When Mona Met My Dad and Sylvia

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Between our Maldives vacation and returning to Spoonerville College, I asked Mona if she wanted to move into my house and she immediately said yes

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Between our Maldives vacation and returning to Spoonerville College, I asked Mona if she wanted to move into my house and she immediately said yes. She said yes for two reasons – the first one was because she told me that liked spending time with me and she wanted to spend even more time with me and the second one was because she felt she needed to start being more independent from her parents. So I, with her parents, helped her move into my house and we both felt it was the right decision for both of us. We all enjoyed living together and we all pulled our weights around the house and the garden. We would take turns when it came to cooking and washing up after every meal, we all did our shares of house chores, like vacuum cleaning, dusting, toilet cleaning and washing among them and we would all do our own jobs in the garden to make it look as beautiful as it could be, like for example I would be in charge of mowing the lawns and cutting the hedges, while Mona was in charge of the weeding and planting the new plants and growing the home-grown vegetables. I know anyone who knew me when I was kid I wasn't like that, but it was after I met Mona and I moved into my own house and I invited her to live with me that made me decide to go and try to make it a house she would want to live in and that I would be a guy that was good and responsible enough for her to want to live in with. She was my motivation.

As we continued to live in my house, Mona and I learned that we had a lot more in common than we thought we did. We liked the same meals, we were both early birds, we liked seeing most of the same TV programmes and we liked going to the movie theatre and have a picnic in Spoonerville Park or on Spoonerville Beach, especially when life got too hectic for us. But the most important thing was we were always there for each other and to support each other, especially when things got too tough.

And Mona and I did more things together at Spoonerville College, such as volunteering at the thanksgiving service at Spoonerville College like I did every year with my previous girlfriends Lola in 1998, Sasha in 1999 and Charlotte in 2000 before Mona did it with me for Thanksgiving 2001. Mona couldn't celebrate Thanksgiving with her parents because they won a hotel and spa trip in Miami and they were coming back to Spoonerville on the day before Thanksgiving Day to celebrate it with her, but there was an accident on their way back on the highway so they couldn't get back there in time. So instead they had to check into a three-star hotel in Charlotte, North Carolina for one night and the highway was still so bad on Thanksgiving Day that they couldn't even get back to Spoonerville in time. But they called Mona on the day before we went to volunteer at the college to wish her a happy Thanksgiving and she wished them the same. Besides, Mona was still happy to spend Thanksgiving with me and I was delighted that she spent it with me. I couldn't go to spend Big Sky to spend Thanksgiving with my dad or Sylvia because there wasn't enough room for me and Mona them, but they did wish me a happy Thanksgiving and best of luck for volunteering at the service at Spoonerville College and I wished them a happy Thanksgiving in return.

I did my usual serving the food to the poor and the homeless, while Mona was part of the medical team. There weren't many people that got ill, but for those who either fell and hurt their knee or bumped into a wall and banged their heads or just felt ill with some reason, Mona attended to them and gave them what they needed. She was a real hero that day as were all the other volunteers who gave up their time to help the college give Thanksgiving to the poor and homeless.

Then after all our hard work and enjoying some delicious Thanksgiving leftovers from the college, Mona and I went back home and did the thing we were most grateful for that year – our very special relationship, along with our very special sex in bed.

Just before the college closed for Christmas, another thing Mona and I did together was this year's Spoonerville College Ice Skating Competition. When we practiced for the big night, I was amazed at how well Mona could ice skate. She was so good at it that I told her that she should have been the American figure skater for the 2002 Winter Olympics and I still remember her crying with happiness and gratitude at my generous compliment. Anyway, her amazing ice-skating skills helped us win this year's ice skating competition, but she told me that her greatest reward out of this amazing experience was sharing it with me and I felt exactly the same.

Because Mona's parents were going to celebrate Christmas with the rest of their family in Fargo and Mona couldn't go with them because there was no room for me, she could come with me to Big Sky and she could finally meet my dad for the first time. When my dad met Mona for the first time, it was a disaster at first, such when he tried to pick us from the train station and he took us to his house in a small car instead of a limousine, then trying to shove all our luggage into it only for them to escape and fly on top of us, overdoing the decorations over his house, showing Mona a picture of me when I was a baby, wiping my mouth after slipping some hot cocoa with marshmallows and then taking a photo immediately among them, but after some time, I realized that my dad was doing his best and Mona was happy and she liked my dad and everything got better after that. She also enjoyed meeting Sylvia and the rest of her family for the first time and we really enjoyed the Christmas dinner that Sylvia deliciously cooked on Christmas Day.

Mona and I stayed in Big Sky right until 2nd January 2002 so we could celebrate New Year's Day with my dad, Sylvia and her family. And we had a great time there. We enjoyed spending time with everyone in Big Sky, chatting with them, learning what they have been up to and Mona and I telling them about lives back in Spoonerville, playing Christmas games and doing many awesome winter sports, like skiing, snowboarding, sledging, taking snowmobiles for a ride, playing ice hockey and ice skating among them for a ride, all which Mona was very good at, and counting down in the New Year of 2002. But the best thing we enjoyed doing the most during our Christmas vacation in Big Sky was have our private fun in our room at my dad and Sylvia's house.

During our stay in Big Sky, my dad and Sylvia had news for me and Mona. They had set a date for their upcoming wedding. They were going to get married in Big Sky during Spring Break 2002. Mona and I were happy for them. Then my dad asked me to be his best man, which I was honored and gladly accepted, and Sylvia asked Mona to be one of her bridesmaids, which again she was honored and gladly accepted as well.

Then on 2nd January, it was time for Mona and I to head back to Spoonerville to get ourselves ready for when college began again. After a delicious breakfast, we thanked my dad, Sylvia and her family for a wonderful Christmas and New Year and then we headed home.

Yes, life with Mona was amazing. And even though our relationship hadn't even reached a year yet, I kept thinking my relationship with her was the best one I ever had in my life and I kept thinking that Mona was the one for me, despite the fact that I always think that every time when I'm in a relationship, with a couple of exceptions. The first one was Annie because my relationship with her only lasted two weeks and the other one was those private moments I had with Stacey and Lauren in Cancun 2000 because they didn't happen much.

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