Happy Holidays!

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Hello everyone, I wanted to say happy holidays, because you all deserve to be happy! Also, I am doing a profile picture competition! I will use said profile picture for the rest of December!

The rules of the competition are...
-Nothing inappropriate.
-Nothing violent.
-No William!!!
-Has to be Jackson's Diary or Back to the Future related. Or combine the two! :))

The drawing doesn't need to be perfect. Just try your best! :))

You can edit an image from the book or draw your own picture of a character. I don't care which one! Have fun with it, and it is not necessary! The due date is next Wednesday, so you'll have plenty of time. :))
You do not have to do the contest if you don't want to. :))

How to submit:
Create an image and post it on one of your stories. Send me the link to the story and I will screenshot the image. I will choose the one I like the most, and that one will win! (If anyone submits anything of course 😅)

Whoever wins will get to choose a scenario that I will put into my story. It can be between any character and story can choose what happens, no matter how crazy! Also, I will go onto one of your stories and like every single chapter!!!

Happy Holidays and good luck!


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