Good Riddance, Mona

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Now, everyone who knows me knows I have a very bad temper and I can get mad very easily, but I had never been angrier ever in my life than on the day when I learnt that my fiancée Mona was cheating on me! And in my own house! And on the day after ...

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Now, everyone who knows me knows I have a very bad temper and I can get mad very easily, but I had never been angrier ever in my life than on the day when I learnt that my fiancée Mona was cheating on me! And in my own house! And on the day after I took her out for a lovely, expensive meal and proposed to her on the night before!

After I found out what Mona did to me, I went straight to my room and started to pack my stuff. I just had to get away from her as soon as I could. Even if she left the house instead of me, I just couldn't stay in it because all it would do to me was just remind me of what she did to me and all those horrible things she said about me to the guy she was cheating on me with, especially when I thought we had a very wonderful relationship between us.

Soon, I finished my packing and I was about to head out of my room when the horrible lady herself came in. Now fully clothed again, she glared at me as she blocked the door.

"Let me pass, Mona!" I snapped at her.

But she didn't.

"I said, LET ME PASS!"

"NO!" Then she angrily slammed the door behind her. "How dare you embarrass me like that, Max!"

I couldn't believe what she just said to me. "I embarrassed you? How dare I? How dare you cheat on me! How long has this been going on?"

When I thought she couldn't hurt me anymore, she told me that she had been cheating on me ever since the day we started our relationship in Myrtle Beach during Spring Break 2001. And the very worse part of her telling me all about it was that there was no shred of remorse in her tone of voice for what she did as she told me everything and I could tell from it that she had no intention of ever stopping to sleep with whoever she wanted and not care if she hurt anyone's feelings.

"What have I ever done to you to deserve this?" I yelled when she finished telling me her entire history of cheating on me. "Or what didn't I do to help you enough? I always did my share of cooking and cleaning in this house! I did my bit in the garden! I worked as hard as I could to earn money! I never took advantage of you! I took you on the best dates and vacations! I tried to do many activities with you as much as you wanted me to! And when you were upset, I always supported you the very best way I could! And when you wanted alone time, I respected your privacy! What more could I have done? What does that guy give you that I never gave to you?"

"He gives me everything you give me... only ten times better!"

"Time times better?!"

"Daniel downstairs is definitely worth cheating on you with," Mona said. "He has more money and more power – he's the son of the Senior Senator of Ohio, for crying out loud – and he is ten times better at having sex with than you ever were."

"So, why did you accept my proposal last night if you don't love me?" I asked.

"Because you're a very respected guy, Max, and to reject you in public would be a disaster," she replied.

I gasped. "So that was all just an act? Nothing else."

"Nothing else."

"And what about our relationship, Mona? What that nothing as well?"

"Yes, Max. Nothing at all. And I'm not sorry for what I did or how I made you feel. And if you try to start a new relationship with another lady and she leaves you, I wouldn't blame her. No wonder no lady wants to spend the rest of her life with someone like you."

See what I mean? Not even a bit remorseful for what she did to me. I didn't say anything because there was nothing more to say. I just started to walk out of my bedroom and this time she didn't stop me.

"Hey, Max?"

I stopped and turned to face her.

"You forgot this." She took off her engagement ring and threw it at the floor next to me. I picked it up and then headed out of my room, then out of the house from that unremorseful bitch and her new boyfriend.

I managed to find Spoonerville's cheapest motel and I managed to get the last room and I managed to stay there for two weeks. Due to its cheapness, it wasn't very big, but it was big enough for me and my stuff and it was better than being with Mona and all her cheating boyfriends. During my stay at the motel, I continued to go to work and look for a new house, because I just couldn't go back to that house ever. If I continued to live in there, all I would get would just be very painful memories of my very dishonest relationship with Mona.

Even though I was away from her and I knew my relationship with her was over, I kept wishing our relationship was real, happy and honest as it seemed to be. I couldn't believe what I thought was my longest, happiest and most successful relationship ever turned out to be the most dishonest and worst relationship in my life ever. Even my two-week relationship with Annie and those few threesomes I had with Stacey and Lauren on our Spring Break trip in Cancun were much better.

I'll never forget my first night at the motel and how much I couldn't sleep and how much I cried my eyes that night. I tried to work out what I did wrong in my relationship with Mona and what I could have done to make it better for her, but I just couldn't think of anything else. Maybe I just wasn't the one for her.

Whenever I think about my time with Mona, I try to think of the good that came out of the relationship we had such as when she accompanied me to the wedding of my dad and Sylvia and she was one of Sylvia's bridesmaids, when she helped with Hannah's birth, when she and her family took me on their Maldives vacation and our Catalina Island vacation among many things, but what she did to me and the fact that she said her relationship with me meant nothing to her at all makes it very hard to do that.

Sadly, I wasn't finished with Mona yet. Because we weren't living in the house anymore, we had to sell it and split the money between us. And I wasn't done with the house either. I already explained this in How To Become a Millionaire in your Early 20s, but for those who haven't read it or forgotten about it, here is a quick summary of this chapter of my life. Peg came all the way from Chicago to use her estate agent skills and managed to not only help me arrange the money between me and Mona, but she suggested and helped me to set up the Max Goof Trust Fund and to become the landlord of my first house and rent it out, which I still am and still do to this very day. Luckily, the first family, a family of foxes, the Harpers, that moved in was a very nice middle-class family and really enjoyed their stay in the house for more than three years. And, while she was here, Peg managed to help me find another house for me to move in. It was one of the most expensive houses in Spoonerville. It was a big house – also big enough to be a mansion – with security gates, a garden the size of a park, a gym that could fit all the best athletes in the world, a swimming pool the size of an ocean and a massive hot tub. Peg told me that due to the money from my hard work at Spoonerville College and the investments I made with her company – which I joined I once earned enough money to do so and now Peg also became my investment advisor and she still now and is a very good one as well and, even though I had Sylvia as my stepmother, I still view her as a mother figure ever since I was eleven and a half and she still is a very good one at that as well – I could afford the house and so I went and bought it and I still live in it to this day. And due to all the money I kept earning and investing, I was able to quickly pay off the mortgage.

So even though I was moving on in my life physically, the emotional pain from the last chapter of my life still stayed with me.

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