Chapter 46: Comfort

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Exer and I were sitting on the cold tile of the bathroom floor, and I could feel Exer breathing as he hugged me tight, my.jewd on his chest. He was so warm, so nice. He even offered for Mr. Harry gave me a free therapy session when he got back. I really appreciated the notion, but when he told me to tell his father everything, I couldn't help but feel nervous.

This worried me because I didn't want to cause him the same pain I went through, although I doubt that Mr. Harry would react so harshly to the information that Exer wants me to tell him.

"Will you be with me?"
"Do you want me to be there?"
"Okay Daydream, I will."

I started giggling at a fresh thought, and Exer looked down at me, amused and confused.
He asked, eyes crinkling up as he smiled, his dimple appearing. Aw, cute.
"You're like Green Lantern! With the magic, and the green!"
He laughed and squeezed me tight.
"I guess I am! Now, about the green mist, can you see it?"

I thought about it as I looked at Exer, seeing Little green sparks float around him.
"Yeah, I think so. I see sparks. I wonder why I can see it now? I mean, only Jackson can."
I mused, thinking hard about the newly found power I had to see Exer's magic.
Exer nodded before making a giant misty swirl in the air.
"Can you see that?" He asked, looking at me. I still didn't like the magic, it scared me, but I nodded.

"What about this?"
I felt my eyes wide as I saw two clones of Exer in different outfits sitting by him.
"Oh shit! Uh... Yeah."
The magic creeped me out.

"Okay, last thing."
He made a giant heart in the air, and smiled at me hopefully. I couldn't help grinning as I nodded. Exer looked pretty happy, but also slightly confused as he helped me stand. When we entered Ken's room, it was surprisingly clean. Brenda had made the bed, tidied up, and even picked trash off the floor.

The cookie tin was under the bed, and both Ken and Brenda were flopped on their backs on the freshly made bed. Brenda looked tired and Ken had a huge grin on his face, flushed because Brenda was lying next to him. She wasn't holding his hand or anything, just lying on her back with her hands on her stomach, but I guess the thought of a girl other than Jolie willing to hang out with him made him happy.

"Ken, we're leaving, it's getting late." I huffed. Ken nodded before raising an eyebrow.
"David has to stay here."
Exer sighed.
"Right, I forgot."

Exer pulled me into a hug before quickly kissing me on the cheek without Ken or Brenda noticing before bolting away. I sighed quietly. Oh he was so sweet. I looked out the window and saw him making his way to his car as the sun set behind the horizon.

"David, hey, I brought you something!"
I ran over to Ken's closet and flung it open, just to see William. I recoiled, eyes wide.
"H-huh?! What happened to David?! What did you do to him?!"

William just stood there, chuckling darkly. I could have sworn I saw a dark red liquid dripping from his sickly looking fingers.
"Day?! What did you do to him you bastard?!"

My voice echoed around the room, and I dove for the ugly man in front of me. But he thrust his meaty hands out and locked them around my throat, lifting me off the floor slightly.

Sticky blood clung to the outer flesh of my throat, and I thrashed, kicking out at William, but he seemed unfazed. I tried to work my magic, but nothing happened. Of course the one time I needed this curse, it wouldn't work.

As the oxygen left my lungs and  my mind started going dark, I saw William's face contort and twist, fangs dripping with blood. I could have sworn I saw David on the floor behind him, lying limply in a growing pool of ruby.

The cracking sound of thunder woke me up with a yelp. Cold sweat trickled uncomfortably down the back of my neck as I breathed heavily. The nightmare still resonated in my mind, and I failed to shoo it away. The night terror has felt so horrifying, so real. But it wasn't real. I wasn't stupid, just because my mind made it up didn't mean it happened. It didn't mean it was a reality.

But I didn't take any chances. I stood and walked over to the phone on my desk just to realize the phone lines were down, and all I heard was the dial tone. Lightning snapped outside my window, causing me to jump and drop the phone.

I didn't bother to pick it up though, and instead I bolted over to my bed and jumped into it, pulling the covers over my head and trying not to panic. For some reason, ever since I was little, I was scared of storms. My dad always found that funny because David loved them.

But nonetheless, he'd scoop little me into his arms and hug me tight. We'd make shadow animals on the wall, heat up milk using a lighter, (although Dad always freaked out about cold air leaving the ice box;) and after drinking it, we'd always end up passed out on the couch, hugging each other.

This was the first storm that Dad wouldn't be with me in. Dad was still on his business trip after all. The one time I liked a storm, if you could even call it that,  was when it was two in the morning and David and I had our first kiss in the downpour of rain, which quickly cleared up thanks to my magic and the fireworks.

But I guess you couldn't really count that as a storm. An extremely loud roll of thunder cascaded from outside, causing me to yelp and burrow myself deeper under my blankets. I felt something hop into the top of the bed, soft paws padding to where my head was.

I heard Lucy's call, and she slipped her fluffy body under the blanket and curled up next to me, right on my chest. Then, she leaned forward and kissed my nose, eyes going emerald.

Dad was on a plane, looking at a picture of me. He kept checking his watch and tapping his foot. He seemed nervous, and something told me that he was worried about me, and how I was doing.

"In, two, three, four.... Out, two, three, four."
It was the breathing exercise we did together. It had always helped calm me down. Dad gently touched the picture of me and patted me on the head.

"Goodnight Exer, I love you son."

I gasped as I was jolted back into my own mind in Kingsmont. Lucy purred. I felt tears fill my eyes.

"I love you too Dad, goodnight old man."
I mumbled to myself, before bravely poking my head out of the covers and cradling Lucy right next to me.

"Thank you pretty kitty. I love you Lucy-Furr."
My voice came out in a coo as I rubbed the fine fur in-between her sparkling eyes. Even though the thunder crashed and shakes coursed through me, I slowly fell into a dreamless slumber.

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