Chapter 5: Mission Impossible

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I knew what I had to do. I would need to find a way to get a hold of the diary. I knew that was going to be difficult. I couldn't just ASK Jackson for it, he despises me, and I need to figure this out. I will try to get it by, well, trespassing. Oh Lord I hope he doesn't hate me after this.

"Umm Exer..? Hello, earth to Exer!" Jolie is waving her hand in front of my face. "I DIDN'T DO IT!" I yell out instantly. She looks at Timothy then back at me in confusion. "Oh sorry, I was caught up in thought." They both nodded and left to go talk to Ken. I put my head down on the desk and started my ✨plotting✨.

The rest of detention was a blur, David continued to practice, while the 'lollipop guild' over there were talking.

Clip from the Wizard of Oz

Wendy walked into the room after an hour and told us we were free to leave. I nodded to the lollipop guild as they left and turned to see David, who had managed to work up a sweat practicing football with that paper ball.

I held out my hand to David "Come on, I'll drive you home." I smiled and he gave a small smile back. He took my hand, said bye to Wendy, and we went to my car.

I gunned the car and it zoomed down the road. I decided to tell Day my plan. "Hey Day." He looked up at me, "Hmm?" I took a deep breath and started to explain about the diary. His eyes widened when I told him about the green boy.
"Maybe YOU are the green boy!" Exclaimed David. I thought about it, and it seemed quite probable.

When I drove to David's house, his father was outside watering the lawn. "Hello Mr. Miller!" I flashed him my best grin, but he just glared at me. I breathed a heavy sigh. David's father despised me. As David claimed quietly out of the car and walked towards the house, I remembered something.

I grabbed a book from the backseat, and jumped out of the car. "Day, wait!" David turned around and I handed him the book. It was this year's yearbook, and it said "Class of 89' Jeanes High School.' he smiled at me. "Thank you Exer!" And then he turned and went inside. As I walked back to the car, I felt a hand roughly grab my arm. I turned to see Mr. Miller and I smiled nervously.

"You quit talking to David like that." He growled. My face fell. "Why? We always talk like that!" I exclaimed. "I don't like or trust you. You've changed Campbell. You seem... Odd around my son." He then shoved me onto the ground. I was shocked momentarily, but I stood up.

I wanted to argue with him, but he was terrifying, so I retreated to my car. Hmm now I had another thing to worry about. I glanced in my rearview mirror at Mr. Miller, who was glaring at the car as I drove away.

When I got home I readied myself. I grabbed my black jacket and put it on, the hood covering my head. I put on black jeans as well. I finally grabbed a camera. I made sure it had enough film, and I adjusted it so the click would be quiet.

"Exer, are you here?" I heard my father calling and I went downstairs to give him a hug.

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I smiled at him. "Hey there son! What's with all the black?" He questioned. "Uhh I am going on a stealth mission?" Dad grinned. "All right then son. How about we eat dinner." Dad stopped hugging me and pulled out a frying pan. Lucy trotted into the kitchen. I scooped her up and smiled "Hi my baby Lucy-Furr! Aren't you the sweetest!" Lucy let out a purr as I cooed to her. Dad chuckled as he watched me play with the cat.

He scooped scrambled eggs onto my plate. "Here you go Exer!" Dad smiled then reached into the cupboard and pulled out a can of cat food. He scooped the food into a bowl, then placed it on the table. Lucy jumped onto the chair and stood on her hind legs. Dad sat down, asked about school, and told me about work.

"I think I'll hit the hay Exer, goodnight." Dad gave me a hug, kissed Lucy on the head and went to his room. It was dark outside, and time to put my plan into action.

I snuck out the front door and walked to Jackson's house. I swiftly ran to the back of the house and spotted Jackson's window. I tried to scale the wall, but that didn't work. I concentrated on the window and my powers flew up to it. I landed cat-like on the window and punched my fist into the air in victory, almost falling in the process. Jackson's curtains were drawn, and I couldn't see him in there.

I lifted the window up, suprised it was unlocked. I gently pounced into the room, shutting the window other than a gap under it so I could get out. I looked around the room, lifting up books and blankets, but making sure to set them in the same place. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and the door started to open...

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