The Wedding of My Dad and Sylvia

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Oh, man, I will never ever, ever forget about the wedding of my dad and Sylvia

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Oh, man, I will never ever, ever forget about the wedding of my dad and Sylvia. It was one of the best days of my whole life as well as for their lives. When I woke up, I didn't think that would be the case at all. In fact, I was so worried that the wedding could be a disaster and everything would be all my fault and I would be the very worst man of the very worst wedding ever instead of the very best man of the very best wedding ever. Luckily, everyone, especially Mona, at breakfast reassured me that it would be okay and I would do a very good job if I just did my very best. And after breakfast, that was just what I did.

I went back to my room and put on my best man suit on and then I went to collect my dad at his house. Sylvia was at her mother's house, getting her wedding dress on. He wasn't ready to go, not because he wasn't dressed – he was, but he was still a bit untidy – but because he was nervous and he was worried if Sylvia didn't love him as much as he loved her and that she wouldn't be a good stepmom to me. As I smartened his suit and did his wedding tie for him, I assured him that Sylvia did love him as much as he loved her – she was carrying his future child and my future sibling – and I did spend time with Sylvia to know that she would be a good wife to him and she still is and, as for being a stepmom, she's a very good one.

Then we went to the church and we started to welcome our guests and escort them to their seats. Then we went to the altar. Then Sylvia's nieces, who were his flower girls, walked down the aisle first, followed by her bridesmaids, including Mona, and then Sylvia's maid of honor Anita and Sylvia herself. Once Sylvia and Anita joined me and my dad at the altar, the ceremony began.

The priest, who was a dove, started off with his speech about how lucky my dad and Sylvia were lucky to have found each other and be married under the eyes of God. Then we all sung a hymn. Then it was time for my dad and Sylvia to do the 'I dos'.

The priest turned to Sylvia. "Do you, Sylvia, take this man, Goofy Goof, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Sylvia replied.

Then the priest turned to my dad. "And do you, Goofy, take this woman, Sylvia Marpole, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I... I... Oh, gwarsh... I..."

I didn't know if my dad was nervous to say the words or if he had just forgotten them, so I just butted in. "Hey, Dad. Just say 'I do'."

"Oh, those are the words. Thanks, Max." Then he turned back to the priest. "I do."

"It's now time for the rings," the priest said.

I approached my dad and Sylvia with the rings. My dad took one and put it on Sylvia's finger and then she took the other ring and put it on his finger.

"I now pronounce you man and wife," the priest said. "You may kiss the bride."

Then my dad and Sylvia kissed each other and we all cheered.

Then it was time to go back to the hotel and celebrate the successful wedding. First, we all had our wedding photos taken. Then it was time for the breakfast wedding and I will never forget how delicious everything was. It was a massive buffet and it had everything – plenty of fruit, plenty of vegetables, plenty of bread, plenty of cheeses, plenty of meat including beef, chicken, lamb, pork, bacon, sausages and ham among them, sea cuisine of all types, mini burgers, pizzas of all types and pasta of all types among everything.

After eating the delicious food, it was time for the speeches. My dad went first and said how meeting Sylvia and being with her had improved his life and was very happy to spend the rest of it with her and he thanked everyone for coming. Then Sylvia went next and she basically said the same thing about how meeting and being with my dad improved her life and she looked forward to spending the rest of it with him and she thanked everyone for coming. Then it was Sylvia's dad's turn and he said how happy he was for my dad and Sylvia and how happy he was that he made her happy and how much he trusted him to look after her.

Then finally it was my turn. I was nervous, but I still went ahead. "As many of you know, my dad has raised me all by himself since my real mom died in a car crash a year after I was born. And he has done so much for me. He worked whatever job he could get to provide for me and himself, even during the times when I didn't appreciate it, especially during my teenager years. My point is my dad deserves all the happiness in the world and I'm happy that he has found it by meeting and being with Sylvia.

"As for Sylvia, I've only known her for four years, but I like her a lot. She's an amazing lady – beautiful, smart, funny, caring – and I know she makes my dad very happy and I know she will during their marriage. And she was already a great stepmom before she married my dad and I will always be grateful to have her as one for as long as we will.

"As for the rest of you, thank you all for coming. You have all helped to make this wedding a very successful and happy day. Thank you all."

Everyone applauded at my speech as I sat back down. I felt relieved that the speech was a success.

Then it was time for my dad and Sylvia to cut their wedding cake. Then after we all had a delicious slice, it was time to dance. The one person I enjoyed dancing with the most was Mona and she enjoyed dancing with me the most too, but we also danced with other people. Sylvia wanted a quick dance with me so I did. Then I danced with Lisa, then Lucy, then Stacey, then Lauren and then Peg.

"You were a very good best man, Max," Peg told me, as we danced. "And congratulations on finally having a mom."

"Thanks, Peg," I said. "But I will never forget what you've done for me before my dad met Sylvia. I always viewed as a mother figure and I always will."

Peg was very touched by that. "Thanks, Max. And you've always been like a son to me and you always will."

"Thanks, Peg," I said. Then I went to dance with Debbie and Susan.

After dancing, I got very tired and so did Mona, so we went to our room.

"You were great, Max," Mona said, once she and I were in our room. "You were a wonderful best man and your best man speech was amazing."

"Thanks, Mona," I said. "And you were an awesome bridesmaid."

"Thanks. This really was worth giving up that college spring break trip to Catalina Island."

"But I still promise to take you there... if you successfully graduate college."

Mona chuckled at my banter. "Oh, I will. Don't you worry."

Even though we were very tired from that busy but happy day, we weren't too tired to get naked and have our sex in bed and so we did.

Then the next day, after breakfast, Mona and I decided to do a gentle hike on the Ousel Falls Trail because for the both of us a little exercise and fresh air always made us better.

Then the next day, it was when everyone went back home. After a delicious breakfast and paying for our hotel room, we bumped into my dad and Sylvia. They thanked us for coming and I thanked my dad for letting me be his best man and Mona thanked Sylvia for letting her be one of her bridesmaids. Then Mona and I headed back to Spoonerville. 

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