Roxanne's First Day at Spoonerville College

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There was a knock on my office door when I was having my lunch, which contained spinach and cheese sandwiches, a small green salad, an apple and a small bag of potato chips

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There was a knock on my office door when I was having my lunch, which contained spinach and cheese sandwiches, a small green salad, an apple and a small bag of potato chips. I was having it on the small table where I usually have my lunches when I'm at work, which is also the table where I had small meetings with one or two or three people. Four and any higher number and we would all have to go into the giant meeting room, which takes weeks to book in advance.

"Come in," I said.

The door opened and it was none other than Roxanne herself. "Hi, Max. Is this a good time?"

"Of course it is, Roxanne," I said. "Take a seat."

She took the seat at the table opposite to me and got her lunch out of her bag, which was a banana, a plain bread roll and a small salad.

"Cup of tea?" I offered. "Coffee? Hot cocoa?"

"Hot cocoa, please," Roxanne replied.

Then I went to my tea and coffee machine that made my tea, coffee, hot cocoa and other hot warm drinks that I bought for my office last year and had been using it ever since for myself and for other people I had meetings with. I made a cup of hot cocoa for Roxanne and a cup of coffee for myself and then I gave Roxanne her cup of hot cocoa and then I sat back down in my chair with my cup of coffee.

Roxanne took her first sip of her hot cocoa. "Wow! This hot cocoa's really delicious, Max. Thank you."

"No problem," I said. "So, how's your first day of college learning going?"

"Oh, Max, it's been great!" she squeaked happily. "I feel like I've already taken the next big steps in my life and it feels amazing."

I was very pleased to hear that. Even though it was only the beginning and we still had a long way to go, I was pleased that Roxanne were already making good progress with improving her life and on her own terms. "That's wonderful. So, you really enjoyed your very first college lessons?"

"Oh, yes," she replied happily. "The special needs education and the nursing lessons were very challenging but very interesting and I feel that these are the very challenges I need to help me grow and learn to be the very best version of myself. And this is still a lot better than just being a slave in San Siesta." Then she told me how both her lessons felt very welcoming, interesting and motivating to help people, whether it be to help with their learning or their health or maybe both.

I really liked everything she told me. "I'm very pleased. And what's it like living with your friends? And do you still like your dorm room?"

"Yeah, I still like the dorm room," she told me. "It's very nice and I feel great that I'm living with roommates instead of being trapped with my overprotective daddy all the time. As for my friends, they're actually great roommates. They're all nice, friendly, tidy, quiet and really focused on their work." Then she told me that she only lived with her friends in their dorm room for three days, she got to know her friends more and what they were studying at college and their jobs. Vicky was studying English, Liberal Arts and Horticulture and in her spare time she was trying out to be a cheerleader for this college and she already had a job of being a garden assistant to the college's gardeners. Valeria was studying Economics and Business Administration and in her spare time she was trying to be a cheerleader and she already had the job of being an library assistant at the college's library. Kenny was studying Drama Studies and taking a hairdressing course and in his spare time he was trying to audition to be the next Cerry the Cheetah, the mascot for all sports at Spoonerville College and he already had the job of being one of the college's janitors.

Roxanne was a little bit disappointed that she couldn't get a job yet and she still hoped that she will still be accepted onto the Spoonerville College Cheerleading Team, but she was still enjoying her studies and her life was still better than it was in her life. "Now, if I'm not being too nosy, how's your day gone, Max?" she asked me.

I told her what I had been doing this morning. I had lots of meetings with the head coaches of football, baseball and basketball to see how this year was looking for them, which was looking very good if we continued to do what we did well, which we did, and they had everything they need, which they did, and then I had some paperwork to fill in.

Then it was time for Roxanne to head for her first elementary education class. "Thanks for letting me have lunch in your office, Max."

"Any time, Roxanne," I said. "You're always welcome here."

"See you later." Then she walked out of my office and then it was time for me to get back to work.

I finished my work for the day at six o'clock, which I usually finish on a good day. As I headed back to my car, I bumped into Roxanne again.

"How did your elementary education class go, Roxanne?" I asked.

"Yeah, it was tough, but amazing like the other classes, Max," she told me. "Then I spent the rest of the day in the library so I could do my college homework."

"Wow, that's very good," I said. "It's your very first day at college and you're already a dedicated student."

"Thanks, Max," she said. "And did the rest of your day go?"

"Mostly just more boring yet important paperwork, which I managed to get done," I replied.

"Wow. One thing that hasn't changed about you is that you don't waste time," Roxanne said. "You make the most out of your time."

"Thanks, Roxanne," I said. "Well, I'm very glad that you've had a great and productive first day at college."

"Thanks, Max," Roxanne said. "And I'm glad that you've had a productive day yourself."

"Thanks. Well, I'll see you soon."

"Yeah, see you soon, Max."

Then she headed to her dorm room and I headed to my car and drove back home. Even though she wasn't living in my house anymore, I was very happy that Roxanne was very happy at Spoonerville College and her life was a happy one again.

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