Chapter 21: Chapel o💒f Love

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Light blue light swallowed David and I up. I gripped his hand with my free one, and squeezed my eyes shut. I felt the wind on my face and it whipped my hair around. I opened my eyes slowly, and I could see moments through time. Different things happened. I assumed they were from the future.

First I saw a multitude of rainbow flags, and even though I didn't know what it meant, I smiled. I saw a war, then everyone had weird masks on their faces and random ladies had theirs cut open. Karens?Then I saw two towers get hit by planes. A ball dropped for the year 2000, music videos, and then I saw bright colors and a familiar town surrounded by a sunset. Home.

"David, let go of the machine!" I hollered, as I let it go. He did too, and we fell through the air. We were above the clouds, and it was so peaceful, and the sunset was beautiful. I started shaking, and so did David, and then bam! We landed on the ground. Well we teleported, but still.

We were sitting in the forest next to the lake. I lay down on my back and laughed. David laid next to me and we both just lay there, breathing heavily, watching the sunset. We were okay.

"I think we were in space, I saw the stars." David said quietly in awe. I turned my head on the soft grass to look at the taller boy. His blonde hair was beautiful in the sunset. He had his fingers intertwined with mine. I sighed quietly. "David... I'm sorry..."

He looked at me in confusion with those beautiful eyes. "What's wrong?" He asked softly. I sighed again. "I dragged you into this. If we never kissed each other in the parking lot weeks ago, we wouldn't be in this situation. We just keep getting blow after blow to the face. First the school almost found us out, then you got hit, drunk, kidnapped and almost experimented on, and then we went back to the lab."

Words flooded out of my mouth. It felt like a thorn being pulled out of my side, it was relieving to say all this. "Then you got beat up by your dad, then you came over to my house, and low and behold I sent everyone back in time except ourselves. Who knows, maybe they went farther into time." I sighed. "Moral of the story, the world seems to be against us Day, and everything seems to happen to you and me."

I took a deep breath and looked back at the sky, and the stars were starting to come out of the pink and orange sky. "Maybe... Maybe I shouldn't have told you I loved you." I whispered. David looked surprised.

"You... You love me..?" He asked quietly, eyes trailing back to the sky. "Yeah... I thought I told you, didn't I?" I asked, searching for the North Star, then spotting it, and the way the star was in the sky, it was right over David. "No... You've kissed me... Never told me that..."

We laid in silence for a while before David broke the silence. "I don't care if I have to go through the pits of hell to be with you, I don't care what's happened. I... I love you too."

I felt my heart leap. It was a bittersweet feeling. I was very happy, but very guilty. I sat up. David was still lying down, and he had his hands behind his head, legs crossed. I turned my sitting position towards David. I held out my hand.

"David, I swear, when this is all over, I'm going to take you on a proper date, without drama, or bad guys, or anything, okay?" I promised. David chuckled and sat up, taking my hand. "Deal."

We shook hands, and then I pulled him into me midshake and kissed him. I pressed my lips to his, and I could feel him smile for a second before he kissed me back. He slid his hands around my neck, and I put one around his back and I ran the other hand through his hair.

David pulled away. "Not the hair Exer!" He whined. Then he proceeded to pull out his styling cream and fix his hair. I laughed. "Really dude? Why do you need styling cream?" I asked. He frowned.

"I don't like how my hair looks without it." He huffed and the realization hit me. "Day... I've never seen youe natural unstyled hair. I mean Ricky and Marty messed it up once, but you immediately fixed it." I was shocked by my revelation. It was like someone telling me that I have actually been asleep my whole life.

I shook my head and sighed. "David, if we want this relationship to work, you'll need to show me your real hair at some point." I insisted dramatically. He groaned back in irritation. "Don't we have some saving to do?" David muttered. I grinned sheepishly. I may or may not have completely forgotten about that.

"Where is the machine?" I asked standing up and glancing around. David shrugged and I helped him stand up. "I think it flew off, we let it go, remember?" I nodded. He was right. Damn, we probably shouldn't have let it go.

We walked to town. It was 1989 again, everything was the same and the autumn leaves were on the ground with no snow. It was still fall. First we went to Jack's house, but Tià answered and said he and Ronald weren't home. Same at Pamela's and Brenda's houses. I didn't know where Timothy or Ken lived, but I went to work and asked my boss about Jolie. Nope.

After a while of searching the whole town and knocking on doors, I decided that they were not here. Or maybe they were, just not in this year. David collapsed onto a bench on the sidewalk and sighed. I sat next to him. "What now?! How do we find my sister?! Oh god, she's probably so upset right now!"


I sat up groggily. I was in the empty highschool hallway. I could hear crying from a bathroom and Pamela was sitting against a wall, her knees pulled up to her chest. I gave her a quizzical look and she crawled over to me. "You okay Bre?"

I nodded. "What happened?" I asked. "Who's crying?" I added. She glanced at the bathroom door and back at me. "You got hit in the head, and Ken and his friends dragged you over here, and then Jackson's mom told him to fuck off, she left, and now Jackson and Tim are crying and Ken and Jolie are comforting Jackson. We are in the year 1959. Oh, and Ken totally beat the shit out of your dad." Pamela explained. I nodded.

"Great! I remember that faintly. You know, Ken's sweet. I like him a bit. We've kissed once. At that party? Well I don't think I kissed him on the lips, I'm pretty sure I kissed him on the cheek but I don't remember. He's a kind boy. Very good sense of humor too!" I added, laughing.

"But... I feel like... He's too nice. I mean, he's so sweet. I just feel like someone as kind as that can't be perfect. Have we ever seen his parents? Or any siblings?" I asked Pamela. She thought about it. "No... Maybe you could ask him. He obviously has the hots for you Bre." She smiled. I giggled.

"You sure David won't snatch him up like he did to my ex? Just kidding. Well not really. Speaking of David, where is he?" I glanced around, but he and Exer were no where in sight, and honestly, I wasn't that surprised.

"We just can't catch a break." I sighed. Pamela nodded. "So, how do we get back to 1989? I assume that since David and Exer were the ones kissing, they stayed in our year." I stated.

Pamela shrugged. This was going to be a long day.

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