Spring Break Fun in Cancun

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After more of our special fun in her room that morning, Stacey and I headed to the hotel's restaurant to grab some delicious Mexican food from the delicious Mexican breakfast buffet

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After more of our special fun in her room that morning, Stacey and I headed to the hotel's restaurant to grab some delicious Mexican food from the delicious Mexican breakfast buffet. Lauren joined us and so did PJ, Bobby, Lucy and Darla. PJ, Bobby and Stacey were delighted to see each other again and she was pleased to meet Lucy and Darla and all of them were pleased to meet Lauren.

Starting from that morning, Stacey and Lauren joined me and our friends on our adventures in Cancun and them joining us made them even better. What we did on that day was visit the Mayan Museum of Cancun and we enjoyed learning a lot about Mayans and their history and their culture and everything. Then after that, we went to a Mexican café for dinner, which we all enjoyed.

That night, Stacey and I had another pleasure night again but this time it was in my room. It was as much fun as it was last night.

Then the next day, we went to have a tour of Chichen Itza and we enjoyed seeing everything in it, including the Chichen Itza Pyramid, the Ball Game, the Tzompantli, the Temple of the Warriors, the Sacred Cenote and all the platforms among the incredible sights we saw.

I went to Stacey's room that night for more of our special fun. The more we did it, the more we enjoyed it.

Then the next day, we went to Ventura Park and we experience everything they offered in all their worlds, including Fun World, Aaah! Ventura World, Grand Prix World, Underworld and Wet n Wild World.

Then that night, a very drunk Stacey suggested to Lauren that she should join me and her for a threesome. She was very drunk because we went to a Mexican restaurant and they were giving out free alcohol with our meals so my friends took full advantage of it. I didn't have any, as I couldn't drink any alcohol at all. Lauren, who was drunk as much of Stacey, agreed immediately to the threesome. Even though she was a lesbian, that didn't matter because none of us three ever had a threesome before and we all decided to give it a try. I was nervous about doing it at first because I never did a threesome before, let alone with a lady who was bisexual and another one who was a lesbian, but we went for it and once we started we couldn't stop. We all started off having sex while wearing our underwear and then we decided to move on to the next level by having naked sex. Only I wore a condom over my penis. The more the threesome went on, the more I enjoyed it. Even Lauren, who was a lesbian, enjoyed having sex with a guy with me and she liked having my condom-covered penis inside her vagina.

"Wow, Max," Lauren gasped, as she felt my shoulders and kissed me on my lips. "Stacey was right. You are amazing. I never imagined that a lesbian such as myself could enjoy doing this with a guy like you."

"Thanks, Lauren," I said, as I felt her sexy butt cheeks and kissed her back on her lovely lips.

Then it was Stacey's turn again to have me. "I know it wasn't meant to be, but I sure wished we had a relationship back in high school and we had sex like this." She kissed me on my lips while I stroked her beautiful hair. "As a bisexual, I'm just in heaven. I got a great guy and a great lady to have sex with. This is the best night of my life ever."

"Mine too!" Lauren agreed.

"Mine three!" I cried happily. I only said that to keep the fun night going. It was one of the most fun nights ever in my life, but I couldn't call it the very best night of my life, even though at the time I couldn't think of a better one yet.

The next morning, Bobby was feeling very depressed when he joined us for breakfast. Some days later, Bobby was very depressed. He was very depressed because this every morning he was going to pick Darla up for breakfast when he found her outside her hotel room in the corridor and she was making out with another guy. Bobby angrily confronted Darla about cheating on him and all she said was that he was not enough for her and everything about him sucked and the guy she had been cheating on him with for four months was better than him in every single way. Bobby was so depressed that he didn't eat anything at all. Not even for Mexican cheese.

During the rest of the day, we tried to cheer Bobby up as we spent the day exploring the Zona Arqueologica El Rey. And, to his credit, he did try to make the most of the day with us, but he really struggled. That night, Bobby was still very depressed. Then Lauren had an idea: for her and Bobby and Stacey to have a threesome together because the threesome they had with me was a success. Stacey was unsure about the idea at first because she was glad to still have Bobby as a friend, but she moved on from him as a boyfriend. Still, Lauren managed to persuade her to do it for Bobby's sake. They checked if I was cool about it and as much as I wanted to have another one with them, I decided to let them have Bobby for the night to make him feel better and also because he needed it more than I did. They told me what a great friend I was for letting them do it.

Bobby felt better the next morning and Lauren and even Stacey had to agree that having a threesome with Bobby was totally cool, though they told me in private that they prefer the one they had with me. After breakfast, we all went to a place called Avenida Kukulkan and, after doing some sightseeing, we all split up. My friends split into two groups – PJ and Lucy for one group and Bobby, Stacey and Lauren for the other group – to do some shopping. I went off to do my own thing, which was chilling out on the beach. Then I saw one of my friends from Spoonerville College on a beach mat and she looked very lonely and upset, so I went to her.

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