A Vacation in Ibiza

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During mid-May 1999, I was going on vacation

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During mid-May 1999, I was going on vacation. I wasn't going with my dad and Sylvia. They were taking a vacation of their own; they were going to Canada and they were taking the Rocky Mountaineer train to explore it. I was going on vacation for a week on the Spanish island of Ibiza with Lola, her parents and her sisters. Lola said she wanted me to come because she wanted to share this vacation with me as I was the best boyfriend she ever had in her whole life. And since she had a more male admirers since kindergarten than anyone could shake a stick with, that meant more to me than just a compliment. And her parents invited me as way of thanking me for looking after her very well in college. Whatever the reasons the Lynch family invited me to come on vacation with them were, I was very grateful. And going with Lola was the main reason I accepted their generous offer, but they were other reasons like needing a big break from all the incredible progress I was making at Spoonerville College with my studies, work, learning to drive and my friends and I becoming the first team in the history of Spoonerville College to ever win two College X Games Championships (especially since the Gammas' cheating wins no longer counted). I did check with my dad if I could go to Ibiza with the Lynch family and, as much as he wanted me to go with him and Sylvia to Canada, he said I could go and I was very grateful to him for letting me.

I had never been to Ibiza before, so I was very excited to go and, when I and the Lynch family got there, I was not disappointed at all. In fact, I would dare say that it exceeded my expectations. I will start with how the incredible five-star hotel we stayed at, which I still can't remember its name, and the big room I stayed in. I liked everything in it, including the enormous, comfy bed, the massive TV, the huge, luxurious bathroom and the vast balcony with the incredible view of Ibiza, but the best part of the room was I got to share it with Lola and do I need to tell you all about the private, special fun we've had in bed every night? I also remember waking up and enjoying the food from the breakfast buffet every morning. Everything they served there was very delicious.

And I will never forget all the amazing activities I did with Lola and her family in Ibiza. What we did on the day after we landed in Ibiza and got sorted out in the hotel was take a bus tour around the whole island. We saw and visited a lot of incredible buildings including Ibiza Cathedral, the C'an Marca Caves, Puig des Molins and the Ibiza Museum of Contemporary Art among them. Everything we saw was amazing and we learned not just a lot about them, but a whole lot of the history of Ibiza.

Then on the next day, Lola, her father Jonathan and two of her sisters, Barbara-Lynn and Kiera, and I explored more of Ibiza on an ATV tour. It had been a long while since I used an ATV, but when I did, I felt like riding a bike. I never forgot how to do it and once again it was exhilarating like every other time I used an ATV. As if that wasn't awesome, I was really amazed when Lola showed me how well she could ride an ATV. Her father and her sisters were very good at riding ATVs in their own way, but I still have to say that Lola was the coolest out of all of us.

The next day, the Lynch family and I went on a boat tour on the Balearic Sea. The boat took us to see the amazing caves outside of Ibiza. And then everyone had a choice of just relaxing on the boat or explore the Balearic Sea by snorkelling or scuba diving. Francine just relaxed and sun-bathed on the boat, while Jonathan and Lola's sisters went snorkelling. Lola and I went scuba-diving. It was too hot to wear wetsuits, so I just went scuba-diving in my orange swim shorts and Lola just went in her bright green bikini. When we were underwater, we saw a lot of incredible sights including a lot of shipwrecks and marine life and again Lola amazed me with her incredible scuba-diving skills.

The next day, the Lynch family and I had a quiet and relaxing day. When I say that, what I mean by that is that we didn't do any extreme activities, but Lola and I didn't just want to do nothing. So we checked out the massive gym and had a few workouts together. We tried the treadmill, the cross walker, the machine bike, the rowing machine and all the weights. Again, Lola surprised me when she saw how good she was at exercises and she did more than look good in her green sports bra, tight white shorts, white socks and white trainers. Then we changed into our swimwear and we cooled down in the vast swimming pool and then relaxed in the huge hot tub. Then that night, the Lynch family and I went to experience the Ushuaia Ibiza Beach Club. It was great. We all danced the whole night with everyone else there. As I danced with Lola, it got me thinking about dancing with her now and dancing with her in the Clube Rave when I first met her properly for the first time and how we danced in West Side Story. It made me think that we should have become a famous dance couple like Fred and Ginger, Torvill and Dean and Powerline and his then-wife Extremely Dangerous. I knew deep down it wasn't really going to happen, but that just showed you how much I really appreciated Lola as a wonderful girlfriend and how highly I thought of her and how much I believed in her.

The next day, the Lynch family and I went to a lovely beach (I think it was Cala Tarida). With the exception of Francine who wanted to sunbathe, we all did some water sports, including paddleboarding and jet-skiing. Again everyone, especially Lola, amazed me with their skills at the water sports. There was a barbeque dinner at the beach, so we stayed and had some of their delicious food as we watched the beautiful sunset before we headed back to the hotel.

The next day, the Lynch family and I went for an explore near the hotel and visited a few local markets and we bought a lot of stuff. I only bought a couple of things. I haggled and bought a vase for Sylvia and a new shiny candlestick for my dad.

The last day of the vacation, after breakfast, we had to catch our flight back to Spoonerville Airport. After the Lynch family dropped me and Lola back at the college, I thanked them for a wonderful and awesome vacation and they thanked me for coming with them and for looking after Lola and making college a wonderful experience for her. And I continued to do so when I helped Lola with her bags to her dorm room and we had our private fun in bed afterwards.

The next day, I caught up with my dad and Sylvia and I told them all about my adventures with Lola and her family in Ibiza and gave them the gifts I bought from there, which they were very grateful for. Then I asked them about their Canadian vacation and they told me all about their adventures (or sometimes misadventures, especially with the Rocky Mountaineer train) over there. Then they gave me a gift from their vacation and it was a dream catcher made in a shop by First Nations that they visited. I appreciated it and I still do; it's above me every night when I'm sleeping in my bed.

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