Life Without Lola

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During Summer Break 1999, I tried my very hardest to get over my breakup with Lola and take my mind off it, but I still struggled at lot

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During Summer Break 1999, I tried my very hardest to get over my breakup with Lola and take my mind off it, but I still struggled at lot. I couldn't stop thinking about her and wishing she would still be at Spoonerville College with me. When I thought about her, I tried my very best to focus on the positives like all the good times we had together like doing West Side Story, that awesome Spring Break trip in Bozeman and that lovely vacation in Ibiza with the rest of the Lynch family among them, but my mind kept telling me that she wanted to leave me and I was never good enough for her and she should never have dated me in the first place.

Even though my relationship with Lola didn't even last a year, it was a very happy and healthy one so ending it with her was no less upsetting than when I had to end my relationships first with Roxanne and then with Lisa in high school, which both relationships lasted a lot longer. My relationship with Roxanne lasted more than a year and a half while my relationship with Lisa lasted less than a year and a half. As you know, relationships are very complicated and ending them is always upsetting. Whether it's your fault or your parent's fault or both or neither and no matter how experienced you are with them, breakups are always tiring and depressing, even if you feel that it's the right thing to do and it proves that it was. I knew because I was very upset when Roxanne and Lisa had to end their relationships with me, but I knew that it wasn't my fault or theirs. In February 1997, Roxanne had to leave for Santa Fe with her dad and then in Summer 1998, Lisa was accepted to another college in Montgomery, Alabama. I couldn't go with her because I didn't have the money or the grades to get in. But at least I ended my relationships with them the best way I could. Roxanne sent me a letter to let me know how she was adjusting to her life in Santa Fe and how much she missed me and I wrote a letter back to her to wish her the best of luck for her future. That was the last time we kept in contact with each other. As for Lisa, I kept more in contact with her. We spoke to each other and emailed each other and spent each other a birthday, Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving card since we had to go to different colleges.

While I was depressed about Lola having to leave Spoonerville College, I did try to keep myself occupied and distracted. I still had work to do to continue to pay for college and my dorm room and to improve my resume. And I continued to practice for the College X Games championships next year, but I had to do those on my own because my best buddies were occupied for Summer Break themselves. Bobby had to go with his family on vacation to Ireland and PJ went to spend most of his summer in Chicago where his mom Peg and his sister Pistol lived in a nice penthouse ever since Peg divorced Pete and got a job there. Peg and Pistol were also going to take PJ on their vacation in South Africa on a safari trip. Her ex-husband Pete was not invited to their penthouse or on their vacations. He had never been and never will be, whereas my dad and I always were. The reason my dad and I didn't go to visit them or join them on vacation this year because we were busy. My dad had Sylvia and they were going on a trip to Las Vegas. They offered me to join them in Las Vegas, like Peg, PJ and Pistol did with the safari trip, but I turned it down because I was just too depressed. I knew even then I wasn't doing myself or my family and friends any favors by self-pitting myself, but I was struggling to snap out of it and I thought if I went on either of these trips, I wouldn't enjoy either of them as I usually would and I would ruin them for everyone.

Then on the same day my dad and Sylvia left for their Las Vegas trip, five minutes after they left, I got a phone call from one of my girlfriends from Spoonerville High School. It was Lisa. She called to invite me to meet her at her place in Montgomery for a catchup because she missed me a lot. I didn't know why and I still don't know to this day, but it was then that I decided that I needed to try to snap out of my self-pity harder than how I was doing it then, so I accepted her invitation. Maybe it was because I missed her as much as she missed me. I packed my stuff and drove to Montgomery in my red car. It was the first car I ever had in my life and my dad bought and gave it to me as a present for finishing my first year of college, for finishing my driver's ed and for everything I achieved so far in college. It was a used car, but it was one my dad and I could afford to buy and look after and at least it wasn't one from Pete's used car place before he was forced to sell it to another more successful used car salesman and he had to take a job of being a baby photographer along with my dad.

To conclude this chapter, it did take me a very long time to get over my breakup with Lola, but I did get there. I guess I just needed time. Maybe more time than most people usually do to get over breakups. I'm just grateful that to this day Lola never forgot me and we still remain very good friends and we still keep in contact with each other, with phone calls and emails and we're friends on social media and we send each other birthday and Christmas cards or messages every year like I do with the rest of my friends. I still miss her very much and the wonderful relationship we had during our first year in Spoonerville College, but more importantly I'm very proud of what she has achieved with her impressive work to study, improve and educate people about the marine life. She even won many awards for her work. Many marine biologists have all boasted that she's one of the world's very best. And I'm very happy that she's happy married to her cool husband Arnold and their two wonderful children, Jason and Fiona. And, in return, she's very proud of what I've achieved in my life and how very happy I am.

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