Chapter 40: Somethin' Stupid

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"It hurts, it hurts so much!" I sobbed, gasping for breath as salty tears spilled like rivers down my pale cheeks. Exer looked at me, lip quivering and I could tell he was trying to be strong for me.

I grabbed his hands and clasped them to my chest.

"Fix it. Heal me, please I can't take this!" I gasped, choking for air.
"Use your magic, I don't want to feel this pain! I don't want to live with him! I don't want to be here, please Exer, help me!"

I wanted him to fix me, use his magic to make this gut wrenching feeling go away. Exer's eyes watered and he let out a sob as he flung his arms around me in a hug, shoulders shaking.

I felt anger boil inside me, curdling with the emotions I was feeling. I pulled away and hit him over and over again. Not hard or anything, I was just blinded by tears and emotions.

"Y-you promised I wouldn't h-have to stay with him! You promised!" I choked, and Exer pulled me back into a hug, just squeezing me, holding me tight.

"I know Day, I know. I'm so, so sorry..." Exer's words faded into him just shakily holding me, just wrapping me in a hug. I plopped my face onto his shoulder and felt myself go slightly limp.

I could hear my mother crying and yelling at the judge, yelling at Linda to let her go, but I could hear Linda crying too. When I opened my eyes, over Exer's shoulder I could see my father, standing in a nonchalant way, picking his teeth. He glanced at me, and I could have sworn I saw him smile.

Exer pulled away, wiping his eyes. Dad walked over to take me 'home', but when he was just about to grab my arm, Brenda lept in front of me.

"No you ugly carrot-looking ass! You won't take my brother!" She exclaimed, teary eyed and full of rage. He rolled his eyes.
"Move princess."

"No! I'm not your princess! I hate you, I do! You are such a a jerkwad!" She screamed, stamping her heeled foot. Dad went to push her away but Mom grabbed his arm.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on my baby." She snarled, eyes lit with a flame and her face damp.

"You just wait William, I'll get my son back. He won't have to suffer by your hand anymore. You. Just. Wait."

He snorted and rolled his eyes, glaring.
"Yeah, sure you will."

Mom was not having it and raised her well manicured hand up and smacked him right across the face.

"Oh William Miller, I hate your guts! The only good thing I got out of marrying you was my children! Now if you lay a single greasy FINGER on my pumpkin, Linda and I will beat your tomato-headed ass. Linda already did it once, you don't want to see what I can do."

Even though I was still panicked and upset, I couldn't help appreciating my mom. But it just made me sadder knowing I'd have to leave her.

Dad rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm.
"Come on champ."

I tried yanking my arm away to no avail.
"I thought you kicked me out!"
I snapped, eyes wide.
"Well I want you back, don't I?"
Dad just leered at me before glowering.

The next person to block my dad was Ron.
"No. You evil. You let David go."
He growled, doing his scary face. I had never seen him look so intimidating. Dad didn't flinch however. He just walked around Ron.

Ron took another step forward, but one of the police officers by the jury took his hand.
"Sorry kiddo, but you can't take him away from his father."
She adjusted her bun and patted him on the shoulder.

The final person to block our path was Exer.
He was in his father's suit, and it was slightly too big for him.

"Sir, please, don't take him. He's my best friend."
Exer's eyes were pleading, and he looked hopefully at my father, who's face turned the harshest when he saw Exer.

"He's more than that to you, isn't he, fairy?"
Dad whispered to Exer, before attempting to shove him out of the way. But Exer didn't move.

"At least let me say bye. He's been my best friend since we were eight." Exer pleaded, tears leaking heavily down his face.
Dad rolled his eyes.
"Fine. But you are never to see David again. Do you understand me? If you do, I'll move David to a different school."

My eyes widened and so did Exer's, but he nodded. Dad let my arm go and Exer bolted over to me, throwing his arms around my neck. It was the most emotional hug I've ever experienced. We were both crying, and Exer whispered to me as we hugged.

"May I kiss you, one last time?"
I nodded, and he took my face in his and kissed me passionately. A collective gasp sounded from around the room. The kiss was very salty from our tears and it was a very bittersweet thing. A mixture of sadness, grief, pain. I wanted it to last forever, but Dad yanked me away.

He shoved Exer over, eyes livid.
Then he death gripped my arm and dragged me out of the court. I heard Exer shout as I left.

"I love you David Miller!" It sounded like he had burst into tears.

"I love you Exer Campbell!" I called back. I felt hot tears of grief cascade down my cheeks and my father gave me such a glare that I didn't say anything, I just let him drag me out of there.

I clutched my chest as I heard the last words from my best friend as he left, and I finally broke down. I had been holding it in as best as I could, but the panic was too strong. I could see green, and the world seemed to shake. I started ugly crying, like that time at the lake. I needed my dad, and I needed David.

I could feel people staring at me, and then I heard terrified gasps as chairs started exploding. The windows shattered and walls shook as it really started to sink in.

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