Ride Back To Spoonerville

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Then the day when our amazing vacation had to come to an end and my family and I had to check out and go home finally arrived

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Then the day when our amazing vacation had to come to an end and my family and I had to check out and go home finally arrived. After I packed my stuff and Roxanne's stuff (it was hers now, because Sylvia said Roxanne needed them more than she did) into my suitcase (there was enough room for them), I went to pay for my stay and Roxanne's stay. Then we joined my family in the resort's parking lot and and loaded our stuff into our cars. Then Roxanne and I said goodbye to my family and thanked them for a wonderful vacation and then we got into my red car and drove back to Spoonerville.

Roxanne liked my red car a lot and I was glad because this car was a brand-new model and it could go as fast as a race car. I was going as fast as the speed laws allowed me, but she didn't get car sick and she still felt safe and comfortable when I was driving.

"May I ask how you're feeling about returning to Spoonerville?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, Max," Roxanne said. "I know I lived the first seventeen years of my life there, but I feel like it'll be different now that my dad's died and my friends have moved on. On the other hand, I'm sure it'll be better than returning to San Siesta."

"So, it's a wait-and-see kind of thing for you, is it?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess it is," Roxanne said. "So, Max, you know about my life since leaving Spoonerville. Can you tell me what you've been up to since then?"

Then I told her what I achieved since she left which including graduating high school and the other high school achievements I achieved during then, including winning more high school football matches and trophies and starring and playing the lead in the high school stage productions of Into The Woods in the Eleventh Grade and Les Miserables in the Twelfth Grade among them, when I did the Spoonerville Triathlon in Summer 1998, graduating college (and in three years instead of four like a lot of people do), winning four out of seven College X Games I took part in, winning college football matches, winning the very first College Water Sports Competitions, starring and playing in the leads of many college drama productions which included West Side Story, Starlight Express and Chicago, and starting work there by becoming a cleaner for the gyms and then becoming the Head of the Sports Department at Spoonerville College and holding that title since 2003. She wanted to know, but because I rememberd that she had been through hell for the last eight years, so I told her about my accomplishments in the very least boastful way I could and she liked hearing about them a lot.

"I'm very impressed with how you made your life a success, Max," Roxanne said. "Now, did you have any relationships while I was gone?"

Then I told Roxanne about how I started a relationship with Lisa in high school after she left Spoonerville. I was upset when Roxanne had to leave and Lisa broke with Chad because he had been cheating a lot on her ever since their very first day at Spoonerville High School. Lisa and I started out as very close friends and then we started dating and started a very happy relationship which continued until we graduated high school. We couldn't continue our relationship because we had to go to different colleges, but we remained very close friends and she asked me to be the godfather of her children. Roxanne was surprised of that because she and Lisa had never really been friends during high school and Roxanne found Lisa to be a complete diva obsessed with the high school hierarchy and dating the best-looking guys. I told Roxanne that changed when I started to date Lisa and how Lisa kept telling me that out of all the relationships she had been in I was the best and that was why she asked me to be the godfather of her children.

Then I told Roxanne about my college relationships. I started off with my first one, Lola, and how much of a wonderful lady she was and all we did in our relationship together and that we had to end it because she was offered a place to work and continue her education in Duckberg.

Then I told Roxanne about my second college relationship, Sasha, and how awesome she was and all we did in our relationship together and our mutual passion for sports and that we had to end it because she had to move to Peoria.

Then I told Roxanne about my third college relationship, Charlotte, and how amazing she was and all we did in our relationship together and that we had to end it because she was offered special ballet education in New York.

Then I finally told Roxanne about, Mona and how I thought she was truly incredible and all we did in what in what I thought was a relationship and how I even proposed to her when in reality she was a lair and she never liked me and she used me to make herself feel special and powerful and how much it stopped me from dating anyone since then.

"Oh, you poor thing," Roxanne said. "I'm so sorry that you went through all that."

"Thanks, Roxanne," I said.

I didn't leave any details out. I even told Roxanne about my two-week relationship with Annie and I even told her about the two times I had protected with Stacey during our spring break in Cancun and that she was bisexual and I had one threesomes with her and her girlfriend Lauren. Roxanne was surprised about it, but she was glad that I told her the truth instead of trying to hide it from her and she found out later instead. Then she asked about PJ and then I told her about how well he was doing being the celebrity three Michelin star chef and owned three restaurants and how happy he was with his partner Lucy, who was the world's most successful living poet and his twin children, Patrick and Penelope, whom I was their godfather, just like I was the godfather of Sabrina and Regina, the children of Bobby, Stacey and Lauren. Then I told Roxanne about how well Bobby, Stacey and Lauren were doing very well in their very successful careers and how well Lisa was doing, being the editor-in-chief of the world's most popular fashion magazine, Gleaming.

When Roxanne and I reached my house, I was very glad that she immediately liked it. I gave her a very quick tour of it and my garden. Then I made us dinner, which was frozen cheese and onion pies and frozen fries and frozen vegetables and then we were very tired that we went to bed. I quickly sorted out the spare bedroom for Roxanne and when she was ready for bed, she hugged me and kissed me on the cheek and once again thanked me for everything, including rescuing her from the bog, the wonderful vacation and giving her food and shelter in my house. I told her she was welcome. After I made sure that she got settled into her bed and she went to sleep, I went to bed myself. 

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