun fired and Sasha went off to do her thing on the skateboarding ramps. As we all watched her, I was impressed that she used all I taught her about skateboarding. Everyone was impressing. Even the people who were laughing or booing her before were all now standing up and cheering her. And when she finished, all the judges gave us a ten, except Germany who gave us a nine. We were not only in the main championship, but we were in first place and it was all thanks to Sasha's skills (and, to put this as humbly as I can, maybe the training from me and my friends had something to do with it).

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