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I wasn't the only one who was upset that Charlotte had to leave Spoonerville College. Her very best friend Annie Thornton was as sad as I was that she had to leave as well, if not even more so because Annie wasn't just Charlotte's very best friend at college, but she had been her very best friend since day care. So even though Annie was pleased that Charlotte was on the path to achieve her dreams and success, she was still taking the fact that her best friend had to move away from her for the very first time in... well, forever very hard.

Annie had some other friends, but she wasn't as close to them as she was to Charlotte. They had always been like sisters to each other since day care. Even though Charlotte promised her that she would call or write a letter or email to her whenever she could before she moved to New York, Annie was still very depressed.

I knew Annie a bit while I was in my relationship with Charlotte. She was a very beautiful blonde lady who usually wore a white tank, blue pants and sandals. She was also a very nice and smart lady. I could see why she and Charlotte developed a very strong sisterhood between each other, because Charlotte herself was a beautiful, nice and smart lady herself. The majors Annie studied were college math, business studies and architecture studies. She said her dream job was to be an architect and if she doesn't achieve that, her backup jobs would like work in a bank or something very close to that. When she wasn't studying, she was a cleaner at the local movie theater.

I usually saw Annie when she was with Charlotte, but there were times when I would see her without Charlotte, like when she would workout at the gym I worked at or when we would both go to see Charlotte do her ballet shows and her cheerleading events at the college. Even though she wasn't really into sports, she came to watch me with Charlotte do every College X Games and football games I did and I was always grateful to her for that as well as her coming to see me do West Side Story and Starlight Express.

When college continued after the Christmas break, I bumped into Annie a few times and every time I saw her, I saw that she was really struggling to deal with Charlotte no longer being with her in person. I asked her if she wanted to talk over coffee and she said yes. We went to the Bean Scene and I got us two cups of coffee. Before we took a sip of our coffees, we toasted to Charlotte and wished all the success in the world. Then we talked about her. I told Annie everything that I found so wonderful about her, especially how much of a wonderful girlfriend she was and how she was great with her fashion taste, her amazing cheerleading and ballet skills, her hardworking skills for her studies and the clothes shop she worked in before she moved to New York, her incredible water sports talents and her nice, generous nature. Then Annie told me how much of a good friend Charlotte always had been since day care, how much she always was like sister to her and how much she helped her become the person she was today.

Then we talked about each other. She asked me if I was enjoying my studies and my work and my sport challenges and my latest drama production of Chicago and I told her I was. Then I asked her if she was still enjoying her studies and her work at the movie theater and she was enjoying.

Then after we finished our coffees, Annie told me that she was starting to feel better for it and for being with me. She asked me if I could go to her dorm room with her because she needed my help with something, so I went with her.

Annie took me to her dorm room, which was also my first time there. It was a small, but nice room. She had a nice big bed and a nice big wooden desk and a nice big closest and a nice bathroom. Then I saw Annie taking off her clothes until she left only her white bra and panties on. Then she approached me and kissed her passionately.

"This is to thank you, Max, for supporting me," she said.

It was all too sudden for me, but I was enjoying Annie kissing me and I kissed her back. As we kissed, she helped me strip my clothes off. Then we went to the bed and had our sex.

As the days went by, Annie and I started another relationship and we would have sex with each other every night in either my dorm room or Annie's. The more we did it, the more we enjoyed it. And soon we were having naked sex, with only me wearing a condom over my penis.

When we weren't having sex or attending to our classes or at our jobs, Annie and I would go out on dates like to some restaurants for dinner or to see the latest movie at the movie theater.

Even though it was very quick, I was feeling very better for being in this new relationship. And so did Annie. Or so it seemed...

Then one night, which was about the fourteenth night in our relationship, Annie and I were having our usual sex in her bed in her dorm room. We were all completely naked with the exception of me wearing a condom on my penis. Then suddenly Annie wanted to stop.

"What's wrong, Annie?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, Max," Annie said. "I can't keep doing this."

"What's the matter?" I was so confused.

"It's not you, Max. It's me. I actually thought I wanted to have a relationship with you, but now I've just realized that I just wanted to sex with you so I could feel better for Charlotte leaving me for the first time ever in our lives. I'm so sorry, Max, for making you waste two weeks of your life to go through this for me. If you can't ever forgive me, I don't blame you." Then she started to cry.

I was shocked when she told this at first, but after I took some time to gather my thoughts and feelings, I calmed down, approached her and put my hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay, Annie," I said. "I understand. Everyone has their own way of handling things when their family members or friends must leave. At least, what we did to cope with Charlotte leaving is better than drinking alcohol and taking drugs."

"Oh, definitely," Annie agreed.

"We can remain friends if you like," I said. "If you ever get sad again, I can be here for you and give the support you need."

Annie started to smile. "I would like that, Max. And I will support you the best way I can."

"Thank you," I said. "And I forgive you."

"Thank you." Then she hugged me and I hugged her back.

"If this is to be the last night of us having sex," I said, "shall we at least finish it off with a happy ending?"

"Okay, then. Let's do it."

And so Annie and I continued to have sex with each other. When we woke up the next morning, we were still in her bed and we decided to have extra sex for good measure before we went to our classes.

Even though we weren't in a relationship anymore – I still don't know if I can even call it a relationship at all, only a period of cheering up sex between us, but it still helped the both of us get over Charlotte moving away from us – Annie and I still remained good friends and she still continued to see me do the College X Games and this year's college production of Chicago. And then when she graduated Spoonerville College, she managed get work in an architecture company before she started her own architecture company called Building Forests. She called it that because the more buildings she oversaw, the more they grow and expand like a forest. It's still very successful and is getting more successful every day. And she's happily married with a great guy called Jacob and they have two wonderful sons. Like Charlotte, Lola and Sasha, I couldn't be happier for Annie or prouder of her successful personal life and professional career.

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