Roxanne's Tour of Spoonerville College

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"Wow, Max!" Roxanne cried, as she got out of my car and looked at Spoonerville College for the very first time in her life

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"Wow, Max!" Roxanne cried, as she got out of my car and looked at Spoonerville College for the very first time in her life. "Your college looks very cool."

"Thanks," I said, as I got out. "But if you're already impressed with how it looks, wait until you see the rest of the college."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Roxanne asked. "I can't wait for this tour."

I was very pleased that she was showing more enthusiasm about it, given how very nervous and unsure she was yesterday. Maybe she was nervous before she arrived and now she felt more relaxed and confident now that she was here. "Well, then, let's get this tour going," I said.

And so the tour began. I had a few meetings to attend later that day, so that was why Roxanne and I arrived a couple of hours earlier so I could give her a full tour of Spoonerville College.

Two hours later, Roxanne's tour was over and I showed her everything. I showed her the classrooms and how big they were. Then I showed her how big the library was and all the books and computers with the internet it had for research and everything and I told her that this was the very place where my dad and Sylvia met for the first time ever (a little thanks to me) and how both their lives changed for the better. Then I showed Roxanne the cafeteria and how big it was and all the delicious food anyone could eat in it. And then finally I showed her my department I was in charge of – the sports department.

I started off with showing Roxanne the skateboarding ramps where people would practice for the College X Games.

Then I took Roxanne to the tennis courts and explained to her how many college tennis players go to play professional tennis, such as Wimbledon, the US Open, the French Open and the Australian Open among them after they graduate.

Then I showed Roxanne the stadium where our college football players, soccer players and baseball players among them practice and play their home games before many of them go to play for the NFL and the NBL and so on.

Then I took Roxanne inside and showed her the indoor courts where our basketball players, netball players and cheerleaders practice and do their stuff before they graduate and make professional careers out of it. Then I took her to the wrestling rings where many college wrestlers go off to wrestle in the WWE. Then I showed her the boxing rings where our college boxers do their boxing matches before they leave to make professional boxing careers.

Then I showed Roxanne the gyms where people work out there and I told her that was how I got my first paid job while studying at college. Then I showed her the big outdoor swimming pool where people could swim or learn to swim.

Then I showed Roxanne the water sports practice that was happening on the nearby lake for the College Water Sports Competition, which including water skiing, wakeboarding, jet skiing, kitesurfing and windsurfing and kayaking among them.

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