The Start of My Third College Year

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My third year at Spoonerville College started and, with the exception of PJ, Bobby and Lucy no longer being with me, everything continued to be great

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My third year at Spoonerville College started and, with the exception of PJ, Bobby and Lucy no longer being with me, everything continued to be great. I continued to enjoy studying my majors, I continued to enjoy being a gym instructor at the gyms, I continued to enjoy doing the College X Games and training other people for the College X Games whether they be male or female students, I continued to enjoy playing college football and helping Spoonerville College win as many matches as we could (I even got promoted to the quarterback), I continued to enjoy doing water sports to prepare next year's College Water Sports Competition so Spoonerville College could enter next year and I continued to enjoy helping the Spoonerville College Drama Department set up their next production which was the musical Chicago from John Kander, Fred Ebb and Bob Fosse. Not only did I help behind the scenes, but I auditioned and I got the role of Billy Flynn. So, yes, a lot of awesome things still happened, but the thing I enjoyed the most was the wonderful relationship I had with my wonderful girlfriend Charlotte.

Charlotte continued to do very well at college herself. She was still doing very well with her college majors, she was still doing very well at the clothes shop she still worked at, she was still Spoonerville College's head cheerleader and continued to lead the college's cheerleading squad to many cheerleading achievements, she was doing very well training well with me for the College Water Sports competition and she was still doing very well with her ballet, whether she was a solo act or part of the college ballet team.

Charlotte and I made two new friends at the start of this college year. They were freshmen this year and they were called Matthew and Bernard. Matthew was a white duck from Duckberg and Bernard was a cow, a nephew of one of my dad's friends Clarabelle Cow from Mouston. I met them when I went to the skateboarding ramps to start training for this year's College X Games when I saw them skateboarding on the ramps themselves. They were very good at it and they impressed me so much that I offered them to join my team as PJ and Bobby were no longer at this college anymore. Once they knew that I was the guy with the most College X Games wins in the history of Spoonerville College, they accepted it immediately. They joined my team and they listened to me every time I trained them or gave them advice. They helped me win my fifth College X Games championship and I will always be so grateful to them for that, though I still missed doing it with PJ and Bobby. Matthew and Bernard even trained with me and Charlotte for the College Water Sports Competition and they were very good at it too.

Charlotte and I continued our lovely relationship and we continued to do more amazing things together. For example, I did the Thanksgiving service at Spoonerville College like I did with my dad and Sylvia every year and Charlotte helped us this year, like my previous girlfriends Lola helped for Thanksgiving 1998 and Sasha helped for Thanksgiving 1999. Charlotte would have gone to her parents to spend Thanksgiving Day with them, but the only reason she couldn't was because they were sadly ill on that very special day because they had some sort of flu, so they had to stay at home and have no visitors and couldn't celebrate Thanksgiving... not in the traditional way. On the one hand, Charlotte was upset that she couldn't spend Thanksgiving with her parents, but she was grateful that she could spend the day with me and that she could make herself useful. I was grateful that she spent it with me as as well and she was very useful to help the college spread Thanksgiving joy and I did hope that her parents would get well soon, which they did. Then we had some delicious spare food from the college for all our hard work that we did for them and then we went to Charlotte's dorm room and had sex with each other, while telling each other what we were all grateful for.

Another thing Charlotte and I did together was the Spoonerville College Ice Skating competition before the Christmas Holidays arrived. Charlotte was a great ice-skater and she helped me to win the ice-skating competition for the second time. My dad and Sylvia entered this competition again and they came in second.

Even though PJ, Bobby and Lucy were no longer at Spoonerville College, I was happy that they kept in touch with me, whether by phone call or by letter. And I was very happy that they were all doing very well with the new chapters of their lives. I was happy that PJ and Lucy were enjoying their lives in Chicago and that they enjoyed studying at the University of Chicago. As for their jobs, Lucy already got promoted from assistant editor to Editor-in-Chief of the Chicago Poetry Society as well as writing her own poems and PJ got promoted from kitchen porter to sous chef at the Red Flame and I was very happy for them. It was in November that Lucy gave birth to their twin children, Patrick and Penelope. I didn't meet them yet, but, when PJ sent me a photo of them being held by Lucy in the University of Chicago Medical Center, I thought they were adorable and I couldn't wait to meet them for real for the first time.

And I was very happy for Bobby because, despite him being a college dropout, he was doing very well at Sunny Records. He went from being a talent scout assistant to being Chief Creative Officer and Sunny Records had never been more popular. In fact, it was so popular that Powerline wanted to make his latest album with them. They didn't ask him; he asked them. When the biggest rock star on the planet wanted to work with someone, it was as rewarding as all the Grammys he earned. As for Stacey and Lauren, they were doing very well at Harvard. Stacey also continued to help the Cambridge Police Criminal Psychology Team get criminals to admit the crimes they committed and why they did it. And Lauren continued to be Harvard's head cheerleader and she got a job at one of Cambridge's theatres, starting out as a sound and light technician. It was in December that both their girls, Sabrina and Regina, also the daughters of Bobby, were born. Bobby sent me a photo of them while they were in Cambridge Hospital and I thought they were very cute and I couldn't wait to meet them for real for the first time.

So, yeah, everything at college and in life was going great. Then Boxing Day arrived...

After Boxing Day, Charlotte and I met with each other for lunch in the cafe in Spoonerville Park. After we talked about how wonderful our Christmases were and what presents we got and how delicious our Christmas dinners were and how much fun we had playing Christmas games with our families, Charlotte had news for me.

Due to her incredible ballet performances she did for Spoonerville College ever since she started, especially when she did the College Ballet Competition in New York last summer, Charlotte was discovered by the New York Ballet Company and they offered her a place in it. That meant she would have to move to New York. Because she did excellent academic work at Spoonerville College and she earned enough money from her hard work at that clothes shop, she could transfer to Columbia University. I was very happy for her, but I was very sad that she would have to leave me. And she was very sad as well that she wouldn't be with me. In fact, she said leaving me would be the hardest sacrifice she would have to make if she went to New York, even more than leaving her parents. But we both know (and so did her parents) that this ballet thing was a massive opportunity for her and she shouldn't let it fly away, so I told her if this felt right for her, she should do it and I would support her the best way I could, not just in this ballet opportunity but everything in her life, which she was so very grateful for. And she told me that she would always support me the best way she could too.

Charlotte had to start to her new life in New York – both the ballet and Columbia University – after New Year so she asked me to help her move to New York on December 29th and that meant helping her pack her stuff, starting tomorrow. I promised her I would help her and she was so very grateful for it. Even though I was still sad that my happy relationship with her wouldn't be able to continue, I was still grateful that we were still going to spend time together until the new year and that she still wanted me to be with her as long as I could and that we were still going to remain good friends like we did before our wonderful relationship.

Then after lunch, Charlotte and I went to play in the park. The pond was frozen solid, so we went ice-skating which we both enjoyed. Then we went skiing, sleighing, snowboarding and made snow angels. I never saw Charlotte do that before and she really amazed me. She was very good.

Then we headed back to my house and we headed to my bedroom and we got naked and had sex. Boxing Day sex we called it and we all enjoyed it. 

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