Sasha's First College X Games

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The day had finally arrived

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The day had finally arrived. The day of the first College X Games championship of this college year had arrived. Not only that, but it was the day that a woman was going to enter the College X Games for the first time ever. Whether this would be a success or not, history was going to happen on this day at Spoonerville College one way or the other.

Bobby and I arrived at the changing rooms to get ourselves ready. We were surprised when we found Sasha there too and already in her Team 99 uniform.

"Wow!" Bobby cried. "You're one early bird, Sash."

"Thanks, Bobby."

I noticed that Sasha was looking sad and worried. "Are you nervous, Sasha?" I asked.

"I am, Max," Sasha said. "I'm just nervous for not only doing the College X Games for the first time ever in my life, but also for the fact I'm going to be the first woman to do it ever here in Spoonerville College. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for your advice and support that you, Bobby, PJ and Lucy have given me and I haven't forgotten it, but no one else has said a kind or supportive thing to me since the try outs and most of them have teased me and said I can't do because I'm a woman. Even the ladies said I'm just going to give womankind a very bad name if I do this. And as if that wasn't bad enough, my parents and my older sisters have come to see me do this. And that's worrying me because they never believed in me ever since I was born." Then she started to cry.

I listened to Sasha as she got all that worries off her chest while I changed into my Team 99 uniform. Then I sat down and hugged her for comfort. "I know this is hard for you, Sasha, but this is your moment. Whether we win or not, this could be the shiniest moment of your life and history will be made, so give this event your all just like you've been giving your all to your training for this. Even if we don't win, it will be an honor doing this with you."

"And it'll be an honor to being doing this with you too, Sash," Bobby said, who had just finished changing into his outfit.

"And it's been an honor training you, Sasha."

We all turned to see PJ and Lucy coming.

"And I have every confidence in you," PJ continued.

"It's better to do this and fail than not do anything at all," Lucy said. "Not doing anything is life's ultimate failure, which means you haven't failed yet. Give up now and you fail and regret it for the rest of your life."

Sasha stopped crying and smiled. "Thanks for the encouragements, guys."

"Hey, it's all part of the teamwork," I said.

"I hope I do you all proud," Sasha said.

"You already have, Sasha," I said. "Ever since discovered you on those skateboard ramps, you already done all of us."

Then, feeling more determined, Sasha stood up. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go."

"Uh-uh," Bobby said. "We can't go out until we do it properly."

By that, he meant high fiving each other and saying all together, 'Let's do it to it!' We did it and PJ joined us.

Then Bobby, Sasha and I went out to do the College X Games.

"Good luck, guys," PJ called.

"Go get them," Lucy called.

So we went out and did the College X Games. We started with the events like rock climbing and the cycling and we managed to get through to the final stage of the championship. It was just us, Team 99, and Team 23. Sasha was doing very well in everything she did and she seemed to be enjoying it more as she was doing it as opposed to how worried she was before she did. This made me wonder how she would have coped if she did this with us on our very first College X Games Championship when she had to deal with the cheating Gammas or, worse, if she joined them instead of us.

Then we did the final stage. We started with the rollerblading, then we did the bike riding and then finally the skateboarding. Sasha was doing very well. In fact, she was doing better than me and Bobby together. When we got to the skateboarding ramps, she was already in the lead and ahead of most of us. The only other one ahead of us was the leader of Team 23 and he was catching up to her. But Sasha continued to skateboard as fast as she could and she break the cross line tape. She help me and Bobby win the entire championship for the third time in a row! Everyone went wild with cheer and applause for her well-earned victory.

"Come on, Max," Sasha said to me, as I caught up to her. "You need to go and collect your trophy."

"That trophy doesn't belong to me, Sasha," I said. "It belongs to you."

"Me? I don't know –"

"Well, I do. Now, go and collect the prize you've earned." Then I watched Sasha went on stage to collect her trophy.

Then the principal came on stage.

"Today will always be one of the most historic and important days ever at Spoonerville College," he said. "Not only has a female student taken part in the College X Games for the first time in the history of this college, but she has also won and helped Team 99 to continue to be the most winning team ever. So, congratulations, Miss Collins."

Everyone cheered and applauded her again.

"And I would just like to say that, thanks to what Miss Collins has shown us all with her bravery and skills, Spoonerville College is going to have another type of College X Games... for women only. Today, we have had physical proof that women can do it."

Everyone cheered and applauded Sasha again. Then it was time for her to make a speech.

"Thank you all very much," Sasha said. "I just want to thank the college for giving me a chance to prove that a woman like me can do the College X Games and I want to thank my other teammates for coaching me. I wouldn't have won this trophy without it. But most of all I have thank Max Goof here for not only coaching me the most, but also for persuading everyone in charge of the College X Games to let me be the first woman to have a chance."

I was touched by what Sasha said and I didn't expect a huge round of applause from the crowd, but I did and waved to them.

Then Sasha's family came to the stage and they all hugged her and told her how proud they were of her. Then she introduced them to me. As I said hello to them and shook their hands, they thanked me for all I did to her. Then my dad, Sylvia, PJ and Lucy came to congratulate me and Bobby and Sasha for winning this championship and congratulate Sasha for not only being the first woman to enter the College X Games, but also to win. 

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