Chapter 34: Gentleman

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"He walked up to me, and asked me if I wanted to dance~!"

I sang happily to myself, a huge smile plastered on my face. I was walking down the sidewalk, feeling full of ecstasy. It was Friday! After what felt like ages, Friday finally arrived! I opened the door to the local florist with a ring from the bell.

The person at the counter nodded at me with a smile, before returning to write down some flower orders. I was at the local florist, and trying to find out the best flowers for my long awaited date. Should I get her one flower? Or a bouquet? Well kissing her hand worked, so maybe having a rose in-between my teeth will make her smile?

I sighed and shook my head. I was trying to be serious for once, but it was pretty hard to do. I tried to figure it out, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw the perfect flower. It was a single rose that was the most beautiful shade of pink, the petals fading to a soft sunset orange at the tips.

I picked up the rose gently and cradled it. It was perfect for my date. I walked over to the lady at the counter, who dialed up the money for the rose. I handed her a five dollar bill, she took it, tied a beautiful ribbon around the stem, and handed it off to me.

"Thanks!" I exclaimed before leaving the shop swiftly.

I stopped by a shop window to check myself out. I had actually taken time to figure out what to wear. It was hard, because I wanted to look nice for my date. I had my usual hairstyle, and I wore a baggy black pair of ripped jeans with chains hanging from the belt. I had decided to wear a Bon Jovi T-shirt, and of course, to look nice for my date, I had a pinstriped suit jacket.

I pushed a stray strand of raven hair out of my eyes before brushing off my jacket and strolling down the road. I smiled to myself. His date would be rad!

"Oh how the tables have turned!" I heard Pamela exclaim gleefully before raising up tweezers and a variety of my makeup. She had probably been waiting to get me back from that time I helped her get ready for her date with Jackson.

Her wavy raven bangs toppled in her face as she dabbed rouge on my cheeks, and used the other hand to give me a smokey eye. She worked quickly before pulling away with a broad grin.

"There ya' go!" She giggled before holding up my rose colored hand mirror so I could see myself. I have to admit, she did great. I looked absolutely radical! I giggled. She had styled my hair to look like Kris's from Adventures in Babysitting.

I was wearing a really beautiful dress, it rested right above my knees and was very poofy at the skirt. The top was a long sleeved hot pink metallic leotard. I looked stunning! She pulled my hair into a medium ponytail before tying a bright cherry petal colored ribbon around my ponytail.

"Oh Brenda, I'm so excited for you!" I heard Pamela squeak and smile at me. David glanced up from my bed where he was sitting on the landline phone, speaking with concern to the still hospitalized Exer. He couldn't help but eye me suspiciously before covering the phone speaker and glancing at my outfit.

"Who are you going on a date with?" He asked protectively, a strand of gold hair falling into his eyes and glinting in the setting sunlight from the window. I smiled before doing a spin and showing off my dress. He just raised an eyebrow, and suddenly my mother called from downstairs.

"Hon, I think your date's here!" She called, before I barrelled down the stairs enthusiastically before pausing at the door, straighting my skirt, adjusting my hair, and opening the door.

There stood the confident looking Ken, hands behind his back and shaggy hair falling in his face, and when he brushed it away, a bright smile and pair of joyful eyes met mine. He removed his other hand from behind his back before extending the most beautiful rose I had ever seen.

I gave a giddily happy laugh and gently took the rose. Ken stooped down and kissed my hand, before straightening up and grinning. He took the rose from my hands before tucking it delicately into my silky hair. I felt Ken's soft hands adjust the rose before withdrawing his hands with a smile.

I felt my face grow hot, and my hand tingled where he kissed it. I probably looked like a tomato! Oh he's so sweet and rad, I can't look flustered! He'll think I'm stupid!

I'm trying not to look idiotic, and even though I appear confident, I sure as hell am not. I'm about as confident as Marty McFly when he knows he's going to have to kiss his mom even though he doesn't want to. Although I WANT to kiss Brenda. She looks so pretty, like a doll. And her face was very red when I put the rose in her hair. I think that's a good sign?

Unless of course she doesn't like the flower, the hand kiss, or me. She's so funny and popular, I can't look flustered! She'll think I'm stupid!

Before we could leave, my mother pushed me out of the way to see my date. I gave a squeak of protest, but she simply surveyed Ken. Her eyebrows raised as she scanned his clothes and the emerald bits in his hair. She looked very skeptical, but luckily Ken was very proper.

"Hello, I didn't know Brenda had a sister! You're absolutely stunning miss! I love the style of your hair, very seventies!"
He smiled sweetly before taking my startled mother's hand and kissing it. He then straightened back up. My mother looked flustered.

"Oh wow! What a kind boy! Oh, sister? No, I'm her mother!"
She then giggled happily and squeezed my shoulder. She then took Ken's hand and shook it.

"I give you permission to marry my daughter." She smiled jokingly before going back inside and shutting the door. We looked at each other and burst into giggles. He extended his hand and I took it gingerly. He chuckled and led me to the sidewalk before hopping on a motorcycle.

"Jack let me borrow his motorcycle." He explained before pulling me on it and placing a helmet firmly on my head. He faced the front, and I nervously wrapped my arms around his stomach. Ken was very warm, and I leaned my head on the back of his shoulder.

Ken turned the motorcycle and revved it before gunning it down the road. I heard Ken give a happy whoop as we darted off. As I thought about him, I realized something. Did I actually like him?

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