Christmas 1999 and Starting A New Millennium

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For Christmas 1999, my dad and I didn't spend it at our house in Spoonerville

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For Christmas 1999, my dad and I didn't spend it at our house in Spoonerville. We spent it in Big Sky, Montana, because that was where Sylvia came from and her family continued to live there. She wanted to spend the end of the old millennium and the start of the new one with her family. As it was just me and my dad living in the same house in Spoonerville and our other relatives lived too far away and our friends had families to spend Christmas and start the new millennium with, there was really no excuse why we couldn't spend Christmas and start the new millennium with Sylvia and her family. And I hadn't met her family yet and both she and my dad wanted to meet them, so I joined them. But I was still very nervous to meet them like I was always nervous when I meet new people and try to make a good impression. I still am and I always will.

When we got to Big Sky and to the house of Sylvia's family, I met them for the first time ever. There was her mother Jennifer, her father Robert, her two older sisters, Wendy and Martha, and her young nephews and nieces. There was Wendy's son and daughter, Henry and Zoe, and Martha's daughters, Tina and Danielle. They were all very nice, friendly and smart. As this vacation went on, I did my best to bond with everyone. I especially bonded with Sylvia's nephews and nieces when we would do snow sports together. They were very impressed when they saw me ski, snowboard, sleigh and play ice hockey. They were so impressed that they wanted me to coach them, which I did. They became very good at it. So good in fact I felt like I was getting to know four future Winter Olympians. Their house was decent-sized, but they managed to squeeze me and my dad in as well. There weren't enough bedrooms, so I slept on the bed that came out of green couch in the sitting room and it was nice and comfy and I slept very well.

It was a very awesome Christmas Day when it arrived. We all enjoyed the delicious Christmas dinner that Jennifer cooked. She had always cooked the Christmas dinners for her family ever since she could and she still managed to keep her skills up because she did a very good job with this one. It's one of the top ten Christmas dinners I've ever had in my life. Then we all had a fun time watching everyone opening their presents and then playing fun Christmas games like naming the Christmas tunes and Christmas charades among them.

On December 27th, I was in charge of the kids and we were busy playing some ice hockey on a frozen pond. I think it was Henry who aimed to fire the hockey pad into the goalpost, but he misaimed and it accidentally knocked down a nearby ice skater. I skated to that person, who was wearing white ice-skating shoes, brown pants and a furry purple coat.

"I'm so sorry," I said as I helped the person up.

"It's okay," the person said.

Then I was amazed when I saw who the person was. "Sasha?"


We were both very happy to see each other again. We embraced.

"Is this a friend of yours, Max?" Danielle asked. She and the other kids ice-skated to me and Sasha.

"Yeah, Danielle," I said. "In fact, kids, this is my girlfriend, Sasha."

They all greeted her and Henry apologized for accidentally knocking down her and she quickly forgave him for that. Then Sasha played ice hockey with me and the kids. We split into two teams and played a new game of ice hockey. The first team was me, Henry and Zoe and the second team was Sasha, Tina and Danielle. As we played, I learned another thing about Sasha – about how well she caught play ice hockey. She was brilliant at it. She and her team beat me and my team.

While we took a break from ice hockey and the kids were busy building snowmen, making snow angels or having snowball fights, Sasha told me that she and her family had a great Christmas back in Cincinnati and decided to see the end of the old millennium and the start the new one here in Big Sky because they all enjoyed doing winter sports. The ski hotel they were staying at was very nice.

And I saw that Sasha and her family weren't lying when I went to see them the next day on December. The hotel was lovely. It was in front of a hill that was perfect for skiing and snowboarding. It had its own ice-skating rank that was big enough for ice-skating Olympians to practice. Inside the hotel, it had a giant, warm swimming pool, a huge steam room and massive hot tubs and a big restaurant with delicious food. Sasha also showed me the hotel room she was staying in and showed me how wonderful it was. And then we had our usual private fun.

From that day right until New Year's Eve, I balanced my time spending it with my family, Sylvia's family and spending it with Sasha. When I was with Sasha, we would ski together, snowboard together, play more ice hockey, ice-skate at her hotel's ice-skating rink and then we would go into her room, get naked, get under her bed and have our private fun.

Then on New Year's Eve 1999, Sasha and I joined all our families and the entire population in Big Sky as we counted down to not only the new year but the new millennium as well.

"Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five... Four... Three... Two... One... Happy New Year and Happy New Millennium!"

And the first thing Sasha and I did in this new millennium was wish each other a happy new year and happy new millennium and kissed each other. Then after singing Auld Lang Syne with everyone, it was time for me and Sasha to go back to our families and go back to the accommodation that we were staying at and get ready for heading back to our homes on January 2nd.

At first, I was worried about this Christmas vacation, but it turned out to be one of the best vacations of my life. I met Sylvia's family and got on very well with them, I spent a wonderful Christmas Day with them and I did awesome winter sports with them. But what this Christmas vacation one of the best ones in my life was that I spent half of it with my wonderful girlfriend Sasha and that made this vacation so awesome. Sasha felt the same – she had a great Christmas with her family, she had a great time in Big Sky and did a lot of fun winter sports, but her most favourite part of her Christmas vacation was spending every second she could with me and that made me feel even more happy that she still enjoyed being with me as much as I enjoyed being with her.

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