Starlight Express

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A new millennium

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A new millennium. And yet my busy life continued at Spoonerville College just like it did in the last millennium. I continued with my studies, I practiced for the next College X Games with my friends, we continued to coach my wonderful girlfriend Sasha and her teammates to get ready for the very first female College X Games ever and I kept going out on dates with her and having our private fun with each other.

And as if my life wasn't busy enough, I also starred in the college's theatre production for this college year. The production was Andrew Lloyd Webber's Starlight Express. Like last year, I helped behind the scenes of the production, helping them with the costumes and roller skates and building the set for the actors to skate around and checking the lights ever since we started our production in September 1999. And also like last year, I auditioned for some roles and I earned the role of Rusty the Steam Engine. Mr. Trapdoor was once again directing the production and starring in it as well, playing the role of Poppa the Old Steamer. I worked with the same cast and crew who did West Side Story last year, with the only difference was that there was no Lola. Every time I rehearsed and helped out for Starlight Express, it reminded me not just of doing West Side Story with her, but also, even though I was very happy with my relationship with Sasha, deep down, I still missed her being here at Spoonerville College, but at the same time I was glad she was enjoying her life in Duckberg and she was learning a lot at both Duckberg University and at Scrooge McDuck's marine research laboratory.

After the Christmas break, the actress who was meant to play Pearl the Coach accidentally sprained her foot while rehearsing her lines and her roller-skating. The doctor who examined her told her that she would not be able to heal in time for the actual show which was in two weeks. There was no understudy for Pearl and none of the other actresses wanted to audition for Pearl because they had enough on their plate or should I say in their fright cars, coal bunkers, fires or whatever trains can pull, push or carry with their own roles. Then I had an idea.

The next day, after my college lessons, Sasha was busy roller-blading for practice for the first female College X Games with her teammates. As they took a break, I spoke with Sasha about putting her roller-blading for another use. She knew I was working and starring in Starlight Express, but she was amazed that I asked her to come and audition for the part of Pearl. She was a little bit hesitant at first because she knew she was very good at roller-blading and roller-skating (when she was very young, she used to roller-skate first before she took on roller-blading), but she wasn't good at acting or singing. She tried to audition for school plays, but she was never even accepted for an extra. I was honest with Sasha by saying the original actress who was meant to play Pearl couldn't play her any more due to an accident and there was no one else to play her so we were very desperate to find someone and I was honest when I told her that she would impress Mr. Trapdoor with her roller-skating skills and that he was a very good director and he could take anyone with no talent at all and help them to become one of the most talented people in the world and that I have earned his trust after helping him and playing the lead roles for the last two college productions. If I said someone should be given the chance to audition for a role, he would listen. Sasha gave a little thought and finally agreed to do the audition.

So that afternoon I took Sasha to the college theatre and introduced her to Mr. Trapdoor. Then after she put on a spare pair of roller-skates that were her size, she showed him that she could roller-skate around the stage as well as showing herself that she could still roller-skate. She impressed Mr. Trapdoor with her roller-skating and then he, along with my help, helped her with the acting and singing required for Pearl. Mr. Trapdoor was very impressed with what Sasha did during her audition that he decided that she was good enough for the role, but she still had to sign up as a drama college student, which she did, and she had to continue her rehearsing, which she did. And I helped her rehearse, not just during rehearsals, but outside them whenever we could. When we practiced our roller-blading part for our College X Games, we also rehearsed songs from Starlight Express, including Call Me Rusty, Rusty, You Can't Be Serious and Only You among them, while we were at it.

The more Sasha kept on rehearsing, the more confident she became with it. And the rest of the cast and crew were very warm and supportive to her. Probably because I won their respect for helping to make West Side Story a success last year and that they knew she was my latest girlfriend.

When the show debut, Sasha was very nervous because she had never acted or sung on stage before. She didn't feel like she could go on stage at all. I encouraged her to go out there and give the audience the very best performance she could give by imagining that this show was like the College X Games and using the same focus to help her get through it. That made her more determined to go out and give her very best performance. And she did. The whole performance on the first night was a complete success and it continued all week. There was never an empty seat at all.

I had always been able to roller-skate as soon as I could and I had always acted and sung since I was young, but I had never done all three of them together like I was doing for this production. I was nervous because I had never done it before, but I overcame that nervousness by getting through the first night. And when I did it every night, the more confident I became at it.

On the last night, all our families and friends came to see us. There was my dad, Sylvia, PJ, Lucy and Bobby and there was Sasha's family. The same college theatre critics and acting talent scouts from last year had been watching us and again they awarded me the Best Leading Actor Award in A College Theatre Production and they awarded Sasha the Best Leading Actress Award in A College Theatre Production.

"You were amazing, Sasha," I said, as we headed back to her dorm room.

"I never knew I had it in me," she said.

"One of your hidden talents, wouldn't you say?"

"I would. Just like how you have your hidden talents of helping people find their hidden talents and put them to good use."

I never thought of that until Sasha told me and that made me feel very good about myself as much as the sex I had with her in her dorm room did.

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