Chapter 32: 🌎La La La La La🌍

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"Jackson, we were in the middle of a song, why'd you stop singing?" I heard Jolie ask as I scurried over to the bag containing my diary. I opened the bag, found the diary and whipped out a pencil.

"Oh, I'm just... Writing an idea for a cookie recipe on a piece of paper in my bag." I was lying through my teeth, but they seemed to buy it, not noticing my diary.

I'm sick of myself. I'm a total asshole all the time, and I don't know why. I just feel like I'm always jealous, suspicious, or untrusting. I'm probably a piece of human garbage. I want to be nice all the time. Always smiling. A happy mindset.

I wrote those words swiftly in my diary and shut it, waiting hopefully for the effects to take place. I didn't feel any different right now, but maybe it needed some time to work. Maybe it'll come into effect tommorow.

"Wake up kiddo, it's Monday!" I heard my father exclaim as he yanked my thick fuzzy blanket off of me.
"I don't wanna!" I whined, grabbing my headboard as my dad attempted to yank me out of bed. My bed was so cozy, I didn't want to move, I wanted to sink back into a state of slumber.

With a final yank, I was pulled out of bed by my legs and dad placed me swiftly on my feet. "Come on, up and at 'em!" Dad smiled, chortling as he left the room. I heard a tired grumble from Lucy, who was on the blanket on the floor. Apparently, Dad hadn't seen her, so whenever he yanked the blanket off me, my cat went with it.

"Oh, sorry pretty kitty!" I cooed, scooping the cat into my arms, who was now acting very dramatic, a little paw over her forehead as she pretended to be in mental pain from the event.

I placed her on my pillow before entering my closet and fishing through it, trying to find a suitable outfit for the day.

After a couple minutes of getting ready, I kissed Lucy on the forehead and waltzed out of my bedroom. I trotted downstairs, waved bye to Dad, who was pouring over the newspaper, a steaming mug of coffee in his hand.

I walked outside and hopped into my car. The automobile beeped as I backed out of the driveway and drove towards my blonde bombshell's house. I was halfway to his house, when I realized I was driving to his old one. I quickly reversed gear, and drove to his current household.

I arrived in the driveway, and David ran out the front door and slid happily into the passenger seat.
"What took you so long Ex?" He asked, slyly sliding his arms around my neck.

I blushed and avoided eye contact. "Sweetheart, I went to the wrong castle. I forgot my princess was in another one."
I noticed David's eyes dull momentarily, but light up brighter than ever.
"Sweetheart huh? And princess? Wow, you flatter me~"

He batted his dark eyelashes.
"Do you think I look like a princess?" He joked, twirling a short tendril of golden hair around his slim fingers.
I flushed, and finally glanced at David, who gave me a cheeky grin.

"I think you look like a prince, and honestly, I prefer princes."
I teased, a smile dawning on my face. David went pink, and he went in for a hug. I hugged him back, but I realized the hug was just a disguise to any neighbors, because he swiftly pecked me on the cheek before pulling away.

"Let's go get Ron." David smiled.
I nodded at him and the car lept into action, and I gunned it down the road. After a couple turns, we pulled in front of the Smith household, Ron standing in the driveway, munching on some raspberries in his hand.

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