Chapter 30: Pots and Poppies

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"David! David!" I slammed the door open to my house, and saw David drop the cards he was holding in surprise. Ronald was less astonished, but looked up all the same.

"What's wrong?" David stood up hurriely, looking concerned. "Are you sick?" I shook my head no. It must have been the color of sour milk, tinged with a furious, burning red. I was distraught. Upset. Infuriated. Confused.

David glanced at Ron, and back at me. He opened his mouth, probably to ask the same thing he did less than ten seconds ago, when I interrupted him. "David, your so called stupid ass perfect boyfriend is cuddling in his room with MY girlfriend!"

I spouted angrily, clenching my fists. David looked startled, but crossed his arms, and shook his head. "Ex wouldn't do that, and even if he DID, it wouldn't be because he loves her, it'd be more of a friendly thing."

As I heard David say this, arms crossed and eyebrows arched, I figured the best thing to do in this scenario with my current mindset was showing him. I gestured to the teenager, who sighed and followed me reluctantly. I'm guessing the only reason he was going along with this was to prove a point. That point being Exer was innocent.

After a while of me trudging angrily to Exer's house with David reluctantly following, we arrived. I scaled up the tree in the front yard and gestured for Miller to follow me. He looked confused, mouth slightly open as he gave me an 'are you serious right now?' look as he pointed to the front door.

I shook my head no and held my hand out, helping David climb the tree faster. He took it and pulled himself up. I hopped to the windowsill and opened it with a creak. After sliding in, I looked at David.

"Come on!" I hissed, gesturing for him to hurry up. He sighed quietly and clambered in through the window. When his eyes reached Exer, the icy blue shards widened in temporary surprise. He put his fingers in his temples and glared at me.

"I don't see the problem here. Sure, he's hugging her, but I've cuddled with my friends before. Like Exer and Ron. It's nothing bad." He whispered, giving me an irritated look as he removed his fingers from his forehead and waved them through the air.

"Shit, I've even hugged you on multiple occasions, I think you're overthinking this Jackson." David muttered, crossing his arms again. He then walked over to Exer and nudged his arm. Exer groaned and sat up, unwrapping his arms around Pamela's. The brunette rubbed his eyes blearily before detecting his boyfriend.

Exer's eyes lit up and so did his face, a wide smile blooming. "Daydream!" He murmured, sloppily wrapping his toned arms around David's neck, hugging him. He was obviously still half asleep. David smiled. "Hanging out with Pamela, huh?" He asked Exer, who nodded happily.

"Yeah, we were trying to figure out the whole magic green mist and diary thingy." Exer explained. He still hadn't noticed my presence, his complete focus on David. A slight frown formed on Exer's face.

"We didn't find much of anything though. I ended up falling asleep, and it looks like Pamela did too." He shrugged nonchalantly, overlarge Johnny Depp T-shirt rustling with the motion. I slid over to Pam and nudged her with my fingers, brushing a strand of sooty hair out of her eyes.

Pamela's dark lashes fluttered open and she sat up too, and when she saw me, she looked surprised. "Hey Jack, what are you doing here?" She asked, a smile dawning on her face. As Pamela stood up, I noticed the cat hop off of her stomach.

The cat looked at me, I looked at her, and just as that kitten took a dive at my face, Pamela scooped her out of the air and scolded her.

"No, no Lucy. Jackson's our friend, not our enemy." She cooed in a baby voice, making goo-goo eyes at 'Lucy'. I huffed but couldn't help smiling. Pamela was so sweet to everyone.

"Come on Pumpkin, let's go." I smiled at her, before quite literally swan diving out the window. After I heard an audible gasp I landed not on the grass like I expected, but into someone's arms. He dropped his potted flowers and spade, startled.

"Jackson? What are you doing here?"
Asked Harry Campbell, my old therapist, looking at me with surprise and concern.
"And how'd you get up there?"

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First 2024 copyright!
This chapter was a little shorter, but I've got a case of writer's block.

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