Chapter 8: Partners

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As I was dragged into the lab, I looked at my surroundings, trying to figure out where I was. We were deep in the forest, and it was extremely dark. The lab was white and steel. I was put into an interrogation room. The men chained my hands to a table and my legs to a chair. Struggling, I tried to get out. The trenchcoat man opened the door to let in a ... Military general. I looked at him and he stood across from me.

"Answer these questions truthfully, and things won't get messy Mr. Miller. It appears you've already learned that." He touched my blinded eye, and I flinched away from him. "So... what is your relationship with Mr. Campbell?" I stared him dead in the eye and didn't respond. He whipped out a pocket knife and hovered it over my fingers. "What is your relationship with Mr. Campbell?"


I could have sworn I heard someone in my room. I woke up and saw the window open and my diary on the floor. I bounced up and looked out the window and saw a sparkly green trail in the sky. I seethed with anger, grabbed my diary and threw on my jacket. If he wants me to hit him so motherfucking be it.

I was power walking to Exer's house and saw him opening a car door for Brenda. I ran up and punched him right in the gut. Exer groaned and sunk to the ground. Brenda shoved me, getting out of the car tearfully. She stood in front of Exer, tears streaming down her paled face. "Brenda what? Are you okay?" She stared at me and let out a sob.

"Is it... That time?" She slapped me. "Okay, I deserved that." I tried smiling at her but that didn't stem the flow of tears cascading down her face. Exer stood up and his face was tear stained and stoney. "David's gone missing, Exer said someone kidnapped him!" Wailed Brenda.

Oh. Now that I thought about it, there was a huge emerald fog swarming Exer. "Were you in my room Exer?" He stared at me nervously. He looked at me and nodded slowly. "Why?!" Exer pulled me to the side.

"Your diary has something to do with my magic. Every event or drawing in that book has or will happen. It seems I am the green boy that you drew. On the last page, words are burned into the book that confirms things. I read your most recent entry, it glowed green, and next thing you know, Day's gone, so please Jack, please write that we find him!"

Exer's eyes teared up, and I sighed. I opened my diary and wrote.

Dear Diary, David went missing and I know Exer will find him. I hope we find him tomorrow. Please let us find him.

"There. You should find David tomorrow." Exer smiled at me and gave me a huge hug. "Thank you." Exer whispered and handed me his pictures of the book. "We can figure this out. Together." I say, glaring. He looks surprised, then beams at me.

"Let's rest tonight so we can look for him tomorrow, don't worry!" Exer says happily to Brenda and Mrs. Miller. He waves bye to us and runs home. I sigh and walk back to my house.


I stare at the pocket knife hovering over my fingers and look at the general. "Boyfriend." I mumble. He looks at me. "What?" I look back at him with my good eye. "Boyfriend! He is my boyfriend!" The general nods stiffly and one of the agents writes on a notepad. He puts the pocket knife back in his pocket.

"Does he have paranormal properties?" I attempt to not look startled. "No." The guy slaps me. "He doesn't! I swear!" General Dickface over there is glaring at me. Quick as a flash, he whips out his pocket knife and puts it to my throat. "Are you sure?" He asks quietly, and I respond with a "Yes."

"Hmm." he retracts his hand. "Well you see Miller, your friend has random temperature spikes, but they always seem to stop when you are there." I look at him. "Are you going to kill me?" General Asshole laughs and shakes his head. "No, we need to study you to learn what is so calming about you to stop a magic spike in a teenage boy." They unclick my hand and feet cuffs and drag me out to a small steel room with a two way mirror and they throw me in.

Then a guard rips off my shirt and shorts and hands me white pants. He then slammed the door shut. I put on the trousers and sat in the corner, covering my bloody eye. Damn. This is going to be hard to get out of.

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